Its important to realize that a functioning community of size requires a spectrum of types based on abilities, job qualifications, and pursuits. Private Prisons My point is that Iran (Persia) is an ancient enemy of the Jews. Oh, it materialised but it was swamped by post election finds of uncounted ballots, as is too often the case. Your people are about to get their well-deserved comeuppance, not only here in North America, but in the Eastern Mediterranean. Were in the early stages of a dark age, but hopefully it will end and there will be another Renaissance in a few hundred years. Egypts president Sadat realized that the Soviets had no intention of helping the Arabs win the war; that the Soviets in selling them some equipment were only trying to trap Egypt in the Soviet net. All other forms of Christianity are DOA. So that (environment, not race) explains why children of the poorest of white parents have higher SAT scores than the children of the highest income bracket black parentts? And it is the social construct that defines this genetic trait as a detriment (violence) instead of as a quality (ability to fight to protect yourself or others). If youre too dumb or afraid to also notice/discuss those patterns, youre the one with the problem, not us. My Late Uncle was a Command Sergeant Major (Highest Operational Enlisted Ranking of E-9), Korea and Vietnam 2 Purple Hearts IIRC.[21]Body cam video shows police officer planting drugs Young White Core Americans must make 220 by 2040 a well advertised and well known environmental goal for the population of the USA. All the Christian nations were shockingly cruel, but the US was arguably the worst of all. Yet she worried about Ernest endlessly, describing him to her aunt Bessie at this point as still the man of my dreams.. My Asian Uncles and Cousins attended the Top Universities of the Country. Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and religion, with a special focus on National Socialism in Germany. or how Ilya Muromets helped the Cossacks get rid of the Maidan Idolish: Well, Brad, capitalism, in my opinion, being a form of cancer, ie insatiable and REQUIRING unending growth or it stagnates and dies, must be destructive. For those who do work, the paltry wages they receive often go right back to the prison, which charges them for basic necessities like medical visits and hygiene items. Four mixed kids I befriended growing up with went to Annapolis during my time frame. The army will come down on you in a flash. Training is key here, but we also need to recognize that Africans do have a heritage of being adapted to endurance running and that running is a sport thats not nearly as expensive as other sports, doesnt require special equipment and facilitiespoor Africans have a much better chance of being able to compete at elite levels. Third, 53% of voters said immigrants help the nation and just 39% said they hurt the nation. (Obviously, the relevant issue at the moment is, As we know, Jewish donors are dominant funders of both parties. For a couple, they all support teaching Darwin in the schools, fully aware of what this does to the birth rate. Funny question, Franny. They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. Feminist dogma eliminates corporal punishment as only justifying violence. One reason wages are so low in many parts of the US a cause on a par with Wal-Mart is that its cheaper to hire convicts[33]Cheaper to hire convicts Most of these were communist Jews. So who is behind all of this? Abolish all mala in se (mala prohibitum) laws and statutes. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? 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This result will be to punish our land, not by fire and brimstone, but by a bloody and devastating internal war once again. That previous system had things like capital punishments for shopliftingturns out execution works great. They share no moral compass with people who actively practice Christian principles (non-violence) or Rabbinical teachings., [32] Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2022 Le Pen vs. Macron: Is France On the Move? Also, in some of these countries, if caught red handed there is no trial, things are dealt with right on the spot. Be fair theyve only been the source of European troubles for the last 2,200 years. As we know, Jewish donors are dominant funders of both parties. Democracy at its finest. His parents were both in the revolutionary Weather Underground and were put away for many years for murder. Whitey cant just cut and run even if he tried like this blind jackass here. Strictly enforced. Im all for Secession, secession of 355 +million sovereign individuals, no 8 billion sovereign individuals. In a case that contains all the elements of official state corruption and under-the-table payments for the purpose of feeding the private prison system, a state chemist in Massachusetts was discovered to have falsified thousands of drug and other tests, almost certainly with the knowledge and participation of the prosecutors and the judges. This exclusive will operate in the same way that Amschel Rothchild proclaimed in the 18th Century, i. e., that whomever controls the currency controls everything. If you want unions to do actual good, dont do unions. If you want to live free or die, then take action. Although today [emailprotected] people cherish, guard, and protect their African heritage and sometimes violently reject Koreans, Sikhs, Flips and others who try to horn in on the people of colour coalition for personal advancement and gain. This very naturally and predictably constitutes anti-law propaganda. Same with Greece and Hungary and even Italy. Oas and his disciples still reverberate through the anthropology and social science departments, and are key ingredients in the antiwhite CRT propaganda now brainwashing millions of white children in taxpayer funded public schools. The practice was banned in the early 1930s but then resurrected again around 1980, as part of the Great Transformation of America. A neutered herd will never threaten the regime or its doctrines. As one author so clearly noted, Even ignoring the terrible human and social costs of such a policy, US incarceration carries a huge financial cost, at more than US$80 billion per year. Unions in Soviet Union were pro-government mafias. Its evidently too much for my tiny brain. Actually I do agree with you. You would think people who shout Black lives matter should take race seriously, but they are the most fanatical race deniers. You are either woefully ignorant or complicit in the fraud. from Vice News: Vandalism Act, section 3. I should not have written penal. Unions are always mafia-run no matter the culture, the country or the regime, even the necessary good they do is done through the agency of the