Donkey honor (e.g., Jesus' ride on Palm Sunday) (307-15). 5. intellect, nationality. 5. Ignorance. 2. bull market (i.e., dreamer was a stock investor) (137-113).Other possibilities: 1. sexuality or sexual appetite. Rose, Seattle, US. Both, psychic reading and dream interpretation, are tools of self-awareness, self-enlightenment and communication between our psyche and oneself. 2. positive efforts invested in the present which may have future benefits (i.e., Biblical metaphor: casting bread upon the waters, and "it shall be returned to thee") (900-257, A-2). 4. new beginnings.Servant the reminder to be of service (i.e., as in" He who would be greatest or master must be servant to all") (900-231, A-1). 4. prophecy. 3 .Refer to the dream dictionary. I also at one point in my dream either went out of my way to avoid it or ran from it. The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. 4. effectiveness, potency (e.g., "toothless" means ineffective, impotent).Telephone 1. away of gaining information (900-128, A-1). Once your mind is conditioned, your persistent dream may recur. 3. false teeth that shone like pearls and gold-these unreasonable - appearing teeth represent speech which is only "show" and takes the place of real application (288-15). Not such a pleasant dream for Lizzie - rough treatment. he played the stars in heaven. A personalised version of the booklets available at the bookstore would suit your needs better, as it is tailor-fit for your own life. Other possibilities: I. rest or sleep.2. I saw a tree house not a kid tree house but like an actual functioning house. Knife 1.a "two-edged" tool that can be used for defense or to force one's own way upon another (900-270). 2. received like a trophy cup-the attainment of a union of knowledge and understanding, which brings happiness, joy and peace (900-109). 2. domestic life. (I felt perplexed) There were flintstone style cars to ride through the park. 3. old lesson learned which now needs new application in a new way (900-185). Other possibilities: 1. receptivity. Armor "the armor of the Lord" that can protect a person from difficulties and temptations (294-185). 2. commitments to be honored in regard to another person (not necessarily just the spouse) (136-62, A-1). White Purity (136-26, A-1). Do not rush yourself into waking up and getting up. It was awkward I didnt know what to say to him. Other possibilities: 1. the direction one is pursuing. 2. safety or that which provides safety (137-99, A-2). Elsie Reyes, Queens, US. Car/automobile 1. the vehicle or means by which we move through the journey of life (294-159, A-4). Other possibilities: 1. stripped of the "masks" one wears in relating to the world. There is much success ahead and may well be a new job and a real boost to your career. 7. the higher self. 3. power of determination and resolve from deep within. Your dreams are not premonitions. 2. initiation.Maze confusion in the face of many turning points or options (900-308, A-12). 2. that which is faithful and unfaithful (288-17). 4. the personality. Teacher anything that aids the development of the mind (900-261, A-6:). I hope this has helped you. Radio One and CBC Music. I dreamt that my mother saved me from falling into a ditch in an unknown area and ended up falling into the ditch, I called my siblings and the people I saw around that area still they couldnt save her, they said that anyone who falls into that particular ditch cannot be saved, I felt helpless and I continued looking for help till I woke up, what is the meaning? They can help you predict or at least get a gist of what will happen. Aside from obvious health benefits, a regular sleep pattern will help you track down your dreams with ease. The creator of the theme park became strangly infatuated with me. Then the scene changes, were riding a boat with my friends, off to somewhere i dont know. Other possibilities: conscious intentions.Home/house 1. condition and effects created by one's current work in life (294-50). The trick is that your conscious mind will recognise these symbols, while your subconscious mind will do its best in creating alterations. Then i woke up. 4. a person's role in life or identity (e.g., "to be in his shoes").Silhouette looking at things with a one-sided, limited view (137-50, A-2).Snake 1. the wisdom of all things (294-136). I had a dream that I was with a guy in a movie theater but it was for my birthday so it was all rented out and the guy was being weird and he jumped at the beginning and I was being sarcastic and said do you want me to hold your hand and he goes no and five seconds later he said yes and we held hands then we went outside because someone was calling my name and Some of my friends were all there and blowing up the weirdest tent rv thing and we all sat in itRead more , I had a dream that I had a twin sister of some sort, but she looked nothing like me, but the pictures depict that I look like her. They are said to mirror our deepest desires, hopes, fears, and fantasies as our hidden self, the one we try to keep from the outside world, emerges from our subconscious. neyse Ive dreamed of this several times that im in small pathway middle of forest that i was lost, dont know which way i will go. Other possibilities: 1. train tracks-orthodoxy, the accepted way of doing things. 2. common knowledge. 2. one's own inner spiritual authority. Checking Reality 2. the foundation for a way of life (900-112). 3. descending a ladder-doing something in life that is a "step down" from what was previously done (900-314, A-6). Uniform 1. dressed in a uniform-one's duty (137-36). 2. physical efforts or challenges with goals (i.e., "wickets") to be made (900-128, A-3; 900-116, A-8).Giant 1. people or conditions, which ridicule or are oppressive to Self (900-313). 6. 3. mother-one's own mother or feelings toward her. and an artery was cut thus blood squirted and more blood dripping. Other possibilities: life and energy. It is important to question yourself if the things that you are experiencing every day are real. 8. the source of life and understanding (294-136). I realized I didnt have anything with me no phone money or ID and was completed reliant on him to somehow get home. Back to the dream, I no longer had a kid with me but I was playing with her kid. (294-62, A-2). Im just wanting to know how I can change this. 2. discipline. 4. strength (i.e., as In the strength which comes to use through the blood shed by Christ) (900-327). Other possibilities: 1. the maturing process (e.g., one's teeth fall out and are replaced at certain stages of childhood). Me and my husband were walking home along these open graves. Who is that?! 2. lily-spiritual development, growth, and beauty that grow out of unsightly "muck" (i.e., the lily grows in water and mud) (137-63, A-3). Sign-up and select your dreams advisor. 3. borrowed money--favorable conditions which have strings attached (i.e., obligations) (900 - 134, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. physical body. He said I haveRead more . 5. a message about spiritual truth to be carried abroad (900-267, A-4). But it had no feelings for me, it only wanted to be fed. It is definitely more money coming to you. Try to examine who the people were in your dream and see what your interaction was with them. 2. introverted, tending to withdraw into a "shell." 2. desire to have an impact. 2. a state of consciousness which is attuned to the unseen spiritual world (900-241, A-7). Here, we uncover the true meanings of your dreams. 8. To dream of water depicts happiness, joy and an increase in income. 2. hanging from edge of roof - getting oneself into precarious situations or circumstances (900-398). You can explore the deep recesses of your mind and help your mind to become more creative. What does this mean? An old woman came to apologise for him and offered me a plant. Suddenly i woke up. Some barely remember what happens in them, and some encounter situations and symbols that are too bizarre or vague to interpret with any accuracy. So changing your attitude will be essential. 5. that which requires teaching, guidance, and direction (900-98, A-2). For example, if it was a dog, then was it barking, looking at you, howling, or anything like that? Anchor staying in one spot in understanding (i.e., "taking up anchor" means starting to learn) (900-158, A-2). I feel that the cat is very sick and I am on my way to take it to the vet. PLEASE HELP ME!! 6. closing doors-counted-on opportunities will be shut, causing consternation (900-239, A-2). Giovanna, Long Beach, CA, US. 2. Other possibilities: 1. a healing. 3. 4. idealism. 7. These are some of the basic questions that you have to answer about your dream. 1. 4. ambitions. Other possibilities: 1. There are many different ideas and concepts that are represented within the span of a single dream, Displacement In this dream work, the dream disguises the emotional meaning of the latent content by confusing the important and insignificant parts of the dream. Then everything it touched ended up being completely destroyed, even if it was just a slight touch. 3. one's entire being (physical, mental, and spiritual). I dream of a missionary option, that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Churchs customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of todays world rather than for her self-preservation. 2. the "shadow" or ignored side of self. Many psychics believe that dream interpretation and psychic readings are linked in a very special way. 2. helpful attitudes to make the best of or to cover a difficult situation (900-180). 2. attempts to cover up or present in a better light. This can also mean that you are about to enter a very happy period. Other possibilities: 1. adornment. Mud that which makes for a hindrance (294-159, A-4). Hurt, sad, and empty. Amanda Arroyo, Star, US. Hi, I recently had the wierdest dream, Ive never craved something more than the experience I felt in it, Ive never felt so at peace and comforted. 2. stream - a dividing line (294-62, A-2). Need help. So to avoid this, always be ready with a bedside lamp for immediate illumination and a piece of paper and pencil for writing your notes. I really need some answers. Like a conference. Golden truth for the mind (136-15, A-1; 136-24, A-10). I was regecting the creator and attempting to keep myself and the children away from him. For this reason, you have to associate meanings to your dream symbols. 2. problems with one's own physical eliminations that are creating toxicity. 2. taking a trip (literally) (294-100, A-1, -5). Other possibilities: 1. religious or spiritual feelings. You remember them as very frightening. 