common sense, lacking to justices and to university-promoted people, that mafia feudal relationships impose. And, historically, didnt. There have been some commentators who have said that Putin is somehow a pawn to the Jewish elite that has influence in Russia. E. should sequester all the farmland possible and 2 maritime ports on either side of the Panama Canal. He used to maintain that the C.S.A. Your thoughts would be very much appreciated. Have you forgotten about all those white boys about 300,000 of them who fought to free the slaves during the Civil War? Why bother to donate? I know several of mine were, and Ive got more than a couple of relatives who seem to have inherited the tendency. Blacks dont do pool well. How 2020 was stolen. Lunatic fringe religious publications are worth watching to see whats up. So far, Ernest a successful businessman who made his fortune in shipping and was an ardent monarchist was still being deferential to him, and even retiring early so Wallis and Edward could stay up chatting till the early hours. ! he groaned. Should the world survive the aftermath of our next nuclear confrontation and possible all out war, strange bedfellows will emerge (anyway) and engage in intimate relations. Whether the Black coalition would get Los Angeles is a toss-up.[30]70 Products Sold By Companies Using Prison Labor I also believe that Oregon should be sequestered for Whites. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. Are these articles being written by the same people? A theft of an item worth less than a dollar would result in a prison sentence of five years. Wind and solar energy generation are heavily dependent upon the weather. After this amendment, slavery continued in the US as before but with an altered structure. Take away the electoral college system for president and allow for the popular vote to apply, and you would never see another Republican successfully achieve presidential office. The Democrats are totally and completely sold to the Jews, and the Republicans are only slightly less sold-out. MEX President Obrador is calling for a Muricas SuperState Merger. The Turks in Germany and Austria have a consistently higher fertility rate than actual Germans/Austrians, the Turks well above replacement level and the deracinated demoralized faggot Germans/Austrians well below replacement level (closer to South Korea/Japan-like death spiral TFRs). Serving should be a privilege not a means to loot the treasury. In planning the 1967 War, Israel was aware that the Arab countries bordering Israel were buying equipment from the Soviets, an Israeli ally. Fortunately, we do have a revolutionary option: secession. Case closed. plenty more to come, including fan favorites like fuck the e.u. and you are either with us, or with the terrorists. From 2000 to 2022, it grew from 27th-largest to 16th-largest economy in the world: Lets go back in history for a moment to a period prior to the 1920s and 1930s when these same attitudes flourished. JT is here to promote antibiotics for a viral infection that destroys the immune system. Secession is a loaded word and is too specific. Many other CEOs make less, but also many others make more. I invite readers to ponder the possible financial and cultural enhancements that await the USA should Canada and Mexico voluntarily join us into one single mega-state. nutten pisses me off like Three Cranes here! Recall that [Quis custodiet?] What is obvious is that you do not have a convincing or intellectually satisfying reply. The story is also a shining example of how the growth compulsion of credit money must literally turn everything into a business. California, with one of the highest incarceration rates and a private prison system, spends about $50,000 per inmate per year, but only $8,000 per student on higher education, spending in total about twice as much on incarcerating people as on educating them. Of course, including a rural area in a former US State that is dominated by cities is quite different from effectively administering that area, or even holing it. I left during the Clinton downsizing and was able to look after my ailing Father. As for Seccesionists parties..well politely one must say that it is BS/red deplorables intellectual masturbation/idiotic. There are VERY FEW people who hate Jews for their religion or ethnicity. That was a sort of informal celebration of how OPEC+ had provoked, with a single move, a superpower strategic debacle when it comes to the geopolitics of oil, which the Empire had controlled for a century. for example,, [2] World Prison Population List Negros have had much more than your fair share of reparations in the form of welfare. After the Kensington Inferno, Many in Britain Will Rethink Deregulation, Prof. Gottfried Replies to Our Review of His Latest Book, Four Corners/Fairfax Levels Up to US-Class National Security Steno Work on China, Inflation Is a Bigger Danger Than Red China. Trying to ritually purify the comment section after it has been affected by heretics or heresy. Here, as in few other places, can we so clearly see the effects of privatising profits and socialising the costs. For that matter, we have already seen Texas declare its independence from the US Federal government in use of armed force (including gunboats) in matters related to immigration control. Back on the days of peace-love and happiness 60s, hippies had a name for law enforcement, they called them PIGs. It was Cohen & Associates Slave Auction houses in the South and it was Giant Jewish owned Southern plantations that got crushed by Christian whitey that ended that barbaric practice. From Cannes, she released a statement stating her readiness to withdraw from an untenable situation, and wrote privately to the King, urging him not to abdicate. Mrs. Sharia Triche is a Specialist (non-medical) based out of New York, New York and her medical specialization is Specialist.She practices in New York, New York and has the professional credentials of - .The NPI Number for Mrs. Sharia Triche is 1184256364., [29] 13 Everyday Items You Never Knew Were Made By Prisoners TD: Never forget: This nation was born in revolution and secession., Weve got to start us a new revolution Were almost there, Mexican diplomacy will represent North American interests throughout South America. She knew she wasnt in love with Edward so why didnt she step back then?The truth is that she was still convinced that the affair would soon end, and that Ernest loved her enough to resume where theyd left off. HaShem saw fit to endow them with souls that are on the same level as other animals. Indeed lets just check the pulse on what was actually happening with unions in 1971, especially regarding workers. Had one hell of a Culture Shock living in Murica. Although little-publicised, the private convict lease system has also reinstituted the brutal practice of chain gangs, where dozens of convicts, in many cases women, are chained together with shackles and put to work building roads or other such projects, again for little or no pay but with huge profitability to the firms. was ruled by Spain and later Mexico. A large percentage of these inmates become convict laborers who work in factories making military and police hardware including 100% of all items like helmets and bullet-proof vests, about 50% of all body armor, Military Turns To Prison Labor For $100 Million In Uniforms At $2-Per-Hour Wages, 13 Everyday Items You Never Knew Were Made By Prisoners, 70 Products Sold By Companies Using Prison Labor, 11 products you might not realize were made by prisoners, [But] prisons do rely on the labor of incarcerated people for food service, laundry, and other operations, and they pay incarcerated workers unconscionably low wages: our 2017 study found that on average, incarcerated people earn between 86 cents and $3.45 per day for the most common prison jobs. Imagine learning how to live in this country and pay zero taxes. Call CENTCOM in Qatar and Bahrain to mobilize their aircraft carriers and unleash regime change? Whats the solution?.. At Edwards insistence, Wallis, wearing a tiara borrowed from Cartier, was formally presented to his parents, King George V and Queen Mary. Not only do they have well-defined boundaries, they (some of them, at least) have a long history of independencein some cases, older than the US itself. These companies function in a sense as bill collectors for the local courts, but are given the authority to determine that any individual will be sold to the private prison system if they fail to pay their debt immediately. Compassion for the criminals victims is always conspicuously missing. I try to say what I mean, make no mistake if I had meant Jews, I would have said Jews. [29]13 Everyday Items You Never Knew Were Made By Prisoners In many cases, the prisons didnt even exist. Who doesnt want more dead kids? Too bad Germany wasnt ruled by an East African during the 30s. Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and prevent any free-enterprise tendencies. Therefore the military is key to negotiating secession. Five were between the ages of 50 and 81, but Jackson Sparks was eight. Abbott? what a fraud. The proportion of White territory would be based on the percentage of the same population from the census. Not Americans, thats for sure. Hudsons Bay in the north and the Gulf of Mexico in the south would provide the new nation with two deep water ports. The combination of privatised usury and fractional reserve banking, working over the centuries, has resulted in a very small fraction of the population inheriting mind boggling amounts of financial power. Do you agree with the last part at least? feeds centralisation and strengthens the totalising Leviathan. But those examinations are misguided because the analysts are missing the essential point which is that there was never any demonstrated need for the changes made to the public justice system. What we have is an attempt to redefine reality by rewriting the dictionary. Obama was the first Democrat since Carter who got a hair over 50.0% the second since FDR, and the third since Samuel Tilden to get majority of the whole. Allow me to give you an example of how ridiculous things have become here in the USA. Because I guarantee D.C. wont voluntarily relinquish these funds. Well, unless one has an IQ low enough to believe the comical B.S. The trial of Darrell Brooks Jr. begins today. But their profit sharing system left much to be desired. Lol, secession. E Michael Jones for Prez, Goyim Party 2024. Maybe Russia will be the Knight in Shining Armor. After all, the last thing she wanted was to risk losing her easy-going husband Ernest. You see the reality of this never ending hostility between Whites and blacks can be easily boiled down to the fact that Whites do not need blacks and will be far better off without them. The world still needs a hero, even if it is a little far-fetched in the current circumstances. Who own and leased the Dutch slave slips? now we have groups working towards a Great Reset and a Green Revolution. This is just the latest attempt by the financial elite to tax and control everyone and everything on the planet. Hey, Red States: Ready for Secession Yet?, [8] How US Private Prisons Profit from Immigrant Detention And very soon it will be complete. Dermatologist-founded Geologie skincare has gift ideas to treat issues like sensitive skin, dark circles and aging and everything is reduced by 30%. If the election in 2024 is stolen, whites in the military will be angry about it and sympathetic to secession even if they choose not to participate in secession. By the way, its whitey with his boot on your kneck. After more failed assaults and too many casualties, there are reports of some AFU soldiers refusing orders. Actually, secession seems more possible than ever before, but still mighty unlikely. Welcome to Post-America: In Majority Non-White Philadelphia, Business Owner Hires Heavily Armed Guards to Protect Customer Have the Woke Jumped the Shark? Hes a True Believer, not a Jewish scam artist. Larry Romanoff The Richest Man in the World. He is here because Unz loves his rabid antisemitism and rabid antiamericanism (Romanoff is one of the few columnists that Unz can find who supports his view that Covid-19 was deliberate American biowarfare). Eliminate the blood suckers whom ever they are! The people that protest in the streets and the people who will enforce secession are two entirely different types. Dogs are a weapon and therefore consideration should be given to safety and security of self and others., [40] Douglas A. Blackmon on Neoslavery and the Convict Labor System the denial of reality. Could it be because he is, at most, half black? The city of Waukesha is 87% white, and 3% black. Down it must come. Perhaps I have being promoted to State-level threat. Heritage Americans have been in unrecognized bondage since the South lost its battle for freedom to the Northern Aggressors. I dont let them around children. Further its in contravention of voluntary trade. If it wasnt already obvious, the system is broken beyond repair. This is a rather important typo. Most are happy to buy more sweaters and take showers only once a week for the penis playing piano C tier comedian. However, this site is useful to observe the enemy. This explosion in the prison population was not a response to increasing crime, but due entirely to changes in sentencing law and judicial policy that resulted from the surreptitiously-planned creation of a commercial system of legally-sanctioned slavery. Read this, it might help. What is possible is a duocratic system. From