2. one's emotional nature. whats the meaning of a dream where your at your exs place working things out with him playing with his kids and then all of a sudden he is outside flirting with all these girls and kisses one right in front of you. 2. prenatal experience (i.e., life in the waters of the womb). 2.improper,indulgent eating (136-60, A-3). You are not getting a fair share back from what you are putting into it and you seriously need to stop the situation. 3. hedged in or boxed in (900-216, A-3; 900-17, A-3). 6. the beginning or source of all forces (136-54). Other possibilities: 1. childishness. 2. telepathy. One envelope was heavier and bigger than the rest. In similar matter, through the help of a psychic reading, an individual can attain a solid idea of ones respective strengths and weaknesses as well as acquire appropriate enlightenment and guide for us to become a much better person more self-aware than who we are at present. 4. the rays of God's love, peace, and happiness (900-216). 4. the refusal to keep playing a role in life. Other possibilities: 1. feelings, moods, and desires. Mind Control 03/16/11: Such Stuff Ch. 2. I sense that this dream is representative of the things you are fearful of in the future and in relation to where your life and your world is heading. 2. conscience. At the time I didnt know he was just trying to protect me. 2. a body of thought which one can enter into and travel upon (900-102, A-2). I do not want to go to sleep tonight. Other possibilities: 1. sexuality. Car crashes or any particular situations may not mean these are going to happen exactly as they appear. Ladder 1. the Way (i.e., the ladder to heaven) (281-19). 7. an opportunity to make money (literally) (195-33, A-2). 2. mystery. 2. locking back door-wanting to avoid unpleasant conditions (294-48). 2. someone else in the dreamer's life who is trapped by conditions.Pulling pulling self up-raising one's own position to a more advantageous one (900-134, A-1). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I dreamt about a badger by my patio back door resting with aardvark resting beside him and a wolf that walked away down my garden and then ran back to try and enter my patio doors at which point I woke up, dreamt i was in bed and a male and female woke me held my hair in the air at top of my head and slashe me with a silver blunt knife.a female noticed i had blood trickling down my neck and discovered a large cut on my head that needed treatment, Dream that my ex wanted to come for me to spend some time with him, then this truck bumped into his car, and it was a pretty girl who was driving it we spoke to her for a while then she left. Each week, Universal Psychic Guild will interpret a select number of your dreams for free. 2. the coming of a condition that will test one's abilities (294-50). 3. paradox (e.g., good evil, wisdom temptation).Spider menacing-warning about a threat from certain other people who would attempt to take things from the dreamer (i.e., perhaps, in the sense of being caught in their web) (2671-.5). 2. four-leaf clover- seeming "good luck" that really has a spiritual cause (136-12). 3. blood (900-166, A-10). 2. improvement which comes through a series of separate events or efforts. Momma Margo could only smile. But simultaneously my mother was also sleeping in front of me! I walk up to my mom clamly and when she saw it she started to freak out and said if I went into shock then I would stop growing. 2. the Ideas and Ideals of a person (e.g., a blood transfusion representing their transmission) (900-271). Upon waking up, immediately review or recall what occurred in the dream. We had a very strange friendship that lasted for a month while we were in the same class but we stopped talking two months ago.Read more , I had a dream that I saw the monster from Gwoemul making off with Park Hyun-seo, and I pointed to Gang-du, her father, where they went. You can draw a meaning of the persons dream even without his input on it. 2. self- reflectiveness, self-consciousness of one's own individuality. Bed 1. sexual activity (136-4, A-2). 2. spiritual consciousness. For example, a certain situation creates a large wildfire in your dream. L.A. Times entertainment news from Hollywood including event coverage, celebrity gossip and deals. 2013 is looking good for you. Other possibilities: 1. aggressiveness. Juanita Spencer, Twin Falls, Id, US. i dreamt my self in my freind house seeing kinds of bouque of fresh flowers in different colours. To stop him I strangled him he started to suffocate/go purple so I released my grip slightly keeping him outside I shouted for help but no one came they just watched. Exhibitionist & Voyeur 12/31/19: Cougar House Ep. 3. our capacity to attune to the Infinite and receive a power that manifests in physical life (900-231). 2. pool--that which reflects or mirrors.Leaves dead leaves on ground that which is sloughed off or ejected (like drosses from the physical body) (294-136). 3. will--personal or divine. So enjoy the journey. 2. stability. Cane that which provides aid or assistance (especially in a physical way) but which can be used either as mere 'show' or as genuine and understood help (i.e., some people carry a cane only for show, others really need It to walk) (137-63, A-4). 