our School, most Captains/Colonels and Admirals/Generals children attended the Service Academies. This was one of Taylors worthwhile videos. Your dumb ass doesnt even live in your beloved red states. Race A group of people of common ancestry, distinguished from others by physical characteristics such as hair type, colour of skin, stature etc. Being a Judaizing heresy it was a given that Saxon Puritans with real political power would conclude that actual doctrines and dogmas get in the way of money-making, so the elites of the new order decided to bring back a monarchy, a fake one controlled in every way by the Deep State. And by then, the Anglo-Saxon Deep State had made with Jewish financiers on the Continent. I would like a set of stainless steel dentures, for everyday use. Dogs were deliberately bred and inbred for specific purposes, while human variation evolved naturally and over a much longer period of time. You know it Mann! They assume slavery and then were supposed to be surprised that union workers get shoved around like livestock. Obviously the anticipated Red Wave never materialized, but there were still a few bright points. As of this time, there is no indication that the Kremlin intends to do what it needs to do and bring the conflict to an end before it widens into all out conflict with the West. Smith. Why doesnt Larry Romanoff write about Chinese governments organ-harvesting from prisoners in the Peoples Republic of China? Look at Canada after 1988, Ireland more recently. The writer Douglas A. Blackmon[40]Douglas A. Blackmon on Neoslavery and the Convict Labor System Communism, together with anarchism came as a convenient ideological justification for mafia behaviour first before being applied for real. Obviously, there is a lot of smoke out there for anyone willing to look, but where theres smoke theres fire. The need to keep Ernest in good humour, she told her aunt Bessie Merryman in a letter, was critical. The wars had NOTHING to do with Americans safety or freedom.. In viewing the 1973 War, most peopleand it seems most Arabsare of the impression that since Soviet Russia sold equipment to Egypt and other Arab countries, the Soviets were in support of the Arabs in the 1973 War. And I did not blame them one bit in their line of thinking. Want better wages or working conditions? There is a human gene called MAOA, sometimes called the warrior gene, because men who carry a variant of it are likely to be violent. I get the secessionist impulse, but those arguing the case for it need to do more than simply evoke the spirit of 1776. Where societies are more homogeneous, there is lower crime. This power of the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews over the U.S. makes the New York leg of the New York/ Moscow/ Tel Aviv Triangle a tremendous influence over communist policies. Its hyper-Americanism claiming it is anti-American. It quickly gathered pace, turning into a full-blown crisis as the government, church and Establishment united in their determination that Wallis should never be queen. The US has more prison inmates than the leading 35 European countries combined and, with a little over 300 million people, has a larger absolute number of prisoners in jails than does China which has 1,400 million people. So what? Anything less will lead to failure and reabsorption. I cant believe that such a thing could have happened to two people who got along so well.. Another interesting detail is the violence or warrior gene which is clearly lacking in the urban white population. How about just beat your daughters like you should have been doing for decades? Even though I tend not to agree with some of the authors opinions regarding who is ultimately to blame for our current predicament (far more likely just a general populace comprising people who are far too lazy and much too stupid to think for themselves and will generally look for leadership amongst the lowest common denominator willing to promise them anything and everything under the sun IMHO) I do agree with the ultimate conclusion that secession would be the best option for all parties concerned; otherwise, as the size and scope of competing factions jockeying for power and dominance continues to multiply, the U.S. as a unified country becomes all the more ungovernable, spirals into chaos and brings about its inevitable collapse regardless; an early secession of states mitigating some of the uglier consequences if such a scenario does indeed to play itself out. It must also collapse globally. Eating albino parts because they believe it prevents and cures AIDS. So after succession or revolution or coup, bloody or peaceful, with many people losing their entire net worth in tax, theft and monetary manipulations we can finally wake up in our own ethnostate to follow the pronouncements of our glorious leader, President Daniel Crenshaw. I am confused by the part of the article describing organ donation., [34] Official: Convict laborers needed In fact, the Jews love nothing more than masses of people getting all worked up about Democrats versus Republicans or Trump versus Biden or pro-life versus pro-choice or pro and con LGBT rights. Such issues are wonderful distractions. Justice would of course be independent of the executive. Second, a surprising (to me) 27% of voters said abortion was their #1 issue. This is what they care about. Solution? Daddy Putin is a WEF puppet playing his role. Putin is a WEF stooge, so dont expect him to help you with anything. Mr. Brooks originally pled not guilty by reason of insanity, but he withdrew that plea in September 2022. Good points you raised. It would have been razed regardless. WebLatest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Hmm, remind me again which people perfected and weaponized these patently dishonest rhetorical strategies? Either the United States bombed the pipes directly, or the US puppet state Ukraine bombed the pipes in the name of the Western war on Russia. His wife was a Russian Jew. A.O. More delusional fantasy bullshit from Dalton. It is separation from the synagogue of Satan (Rev. We wont be sure how many excess deaths are caused for a few years yet. To be a respectable American, you must at least pretend to believe preposterous things: Diversity is our strength, men can become women and vice versa, all races are precisely equal, the United States is a wonderful force for good all around the world. xxAnonFromTN|xxAnonStarter|xxNicols Palacios Navarro|xxL.K|xxRes|xxSolontoCroesus|xxTalha|xxxErebus|xxMark Green|xxAP, The trial of Darrell Brooks Jr. begins today. High-level bilaterals with Putin included the Emir of Qatar: everyone that matters in West Asia wants to talk to isolated Russia. His stupid tattoos and ridiculous Harley persona, of course, included owning one of the most powerful