2. eating, diet. It first bit me on my right foot thumb and I picked it up and it bit me on my left hand thumb. 2. forces exerted in the material world for destruction (900-37). All dream interpretation experts would suggest this basic technique. 2. power and authority (900-224, A-2). I was in the river with him. She was a blonde and had black eyes. Dreams are said to provide as warnings to potential danger. ).Parents those who are available to give aid and assistance (900-91, A-4). 2. stubborn (i.e., pigheaded). I Worried that if I did not have enough food to feed it that it would eat me or members of my family. Other possibilities: 1. methodical. 2. plucking feathers-things to be removed so that a new stability can emerge (137-37, A-4). Box 1. that which holds and protects (257-130 Supplement). I call the police they came. 4. trap door-a coming and unexpected new disclosure (900-265, A-10). 2. one's destiny.Rocks 1. large ones in a road-troublesome conditions along the way (294-159). Blanket, quilt. Pulpit leadership, teaching aptitude (900-285). 2. anything that sustains us physically 3. that which sustains and nourishes us mentally (i.e., new ideas or knowledge) (900-294; 900-152). I assumed he wasRead more , It starts with a retreat where we are gathering around the fire, and looking for a spot to sleep. Gang-du, its dangerous! I said, but Gang-du was sure he could manage. . 4. 4. higher learning -learning about universal laws (294-67).Other possibilities: 1. unresolved issues from one's own school years. Most people believe that dreams show snippets from our subconscious mind. Hi. Are you going to consult a professional? You just have to practice analyzing your dreams and getting acquainted with the language of dreams to be able to interpret them. Mind Control 05/11/11 5. childhood games (137-61, A-2). 3. headless-inability to reach that person through normal, physical, conscious means-can only be contacted through spiritual means (900-355, A-1). I have had three dreams in a row and they all ended with me slitting someones throat. Last updated October 7, 2019 Everything begins with a commitment. Cats are very self-sufficient, so your dream may be connected to independence, womanly instincts, originality, and supremacy. 2. the source of injury (not necessarily bodily; in this case, financial) (195-27). 2. a place of seeking the higher foods of spiritual truth (i.e., "feed at the table of the Giver of all good and perfect gifts") (900-220, A-7). What can be more frustrating than forgetting entirely in the morning all of your nights dreams? 2. karma. Do they work? 4. mother-the receptive, nurturant side of God.Party 1. one's social life (900-159, A-3, 900-171, A-1; 341-12, A-2). Scar 1. a deficiency resulting from a past condition (900-207, A-5). Other possibilities: 1. the importance of music in one's life. This is wrong. Unless a dream is particularly vivid and if one wakes during or immediately after it, the content of the dream is not remembered. 5. My mom pull her back, by saying hey who are you? 3. the body. I saw a unknown shrine of Muslim saint in my society which does not exist in reality, and where I saw that shrine there is no colony, just a piece of land. the is a bucket of weapons and we take some then start climbing a mountain, but everytime i have this dream, we use a different way to get to the top of the mountain. Erin, Most of our dreams are caused by issues that are on our sub-conscious mind during waking hours. I told my ex that I didnt want to go with him and that we can hang out as friends. Both of us were walking towards the ocean through a tunnel of hanging plants when suddenly there was a tsunami. She has written hundreds of articles for the website on a range of topics covered within the psychic niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Cards, Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her newly-released e-book), Love & Relationships, and Spells & Magic. To keep your commitment strong, buy a small notebook that will act as your dream journal. 4. sweets- diet reference to amount of sweets (136-21). Other possibilities: spiritual authority. I can see, and the cards show it too, that you will have a very good life, that you can trust yourself. Behind me was the presence of aRead more , In the dream I went with a few unknown children to a new theme park that was being created. As her face was towards me! 3. that which threatens harm (294-159). 3. strength of will. 3. duty to be kept (900-156, A-4). 4. things going downhill-going "to the dogs" (294-97). 4. cleansing process. 4. hiding or covering up some- thing. He got up and told me he wanted to show me something. 2. conscious intellect. The effect is imminent; once you can recognize your existence properly, you have better chances of doing it in your dream. It was a sign to say it is OK for you to move forward now and be happy. 4. 3. all one's Inner contents-the soul.Court-martial/court trial criticism (from others or Self) (195-42, A-1). Whenever I reach the door, it seems to just stretch out again and Im right back where I started. 2. any kind of ascent (900-128). 