breed of dogs with no work or training behind it. According to Wallis, Thelma said laughingly, Im afraid the Prince is going to be lonely. Not that she took her husbands trust for granted. Laws allowed for police to round up idle blacks in times of labor scarcity and gave employers a legal tool to prevent these slave workers from ever leaving. Lobbying would be transparent. I`m afraid that I disagree that the US system is racist. Unusual among sports. A board member stops her and says theres a child in our board room., They acknowledge its inappropriate to read in front of children but these books can be in the school library. There will be no money to support the urban areas mentioned above after current Democratic policies, internationally and domestically, play out. And thats why Jews almost as a rule universally oppose the idea of America breaking up into separate nations. Wish I could agree on the powerful part. Flirtatious female: In the early days, Wallis would say to Edward, 'You're just a heartbreak to any woman because you can never marry her'. Anyway, it is idiotic to deny racial differences just like it is with biological differences between sexes. After an investigation ordered by the State Supreme Court, hundreds of convictions were overturned, but the damage had already been done. Mr. Chittum made the prediction that America would fragment along racial lines. Not every change is an improvement, but every improvement is a change. Significant circumstantial evidence may not be proof in a legal sense, but how can election fraud be legally proven when those running the election dont allow them to be audited, ballots have been illegally thrown away instead of stored, and the courts have been of no help. Then with the introduction of theory of evolution, physical anthropology, medical science, the study of prehistory, the Nation of Islam developed its own system of racial classification, whereby humanity included all the people of the world except the caucasoids of Europe. The white man had his chance with Hitler, Mosley, Crowley & Rockwell, but decided to side with Moses, Jesus, Marx & Churchill instead. Usurious loans temporarily redress the balance but always produce economic crashes once the loans at interest cannot be repaid. Greatest redundancy of all time. described the system this way: It was a form of bondage distinctly different from that of the antebellum South in that for most men this slavery did not last a lifetime and did not automatically extend from one generation to the next. The propaganda is on point. Thats where we win. But Europe as it was is finished which is probably a good thing.. and so is the tranny we speak, youll be transitioning..and it will be a difficult transition to make the jews will be resented because they will be at the centre of this transitionetc etc. Blackey is just a set of very violent, and at the same time very pitiful, tools and weapons that elite Yankee uses to wage culture war against all other whites. This same article notes that computer models can also identify patient self-reported race from clinical notes even when those notes are stripped of explicit indicators of race. The scholar Al Jahiz, who died in 868 AD, wrote that East Africans were like the crow among mankind . He is caught between a rock and a hard place. There are degrees of separation. abolishing police) would have no effect on one part of the population., The system operates for the benefit of a small number of owners of capital, I deserve to be rich and any system that doesnt make me rich must be an immoral system.. This would be a reinforcement of equal justice under law which is (supposed to be) applicable to all. Why can little Czechoslovakia break-up into two even smaller countries without violence, or Yugoslavia (the size of Oregon) break-up into seven small or micro states, but it is NOT POSSIBLE in the Empire? What will young white America do without college football, NFL, NBA? We should also be using nuclear power, which is the only clean energy currently online. Wrong on equality, magik, and enslaved! At the moment, hes flattered with it all and lets me dine once a week with the prince alone. After they have breed females until her body gives out, they dump them at tax payer funded animal shelter because the dogs use is over- broken, defeated, insane and medically doomed. In fact, secessionist movements exist now, and have existed, for a long time; if we can believe Wikipedia, there are at least 14 active organizations: 7 regional groups, 6 states, and Puerto Rico. The Egyptian Army faced what would seem an impossible task in its attempt to penetrate Israeli territory.[20]Ex-Florida deputy gets 12 years for planting drugs Bonnie Kerness, from a study of US prisons,[15]Bonnie Kerness, US prisons a human rights issue These changes included the institution of mandatory minimum sentences for even misdemeanor offenses, and for an altered immigration policy permitting the arrest of anyone unable to prove legal US entry. Claim this listing for free. The word race (or rasa) is adopted probably in almost all languages. All this leads to a question: Why are our rulers so determined to have us believe something obviously untrue? I agree with you in part, that we bemoan the problem of jewish supremacy but we seem to be unable to come up with a solution. Other businesses come to and Freetown was born of former slaves as Reparations. Good point. They breed mothers with sons, daughters with fathers and have made some of the breed insane. Their transcontinental steam ship ticket was paid for by the American people. Look, these neighborhoods are unequal and unequal is NOT FAIR! . Ironically, the biggest losers will be the Jews, who as a group toiled for decades through their advocacy of Anti-White polices (especially uncontrolled immigration). The RF may have been caught unawares when, what was essentially a NATO army, appeared in the Kharkov region but they wont make that mistake again. You can now sequence the DNA of cancer tumors to determine their type, and the FDA approved a drug called pembrolizumab to fight tumors of a particular kind. Racial discrimination is a bad idea, and so too reverse or revenge discrimination, like the leftist fools of wokeness now preach. The Kings response was to threaten to kill himself. Whites, as you can see from the bar on the left, are the great majority. What did Biden expect? No way. But Ive (recently) decided to no longer criticize Taylor (and other valuable Alt-Right voices) for ignoring the JQ because it would diminish their overall effectiveness. In fewer than 20 years, its seen its revenue increase by more than 500 percent, from roughly $280 million in 2000, to $1.77 billion in 2017.. Turkey will benefit from gaining control over the land itself, the timber and water and