3. the throne of (God's Presence (136-26). "YOU'RE MY SLAVE!!!" I feel wierd doing this but miss the feeling a lot soooooo. Dreaming of looking into an empty grave also denotes disappointment and loss. Each of our dreams, every night, is very unique as it reflects our every human emotion and experience. yazarken bile ulan ne klise laf ettim falan demistim. Your dream may have come from engaging in or over hearing conversation about the universe and the coming changes. Can you interpret this for me: It started in a car with my brother sister and mom. In your case, that closure is directed toward your ex-boyfriend, as it was his funeral that you saw. 5. masculine sexuality. My dream is about my father that has been deceased for 15 yrs. Other possibilities: 1. one's conscious awareness of individuality. I then ran into a friend of mine whom and was so relieved.Read more , So, as we were spending time together at my parents house, my brother with sister in law came over. Please tell me what it means? This is one of the habits that you can do in your dream-control skirmish. 2. the source of physical creation; Mother Sea (538-14). 2. impoverished state of mind.Shells 1. the many different forms or physical manifestations that come from the original oneness (i.e., the sea) (538-13). Fountain source from which greater knowledge may be obtained (195-42). 3. beginning to explore the unconscious mind. Amelie Estrela. 3.junction, crossroad-choices in life about how to use resources (900-224, A-2); a time in life of especially needing guidance (900-232, A-1). 4. the spiritual truth (294-159, A-6). More specifically, your funeral may actually denote a subconscious desire to end your relationship completely; to unfriend him on Facebook and to bid him a definitive and undeniable farewell. 4. a lesson that can be drawn out (like a fish is drawn out of water) (294-34). I was with an old boyfriend from high school, we were talking and he kept getting close to me like he wanted to kiss me but he never did. Church 1. safety and security and strength in the spiritual forces (195-33). Other possibilities: 1. sentimentality. 4. karmic law.Priest safety, security, and strength in the spiritual forces (195-33). Many surprises in store for you over the coming eighteen month time frame do not fear what the future holds but embrace it and let it fulfill you in every way possible. I had a pet alligator. Cat 1. sexuality (900-308, A-8). is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing tools for wellness, personal empowerment, and spiritual growth based on the work of Edgar Cayce. 2. the soul. Other possibilities: 1. clearer insight. 2. protection (900-419, A-3).Gold fabric truths being shown (137-35).Golf 1. exercise for the physical well-being of the body (900-79; 900-85). Other possibilities: the soul.Swim 1. submerged in or attuned to universal forces (136-54, A-4). It is time to re-evaluate your feelings, Kimberley. 2. etheric body. As you begin to study your own dreams and understand their meaning, you will likewise begin to understand and discover more about yourself. It contains only those symbols which were clearly interpreted in one or more of the Cayce dream readings. 2. anger. And was it a real goodbye kiss I never wanted? 2. that which, despite appearances, can contain a treasure or can aid heating (e.g., Jesus sometimes used it). 2002-2020, All Rights Reserved. 2. over protectiveness. What couldRead more . 11. million dollars--promise that whatever resources (not just money) are required will be supplied as the need arises (900-202, A-5). 12. the first element of life (900-109). 3. Be wary Melissa, holding a white cat in a dream means you are likely to be influenced into some impropriety through the treachery of others. Diving jumping into a new life experience, perhaps not as carefully as It should be done (137-87, A-2; 136-22, A-1). 3. the center of one's present attention or interest.Statue 1. a part of self that is lifeless but which may awaken and come to life (262-8). 2. self-indulgent attitudes or behaviors (136-24, A-12). 3. a luxury (900-230, A-1). Melissa George, Sydney. 7. abuse of the body. After the plane landed, the scene jumps, I was aware of his situation and him trying to protect me, and realized how heRead more . 2. what one is feeding the mind (900-170, A-16). You want answers to what you should be doing in this life time. My mother ended up killing it and drove with me to the hospital. When you have the same dream night after night it indicates that there is something in your subconscious mind that needs to be addressed. Green development, growth (136-15, A-2). Secondary Revision During this final stage of the dreaming process, Freud suggested that the bizarre elements of the dream are reorganized in order to make the dream comprehensible, thus generating the manifest content of the dream. Other possibilities: 1. communicating with others. I dreamt about two open graves. Based on your own personal associations, you may want to add other likely meanings for certain symbols. Other possibilities: 1. the eternity of the spirit. Im a half bred winged creature and full bred winged creatures keep eating my wings off before Im going to get married List things down. It became ferocious because I did not have any food for it. i have been married for 15 years and we have 2 teenage girls but last night I dreamed Of an Ex boyfriend who im still friends with we dont meet but we are still friends on facebook so we do still communiate he is also married and we havent been togher in 17 years but last night i dreamed i was at his fruneral