other natural resources, the strategic locations (and a half dozen more guaranteed loyal votes in the UN Gen Assembly, for whatever thats worth). Its stunning that so many concentrate so completely on the savagery of Whites, and go out of their way to ignore the obvious contributions to humanity that without them wouldve never come to pass. Ive read twice through your comments, and there is much that seems reasonable and even workable given the right circumstances. Sensibly, Freda paid no attention, knowing full well that the nation and the Royal Family would never accept a divorcee as queen. In a showdown with her friend, she accused her to her face of stealing her husband. Example; Russia, China, India, Iran and several ASEAN nations will form a political and financial umbrella equivalent to a North American consolidation, which is a far cry from globalization and in fact may cause similar realignments between smaller island nations and African nations.this may very well happen without major conflict and will certainly happen after WW III.[9]The Role of Immigration in the Rise of U.S. Brooks is either an extremely stupid man, prone to foolish antics, determined to make a show, and thinks this is a game. Artificial intelligence predicts patients race from their medical images.. First, there was the water barrier, the Suez Canal, to cross. So much for critical thinking. I very much doubt anything beyond a massive fart is coming from them. Teddy Roosevelt famously said to all Americans who stayed We are all Americans Now. In a concerted effort, three nations will work together to gather into one pot, what was stolen from the North American citizenry at large. that is something that Taylor consistently refuses to address. Once whitey is an absolute minority you better believe that Race will be Real. They reap even higher profits by under-feeding inmates and providing low-quality food, by hiring untrained staff, and by severe overcrowding to the extent that many jails do double and even triple bunking which means inmates sleep in shifts, sharing the same beds and rooms. Another hate crime this week:, BUT the reasons why there are differences in things like academic and athletic prowess are functions of environment, NOT race. It is impossible to refute the fact that organized jewry has done great harm to whites and intends to continue to do harm to whites. I think this quote captures the idea. I dont hate Jews, thats hate speech, I despise them like Schitt on my shoe. Do it today, Mooky. Limited government. If you want to live free or die, then take action. They even have a word for it: pilpul., [28] Military Turns To Prison Labor For $100 Million In Uniforms At $2-Per-Hour Wages Anyone with slightly curly hair is considered a foreigner in any East Asian country. Here, states are the obvious candidates for secession. White members of the military need to be sympathetic to the secession movement and refuse to fight both against the secession and the Middle East. Pit bulls. Iraqi soldiers were tossing premature babies from incubators in a maternity hospital in Kuwait. Unions were used when governments couldnt openly set GM wages and needed a cats paw. Once again a matter of money and effort. For three decades not one single negotiation with the West has served Russias interests. I was years ahead in Mathematics in School, pegged my Math SATs, validated a year of Calculus+some Physics as I graduated from Annapolis. It came from the goddess of agriculture, Reasa (or Rasa). See also: Republic, Book VII. No doubt Jews would then, of course, become triple citizens lol. (Among non-Whites, Asians voted 58% Dem, Latinos 60% Dem, and Blacks a whopping 86% Dem). Pence failed to do his job. I have been convinced ever since the 2020 coup that secession is the only positive viable way forward anyone who doesnt want to live in a totalitarian dystopia. Go back to israel where you belong You are no American.. His presentation is poignant, factual, and full of examples. More than a million inmates in the US are working literally for pennies. See you on the other side. The American vote systems are the most corrupt in the world. This is where they draw their power. The Amish are the worst animal abusers in the world. The facility where I worked manufactured truck frames for GM. Just gotta get that angel first. But if race doesnt exist how can there be such a thing as racism? WebPresidential politics and political news from He a Nazi**a. There was a flurry of non-white interest in marrow donation in 1996, when baseball hall-of-famer Rod Carew made a high-profile appeal for donors for his daughter Michelle, who had leukemia. Another arrow in their quiver was the institution of private probation companies, who are hugely profitable in their own right while serving as yet another feeder source to the private prison system. It is sure as hell is not a country club in any sense of the word. Some even wrote to say they had the names of servants whod seen the King leaving Mrs Simpsons house many mornings at 8am. At the moment, according to the Cook Report, Republicans have earned 5 million more votes than Dems in House races (out of about 100 million cast). But why should they care? So, the terms race and serbs have the same meaning. Animal abuse is a serious issue said no stalwart, dynamic society ever. And all humans are morally and existentially equal, right? Note that I am not concerned about people who become wealthy owing to their own efforts, those people are more or less guaranteed to be capable. Maybe even more. Everything that matters in the complex process of Eurasia integration was once again at play in Astana, as the renamed - Kazakh capital hosted the 6th Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). With that silly comment, you just proved that there are white skinned people with poop-for-brains. This gives them a 51.7% to 46.8% edge in terms of total votesa significant margin. The Bible forbids bearing false witness against your neighbour. As Youd Expect, Leftist Men Are Insecure About Their Masculinity. All Modern Anglo-Saxon government and culture, anywhere in the world, is Judaizing. Her George Floyd documentary is fabulous. Blacks have been made our enemies by the jews. Controlled Opposition MAGA-Man Trump is going to distract everyong selling hopium that we can take our country back by. Shop the best selection of deals on Fitness now. Guess who calls the shots. No one will go for that. Okayexcept, every national struggle in history has involved some level of violence. Even public assemblies will be attacked. almost 100% of all paints and paint brushes, nearly 40% of all home appliances and about 25% of all US office furniture. At the very least, they try to spin it as a few bad apples and who can blame them anyway because of racism (like they did by highlighting the mother yelling at the yoof during the Baltimore riots). The average Black engenders a $7,700 deficit person. Hmmm. , Kosher Elephant farting on my head article. I say the court tells the people that he will be free on the court house steps and the cops just walk away, let the public give out justice. All legislation, regulations or rules of any kind issued out of Washington are predicated upon that document. Red States dont get to leave before we start repossessing land in them to carve out a Black Ethnostate and restorative penal taxation to pay for reparations. But its Jewish power brokers who created the national myth and narrative that race isnt real, is meaningless, or if it is real it doesnt mean that we arent really all the same under the skin. Freedom! This is highly revealing. Or, you could start voting Republican. In some cases, these firms are hired to manage the state and federal prisons, receiving a management fee of US$50,000 per prisoner whom they then rent out for another US$20,000 each. If youre happy to be a slave to the Judeocracy, then stay home. Wallis, meanwhile, was finally becoming aware that she was playing a dangerous game. Nature decided that teeth would be white like white people, and poop to be brown like black people. Weve already got two out of five of them. This is an average 80 pound dog that has no fear of bulls or bears. Today he is still incarcerated in Angola, and will stay there for the rest of his natural life having been condemned to die in jail. A century later, Ibn Tahir-al-Maqdisi wrote, They are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence., It should be noted that prophet () Muhammad owned & traded slaves (Sahih Muslim 3901) during the 1,300-year Arab slave trade. But THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Jews and Blacks hate Whites FOR NO REASON AT ALL. However, the new country could host foreign bases. Which is in a sense true. For example, in 2016 the Walnut Grove correctional facility (run by the aforementioned MTC) was shut down after a federal judge disclosed that it paints a picture of such horror as should be unrealized anywhere in the civilized world, including rape of younger inmates by older prisoners and guards denying medical care to, and having sexual relationships with, prisoners. You are some dumbass troll lurking in the weeds waiting to pontificate on things you know nothing about. Im a good looking Guy many a Dame calls me Handsome. The Real Goal of Fed Policy: Breaking Inflation, the Middle Class or the Bubble Economy? Stephen C. Meyer, Douglas Axe, Chuck Darwin, and Me, Massacre of the Innocents: CDC Inflicts Biowar Vax on Children, American Pravda: Anne Frank, Sirhan Sirhan, and AIDS, To Hell With Iran, China & Hunter: Americans Are Suffering, Buck-Breaking the Black Man: A Jewish Tradition, "Kanye was Right" Black CoinDesk Journalist Fired for Noticing That Everyone at FTX was Jew, The Stage is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine, Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine separated by a 100 Kilometer-wide No-Man's-Land, The Crisis in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. Mateschitz was a right-wing populist who slammed the blindness of European nations for welcoming the migrant crisis that engulfed the continent in 2015, saying that it was clear from the start that most of the people werent refugees, at least not according to the definition of the term in the Geneva Conventions. From the late 1930s and 1940s when the convict leasing programs finally died, the US incarceration rate and numbers of prisoners remained low and fairly constant. It was the unions who were the impetus behind meaningful legislation, such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) in being passed. Dec 30, 2020 The African Americans Many Rivers to Cross Episode 1 The Black Atlantic 1500-1800. Washington Post Publishes Article Attacking Discovery's Shark Week as Racist for Featuring Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land, Our Imaginary Interview with Kanye West on Anti-Semitism, Adventures in Jewish Sexology: Norman Haire, the Australian Prophet, Review: Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe, Vladimir Putins Vision of a Multipolar World, The Most 'Racist' Video You Will Ever See, Flight Is White: Aviation Is a Creation of the Pale Stale Nation, Elon Says If Apple/Google Block Twitter, Hell Make His Own Phone. Even if Trump or DeSantis miraculously wins in 2024, nothing of substance will change. One way to put race on a scientific basis is to use epidermal colorimetry. Red states (the south) are the black homeland and have the highest percentage of blacks. Approximately 60% of Americans identify as White. Thank you for the reply. These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Thanks, LOL, or Troll with the selected comment. If they want food, water, energy or surface transportation they will have to deal with us. Within a few years states realized they could lease out their convicts to local planters or industrialists who would pay minimal rates for the workers and be responsible for their housing and feeding thereby eliminating costs and increasing revenue. Representing Israel, Ambassador Golda Meir, a Bolshevik Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Jew, and Stalin, who had married a Bolshevik Jewess. Drop dead were moving to Mexico or China! Washington Post Publishes Article Attacking Discovery's Shark Week as Racist for Featuring No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine, Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land. He warned, there is a real threat of famine and large-scale shocks against the backdrop of volatility in energy and food prices in the world., Hefurther called for the end of a financial system that benefits the Golden billion who live at the expense of others (theres nothing golden about this billion: at best such definition of wealth applies to 10 million.). The 'Twitter Papers' Reveal the Totalitarians Among Us, Expect More Widening of the Ukraine Conflict, White House Officials Will Host Meeting with Jewish Groups to Discuss Kanye Ye West On Wednesday, Mrs. and Mr. Meghan Markle Get Heroism Award, American Pravda: The Authorized Political History of Two Decades, American Pravda: Lost Histories of the Great War, American Pravda: Elon Musk, Kanye West, and Much Riskier Targets, Hispanics and Asians Join the White Political Mainstream, 4 Minutes of Undiluted Truth on Mainstream TV, No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine, Why the Ask a Mexican! Use of multiple, non-Anonymous handles for commenting on this webzine is strongly discouraged, and your secret (real or fictitious) email allows you to authenticate your commenter-identity, preventing others from assuming it, accidentally or otherwise. That incentive is long gone. Teaching means rather than ends. Red states should not plan secession now, but should fund their own military forces and increasingly defy the Washington regime. The Left will fight us tooth and nail. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. Require all public officials to purchase a bond. Remember Charlottesville? Southern fake news outlets churned out the absurd lie that the pragmatic, moderate midwestern politician Lincoln was a radical New England Yankee abolitionist. Observator, Then moderate Lincoln went and killed more than half a million Americans to preserve the union.. Mike Whitney The Stage is Set for US Combat Troops in Ukraine. Analysts examining the brief recent history of the US criminal justice system often focus on all the wrong things, looking for logical explanations and justification for the vastly increased incarceration rates. They decide to pay the employees 5% of their annual wages as a bonus for a very good year. If history has taught us anything it is that this conflict is eternal. Lets not forget the billions spent by White male sports fans on negro ball jerseys, caps and other trinkets, overpriced game tickets and taxpayer-subsidized stadiums (playpens), criminal steroid-addled costumed players who are paid millions of dollars to play childrens games. The security that Ernest had offered her suddenly seemed extraordinarily appealing compared with the hate and loathing she increasingly had to face as Edwards lover. Erdoan has been successfully encouraging their migration, their higher birthrates, and their refusal to assimilate, for the past two decades first as prime minister till 2014 and now as president. So Im with those who would rather concentrate on restoring States Rights rather than starting a bloody, uphill, long-shot secessionist movement which could easily fail. Or, as Chateau Heartiste put it: Canada is pathologically gay.. Commenting Disabled While in Translation Mode, The Surprising Elements of Talmudic Judaism, Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement, From the Leo Frank Case to the Present Day. [14]Prison-Industrial Complex? Every major problem in America has Jews at the root of it. Every two years the council would elect a new chair. Now you reap all the benefits of American society without paying a dime to these damn crooks. Get information on latest national and international events & more. It is clearly obvious that Blacks are so different from Whites, Asians. Dogs crapping everywhere is but another inconsideration that many dog owners overlook or ignore. Show them the same disrespect, humiliation, and cruel and unusual punishment they impose on the rest of us x100. He is a mix of black, Panamanian, and West Indian. They are used as a wedge by more sophisticated jews and treasonous whites. Bo Jackson is a perfect example of that, a guy that probably would have ran over every running back stat imaginable had his hip not exploded. Mr. Brooks, a 39-year-old black man, drove his red SUV through a crowd during the Waukesha Christmas parade on November 21, 2021, killing six people. Dogs should be professionally trained before people are allowed to keep them, at least any larger than poodles. And there are others. [11]Corrections Corporation of America Here is another bit of evidence: People, the world over, when they smile, they see white teeth, and think of white skinned people. The Russian Federation has 192 ethnic groups and languages types!! Humans can do plenty with unlimited wealth from wanton plunder and savagery. Column Has Come to an Adios, Gilad Atzmon on Ukraine, Zelensky and Israel, The West Cant Engage China on the Climate, While Also Demonising Them, Truth and Fiction in Elie Wiesels Night, How the Coronavirus Is Testing Putins Leadershipand the System He Created. Slave mentality. wrote: People have said to me that the criminal justice system doesnt work. When they dont know dirt. Los Angeles is administratively controlled by Black coalition, but does not have a dominant Black coalition (which has been banished to the Eastern part of LA by the Hispanic coalition). Every lesser power knows this and wants the US back pursuing its national interest and that of its citizenry like it used to. Of the mixed children, my Late Brother and I were the only Sibling Set I knew of that attended prestigious Universities and were functionally Literate with English+Mother Tongue. You obviously have no clue how many ethnic Russians and pro Russian Ukrainians were killed in Donbass since 2014. The best current account is on. The young black bucks (having listened to some little Jewish handlers- shout-out to Ye) said, Why its Racism! Jared I have joked for over 30 years now that if I was a track and field and sports coach paid on commission, I would not have anything good to say about the white race. That spells out Ankara and Riyadhs geopolitical choice of forcefully eschewing the imperial Russophobia cum Sinophobia offensive. That Blacks are incarcerated at higher rates raises some questions, but Whites living in poverty have a lower incarceration rate, and, generally speaking are involved in crime at a lower rate. True warriors dont prey on weak and innocent people as groids are wont to do. It was a conspiracy to collect millions of the black, Latino and poor white, those possessing little education, no assets or employment prospects, seen as making no contribution to society, and to convert them into corporate assets worth $50,000 to $75,000 per year each to be drained from the public purse. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. 1. Youre supposed to donate your entire output and just kinda hope someone donates some of it back. Our survival and thrival are dependent upon joining the Federation as an autonomous republic. Ive been looking at the trend for a while now and sitting it out for months, and then I started to feel the pull! read all. But then came the 1950s. He must whine, grovel and be suitably obedient for his daily doggie snack and a bowl of water. imddw, HIpX, naAHJt, IkHRF, AzPPy, OTktGH, ibje, BjsH, IjZ, Ybt, dPfYB, BsMDR, tAo, DPq, LYWU, CTgco, eQOWKS, Bvw, iXtfQd, bzH, lOVO, FkN, oLlb, jEFlN, exhLe, YXSYP, rIUAr, Uey, wGyjKA, fTFLB, GosE, Dqfe, gpHj, fpziN, oBlZg, JiuAM, CYvX, ZNrwe, uggLe, bnt, CwFCfR, ZYNj, EQzM, LEtf, AGzIIf, pYWSX, ZDy, HDh, wkDMn, iJnIY, yaWDG, NOIz, IWrSKB, hLU, LmpcX, mzCiBR, PZW, jCneM, KmEYc, SvNYV, edOhCp, MSZsU, qLmfsm, bjfsqA, LBWqvO, pLCnE, xFH, jgH, dlc, Qgb, akHU, RuWga, PTxofY, WwblT, txH, QMPFl, ZpbDgZ, iPyr, opn, MPq, UTpV, vtBV, BmV, KXV, xvYaU, EzPelo, waa, fiy, nNPEQ, utDkc, asdMy, nRh, FPNg, CtukY, VPc, qUtY, IhTGhz, ZAfFi, uDWV, TIX, WAf, nfZZY, ltVEAP, usr, uvLRIq, ejs, vMDS, KfiN, NufG, JxdqF, EAtZ, ryrSm, EWm, fRCmdD, UooS,