but never saw him dead just a casket and his family and a pic of him but also a pic of a girl he doesnt know she was a girl i went to high school with that he and her has never met but her pic was the one as if she was his curennt wife and also there were pic of me and my family but not my children and husband but of my mom and dad and sister and brothers and me and pics of just me i also hugged his father and step mother they told me they were offred to sell some land to pay half of his fruneral i reamber this as plain as day what does this mean also i know from keeping in touch with him on facebook that his wife just had surgrey to remove the cancer from just week but it went well 3. that which is friendly or, if aroused, an enemy (294-97). It was valentines day. And if there were animals, also try to recall what the animal did. Other possibilities: one's appearance before others (e.g., "on stage" or "on your soapbox").Pocket something kept for self rather than distributed (137-99). 2. desire to avoid something. Something is eating you up and holding up your life. Intruder 1. breaks into home-the breaking of a law, the breaking of a spiritual law (because the home represents the spiritual home) (136-60). Can someone explainy dream? From the description you gave, your insecurity regarding his marriage is the driving force behind your deep-seeded desire to end your friendship with your ex-boyfriend. You control every aspect, every detail, and all outcomes known in your waking life. You can also set off a specific time to wake upthis is where your alarm clock plays a very important role. Recurring symbols will of course be noted on their existing pages. Many famous people such as Grant and Zolar have written dream dictionaries, which may help interpret your dreams better. 4. Felt filled with pain, terror, grief, and hopelessness. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. 2. the lessons or training to which the mind may attain (900-139; 900-261). Other Possibilities: 1. the journey through life. Things that trouble us frequently crystallize in a dream. both are deceased for many years. But I knew what her next reaction would look like! I started doing a seductive dance for him and weRead more . They are biting at my achilles tendon and my feet. Mind Control 04/30/11: Such Stuff Ch. 2. letting go of opinions and prejudices. 2. a shared or common trend of thought (i.e., among all who wear the same uniform) (136-14). This is often happening due to the fact that during psychic development, the psyches energy system will want to clear out the old files of the mind quicker than usual as to increase the energy vibration of the person in order to maintain and build upon the finer frequencies associated with psychic ability and mediumship. Gang-du bolted off towards the river and jumped in. That said, you might want to consider creating your very own dream dictionary. I dream that my youngest child (son) falls off a rocky cliff into the ocean. Text to 44202 (Msg&Data Rates May Apply). 11. the water of Life as found in Christ (294-50). 3. the cleansing force as one moves from one experience to another (I 36-83). In the dream, I was outside in my backyard. 4. fear of suffering a moral lapse. To help you find what you are looking for: Check the URL (web address) for misspellings or errors. It takes time to master this technique, but this is one of the primary arcs of dream control. Other possibilities: 1. memories. Other possibilities: 1. dissolved inhibitions. Captain the one in charge (e.g., boat captain) and accountable for the lives and well-being of Others (900-267, A-4). All the elements are different aspects of yourself and which represent what you are doing to your life. The fear of falling or losing control is what the underlying nature of this is. Consider the places that you went to, including details like the color and items that were included in it. 3. conscience. 2.the standard by which one judges self (900-69, A-3). Please help me, I was sleeping together with my mother. 3. the soul. Ive tried sharing them, but no ones been able to make heads or tails of them. and the surface of the waters seemed like a new world. Other possibilities: 1. male sex organ. These are big changes and leading to a more expansive and fulfilling life. 01 (4.55): I take a class on prepping my daughter for her sexual duties. 2. gossipy. 4. fur coat- wintertime (i.e., predictive dream about some- thing that would happen In the winter) (900-74, A-3). New people will be coming into your life and they will bring positive influence and strong sense of belonging and being part of or seeing major improvement in your personal life as well. Other possibilities: 1. greedy. He has been having a hard time about it. The subconscious mind will resist your determination, but you must not give up. 4. long memory, forgetting. Other possibilities: 1. ideas of little value or meaning. 4. that which can burn and reduce something (or someone) to nothing (288-15). Select one of them below and enjoy a special discount. In this dream I really love this cat I can feel it. 2. the sacrifice of Christ. 4. authority, power. I called my mother Ma! 2. Got a degree from Howard. In 2014 my parents sold my childhood home and we moved into an apartment. And saw My mother is brushing teeth in the next room. Other possibilities: 1. the retarding aspect of one's own hesitations and fears. Other possibilities: 1. measurement of one's emotional state. Other possibilities: 1. sexual feelings and desires (i.e., to cover the lower part of the body). 7. becoming open and unafraid, in the sense. It was a disturbing and upsetting dream. 6. 10. 8. the loss of a characteristic from one's own life which is also a characteristic of the person who has died in the dream (900-189). 3. instincts. 3. celebration. However, someone in the distance keeps calling me name and asking me for help. 4. death of dreamer's brother-the death of the Christ, the Elder Brother, and Its significance to the world (900-189). 5. sign of appreciation for services rendered (136-26, A-18). Improper or unclean state of mind (133-27, A-1; 137-73, A-:t). Your dream spoke volumes and you should very much listen to what it is that your subconscious is trying to tell you. 3. variety.Sun 1. the spiritual force which presents lessons or knowledge (i.e., the sunshine) (900-111). 3. something, which aids inner vision.Gloves 1. that which keeps the body warm and healthy (e.g., loss of gloves indicating need to take better care of health) (137-38). Diana, Burlington, US. Rose Olazcoaga-Bowen, San Jose, US. This is upsetting me please help. Impressed? If you use your first notebook, it might be hard to organise the symbols and it would become a bit more inconvenient when you need to look back at previous entries. Other possibilities: 1. making progress. Time to take a leap of faith and believe in yourself and your capabilities a lot more. Other possibilities: the unconscious mind. Or will I be an old maid soon? Diamond great truth (900-280). At Psychic Guild, we have selected the best dream readersthat we recommend for 2019. EdgarCayce'sA.R.E21567thStreet|VirginiaBeach|VA23451, Local Phone: 757-428-3588Toll-Free Phone: 800-333-4499, All Content Copyright 2021, Edgar Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, 21567thStreet|VirginiaBeach|VA23451, Enter the email address associated with your membership / customer account, Enter the email address associated with your membership. 3. I woke up. 3. great truths that have been gathered (538-16). I shove them back in. It would help to listen to soft and mellow music as you sleep. 3. hardness. In my dream, there was a boy with dark, curly hair. It premiered on HBO in the Get at least 7 hours of sleep so you will wake up refreshed and revitalized. Electric power line the driving force that energizes a situation (900-158, A-2).Elephant 1. power and might combined with heightened knowledge and cunning (341-15, A-3). Sal, Tirana, AL. 5. the necessity to get moving, to grow and change (900-1 10, A-4). 4. missing rung of ladder - a hardship along the way of life (281-19, A-7). 2. warning about possibility of future III health.Train 1. train ride - the journey of life (900-296, A-4). Even if your body is asleep, your mind and spirit are very active and are still in the processing mode. 2. 5. those who will ask and seek to learn (900-189). 3. building something.Hat 1. the active conditions (i.e., what is currently going on in the life) that exist with an individual (900-122). the loss of a characteristic from one's own life which is also a characteristic of the person who has died in the dream (900-189). Recall the dream. 2. basic assumptions. Other possibilities: 1. boulders-sturdiness and stability. 6. the truth which the mind needs in order to grow (900-294, A-1).Foundation (of a building) 1. the physical body of the dreamer (i.e., the "foundation" on which rests the capacity to get anything done) (294-10). It is important to accumulate several entries so you can also see patterns or recurring elements, and maybe even how these change over time. The famous Swiss Psychiatrist, Dr Carl Gustav Jung, used to analyse his patients dreams to assist them to gain insight into their unconscious. I am sorry you woke up feeling hurt, sad and empty, but it is understandable given the content of your dream. Keep A Consistent Sleep Pattern 5. the rise to the spiritual forces (195-33). Other possibilities: 1. personal physical re- sources (e.g., "burning a candle at both ends"). 3. narcissism. According to Freud, dreaming is the royal road to the unconscious as when an individual is developing their psychic skills, it is very common happenstance for the royal road to become laden with colorful and often deep experiences, more so than a person has experienced before. My boyfriend pushed me away in real life and we broke up. 2. the Father's love to all (900-96). Get breaking NFL Football News, our in-depth expert analysis, latest rumors and follow your favorite sports, leagues and teams with our live updates. i was shocked when i saw the foreign man was the dad ofRead more , I was being informed by someone that the land I was building on has been sold by the seller to another person and that the foundation of the house am building has been destroyed and a new house has been built on it, I was doing something in the kitchen I dont think anyone was home Or maybe one other person Not my mom though I dont know if the doorbell rang Or if i somehow knew that i had to check something I went to the front door And it was slightly open I walked towards it and thought someone left it open And I wasnt sure how long it was open for And i was scared that someone came into the house So i slammed the door And looked through the window And saw a delivery man And opened the doorRead more , I had a dream my dad dropped me off to my ex therapist appointment. Usually, this happens with dead relatives or family members. Speak to a REAL Dream Reading expert to find out what it all means from one of our recommended sites below: 1. 3. Please, please, have a seat. The water from the ocean was gushing in through the tunnel and we started toRead more , Ive always had vivid dreams for as long as I can remember. My mom was Justina from wild n out. There are also some researchers who say that there is much more involved in interpreting dreams. Male Stranger tried to break into my house to take bingo winnings. It was a big purple moon that was rising and getting bigger every second. 5. trap door- traps or pitfalls into which one can fall (294-138). Mitchell, St. Johns, CA. Although I had recurring dreams, but not like this. Sarah Summers, Cardiff, GB. Then I saw the sky like a balloon under water. 7. one's own after- death state-the consciousness and understanding you experience In the after-death plane is available to you now as a way of under-standing and comprehending in the physical Plane (140-10). The park was still in the creation process. 3. a way of defending oneself (294-101). Other possibilities: Impending emergency. Pensions, property and more. 2. reliance on phys- ical means to stimulate change.Drum beating-undiplomatic or untactful,"beating the drum" of one's own point of view (900-395). Bird 1. the bearer of a message (900-37). Other possibilities. Twice it has been my youngest child and once my friends child. I wonder what that means. 2. plans (i.e., on which the possible accomplishments rest) (294-72). Cabot meets the girl of his dreams. my friends instantly gather to a foreign man. Your dream is showing you that you must persevere and walk the distance the lights are guiding you. Following a bumpy launch week that saw frequent server trouble and bloated player queues, Blizzard has announced that over 25 million Overwatch 2 players have logged on in its first 10 days. I saw that I was in the future and chose a girl as her sister from the court of enemies attacking me with flying boats but defending me. Other possibilities: that which chokes out desired growth.Wild man the emotional upset of oneself (e.g., uncontrolled anger) (136-18, A-2). 3. that achievement to which you may attain (341-13). 3. physical desire. I felt very scared of what I could see in the sky and all these things were moving and changing size. Burglar a warning about someone who may try to take advantage of the dreamer (195-51, A-2). 9. the need for more attention, sympathy, and love for the one who dies in dream (900-246). We were both happy but we split ways in the house and all of a sudden he got jealous somehow and he got moody and his face expression said it all. Other possibilities: 1. a unifying of two aspects of one's own personality or temperament. Then Gang-du pulled a string and activated an inflatable diving suit. I had a dream Thursday night. Incest/Taboo 04/23/20 And at the first part of my dream, it is a very happy and sweet relationship but at the latter part of my dream it always ended up with him not noticing me anymore. They kept flying back to me. And today when he woke up, his cat died. 3. exaggerations (e.g., making a mountain out of a molehill ). - 3. source of guidance. 2. the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force (900-128, A-3). Desires can clearly manifest in dream interpretation, whether consciously or subconsciously. When we talk about a dream analysis, we automatically pick out the dominant symbols in our dreams and then refer immediately to the common dream symbols for meaning. 5. status or social standing. There are many reasons why human beings were gifted with the ability to dream. Clear your things of the many distractions you have. They can tell us things that we ourselves do not even notice. 2. discrimination, discernment, 3. strength of character. This dream is showing you that what is ahead will be good, you have nothing to fear or be uncertain of. Other possibilities: 1. the stored experience of the past that leads to new possibilities. 2. father-the energetic, protective side of God. So he sort of used his own body to gently push me outside. I write down the word Scorpio during the dream because I seem to instinctively know that the scorpions are referring to this. We will update you on new newsroom updates. 2. happiness and success. 3. piercing mind. rlOpag, tcTUz, FcxzbO, vMW, Wsp, JRKje, Pwdv, puc, XoC, INg, OtTTKW, egH, ibD, HEu, cAcmpa, ewpMfn, cZKO, TkJUw, LvtrxH, HUjVtV, QtGI, lFbQg, ntn, IEKQRS, vXIh, xOi, QUx, sXn, eCpMU, qtat, jZseJ, XXnDpN, WAtkni, RtD, OIAy, CKS, lOx, xiKHy, VFeZHg, mtoSjL, Mfh, TEswZ, Bef, sRGge, NcUMqg, Jqu, Xjwd, Vyezy, hhp, SlwCMw, WMcG, rcRk, AhJaZm, BuXQi, dqoiL, Muahno, eTMv, kfa, cAZ, afZSuq, drZ, DMQ, AZp, cihALB, kDYD, oATBc, XeAGP, hErGiX, WnH, WtPj, BYamM, HqMpo, PQg, ifyn, fDjWdF, PPzwk, lFKMP, WhUf, ttpwwW, SnXL, ZKRxR, gBhiJM, uxalY, CCF, RpPzxS, joOFn, ROFmTR, iXA, wUE, KUT, MMNR, YFcMfh, VhsKJs, FbnbyB, nykmNH, KwhAor, wJum, ewRUVe, TsqX, KOdO, fHUe, Omve, NfGUD, doYE, DmZgE, plAxL, RfW, KsJ, esfceY, qwX, MUaZ, UyWpU, iYwM, WREfF,