Which of the following groups are not considered "employees" and may not be in any bargaining unit? T or F, A Scanlon plan, Rucker plan, and Improshare plan are all examples of gain sharing plans. Joe Carie, head accountant, is using the indirect method and the account balance from the balance sheet and income statement to prepare a statement of cash flows. During 20X1, Jones earned $200,000 on the investment and received $210,000 in dividends. C. Preventing government intervention and regulation. The process of systematically securing information and facts about what employees do in various jobs is called: _____ ______. Under U.S. GAAP, assets are presented in decreasing order of liquidity. In reaction to passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, which was intended to stabilize economic activity, employers formed ______ among themselves to draw up ______ of _______. In coming up with a concept for a new restaurant you should: adapt concepts from successful restaurants. Which of the following transactions would be reported within the financing activities section of the cash flow statement? 145) A company had sales revenue of $900,000 for the year. Which statement is correct? Between conventions, the national union is led by the ____ _____. What percentage of the eligible voters usually vote in NLRB elections? Food is prepared, individually vacuum packed, and refrigerated for future use. The company also reported a loss on the sale of equipment of $2,500. For the past few years, the SBA loan interest rate has hovered around _________, depending on the amount being borrowed and the collateral pledged. The project was estimated to cost $15 million; however, on December 31, 2017, when the project was 75% complete, Borden estimated that the project costs would be much less, and agreed to adjust the contract price to $10 million. T or F, In some cases a specific, single action by an employer constitutes an unfair labor practice in bargaining, called a per se violation. Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. *d. Often serve as a generator and conduit of community opinion. T or F, Certain union security provisions cannot be negotiated in states with right-to-work laws. On a statement of cash flows, this is a(n) example of: All of the following will appear on the income statement EXCEPT for: ) A company issues common stock for $100,000. Which of the following accounting standards permit(s) companies to apply short-term lease accounting rules to low-value assets? T or F, Requiring applicants to sign yellow-dog contracts was a provision of the Wagner Act. A) T or F, As a result of significant changes in the workforce, unions are investing funds in training union organizers. If an employer claims an inability to pay for a union's bargaining proposal, the union is entitled access to ______ _____ information necessary to _____ the ________ _____ pay _______. T or F, The processes in democratic unions, such as officer elections, make the union leaders less responsive to the membership. On a balance sheet prepared under U.S. GAAP: A) accounts receivable is presented at net realizable value. T of F, Agricultural laborers are specifically excluded from coverage under the Labor Management Relations Act. T or F, The bargaining unit is the team formed by management to solve labor issues within the company. Sales Revenue: $100,000 Cost of goods Sold: Gross Profit: Operating Expenses: $30,000 Net Income: $12000 A:Gross Profit = $88,000; Cost of Goods Sold = $12,000 eng B : D) The indirect method facilitates cash flow projections. With restaurants, it is the __________, rather than just the food, that guests pay for. T or F. __________ are third-party neutrals hired by the union and management officials to make a final and binding decision on a disputed issue. In a common-size balance sheet, each balance sheet account is expressed as a percentage of total: Common-size balance sheets may be used for all the following except: C) determining how management assesses the risks a company faces. Tests of controls are used to test whether controls are: Tests of controls may include the following, except: An auditor intends to perform test of controls on a client's control procedures that leaves no audit trail of documentary evidence. T or F, Management would probably prefer centralized bargaining if it had three separate manufacturing facilities (bargaining units), each making the same product. The CIO split from the AFL because of the CIO's emphasis on organizing _______in mass production ______. . T or F, Employers actively opposed unions after World War I by supporting the open-shop movement. T or F, A higher degree of labor intensiveness increases management negotiators' resistance to bargaining proposals designed to increase wage rates. In carefully controlled tests conducted at the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, social drinkers. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like b, e, c and more. T or F, Unions often prefer defined contribution plans because it limits their financial obligations to fund the plan. D) because certain types of events will otherwise not be recorded in the accounts. GAAP, such as: Balance sheets prepared in compliance with U.S. GAAP reflect a mixture of: D) historical cost, fair value, net realizable value, and discounted present values. Empleo Construction Company entered into a contract with the government to. All the tasks necessary to bring the food quantities up to par stock, In the food and beverage industry it is estimated that __________ of employees will steal regardless. Which of the following actions is NOT possible after the NLRB investigates an unfair labor practice charge? Needed to be educated on major problems which they were previously unable to understand. The Knights of Labor (KOL) differed from the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in that the KOL assumed _______ and _______ had ______ interests. __________, single-celled microorganisms that are capable of reproducing in about 20 minutes. Examples of nonfinancial criteria include all of the following EXCEPT A. Capturing a larger market share. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Presented here are the components in Bradley Company's income statement. a. Non-stock, non-profit private organizations are not subject to VAT if their income from sales is used for non-profit purposes. ~~~\text{Other} \underline{\text{ Misc.}} _________ ______ has become the single most important political force that has supported government programs to help the socially and economically disadvantaged. GAAP requires firms to report comprehensive income: D) in a statement that is displayed with the same prominence as other financial statements. Which statement is not true regarding the conservatism convention in accounting? T or F, The majority of private sector employees participate in a profit sharing plan as incentive. Have the human resources manager report directly to top management. Total price agreed upon for one or more assets acquired during the calendar month. B) A company sells land for cash. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1) What is the first step in the strategic management process? the customer is entitled to a full or partial refund. \small\text{A MONEY MANAGER FOR} \underline{\textbf{ Nancy and Joe Thomas}} & \small\text{DATE} \underline{\textbf{ 7/20/--}}\\[10pt] In the lease contract, which of the advance payment by the lessee is subject to output VAT? Which approach to task and job analysis must be used in new restaurants because there are no existing employees to analyze? A) Unrealized gains resulting from remeasuring foreign currency financial statements of majority-owned subsidiaries to U.S. dollar amounts. Vat on importation. When the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) was passed, it was ________ __________ by organized ________. The wholesale price for this camera is $50. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The primary difference between a periodic and perpetual inventory system is that a 1.) ____ unions. Leasing of property shall be subject to value added tax on sale of services: Which of the following receipts for 2018 current year from lease of residential units is subject to VAT? Analyzing the competition's prices to determine the selection of appetizers, entres, and desserts is known as the __________ approach to menu pricing. prepared: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ allocates the goods and services produced by government-run industries and tries to ensure that the resulting wealth is distributed equally., Among free market theorists, the principle of laissez-faire means _____., Generally speaking, economic systems can be divided into _____ and _____ systems. The extent to which the restaurant can be seen for a reasonable amount of time and whether the potential guest is walking or driving is the concept of __________. c. Sale of commercial property by a real estate dealer for P1,500,000. A thorough check to assure that everything works. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Sometimes it makes sense for a company to go on the offensive to improve its market position and business performance. T or F, Surface Bargaining, is where the company "goes through the motions" of negotiating a contract with the intention of reaching an agreement. Which of the following factors is NOT considered by the NLRB? D. Making it difficult for competitors to enter the market. c. Transport of passenger and cargo by a domestic carrier (air or sea) from the Philippines to a foreign country. The supremacy clause of the Constitution means that, c) states can't use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies, In their dealings with each other, each state is required to do all of the following EXCEPT, e) refrain from making agreements that don't include all fifty states, An agreement between two or more states is, States may enter into agreements with each other if, a) Congress is required to consent and does so, In the early years, most of the disputes over the boundaries of national versus state power involved, e) the necessary and proper clause and the powers of the national government to regulate interstate commerce, All of the following are true about the case of McCulloch v. Maryland EXCEPT that, e) the Supreme Court ruled the national government could only use its express powers, All of the following are true in the case of Gibbons v. Odgen EXCEPT that, d) the commerce clause did not allow the national government to exercise its power in state jurisdictions, The section of the Constitution in which Congress is given the authority to regulate trade among the states and with foreign countries is called the, All of the following are true of the cases Gibbons v. Odgen, and McCulloch v. Maryland EXCEPT that, a) only state governments can regulate commerce, The controversy that led to the Civil War was, a) the dispute over states' rights and national supremacy, South Carolina tried to nullify a tariff to, Results of the Civil War included all of the following EXCEPT, e) an increase in the South's desire for states' rights, b) a revival of states' rights and a reduction in national power, In the civil War crisis, the Supreme Court, b) declared the national income tax to be unconstitutional, All fo the following are true of the New Deal EXCEPT that, d) after 1937 the Supreme Court continued to reject New Deal legislation, The Supreme Court ceased to interfere with national legislation on the economy after, e) Roosevelt tried but failed to expand the Court by adding 6 new justices, All are true of federal grants EXCEPT that they, d) are given by the states for national projects, a) federal grants o state or local government for specific programs, b) dispense funds based on variables such as state population and need, A federal grant for a specific project or program is called a, a) have requirements in federal legislation that force states to comply with certain rules, A federal grant that funds a general functional area with fewer restrictions on the states is a, National authority has traditionally been preferred by, d) increased federal control over education and educational learning, ______ have traditionally opposed the increasing size and scope of the federal government, Since the 1990s, the Supreme Court's decisions on federalism have, e) been establishing limits on the national government's powers under the commerce clause, A bipartisan group of Senators have proposed comprehensive _______ reform, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. What is the proper order for the different categories of cash flows reported on the statement of cash flows? ) Which is the advantage of an open platform advantage? Integrative bargaining is also referred to as ______ based ______. The value of the condominium unit, as stated in the contract of sale was P3,200,000 while the parking space was worth P1,000,000. How much cash was paid to suppliers during 20X1? D) cash flows from operating activities / cash flows from investing activities, The Additional Paid-In Capital account is reported on the balance sheet at the. If a restaurant offers a steak on the menu that costs $5 and sells for $14.95, the contribution margin is __________ for every steak sold. B) the seller completes performance required by an agreement. A. The company reported depreciation expense of $17,500 and amortization of $5,000. \begin{array}{lcr} Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A firm's financial statements contain trends that give users insight into the firm's:, Professional analysts need information on a company's future earnings and cash flow to evaluate audit vulnerabilities, to assess debt repayment prospects and to:, The costs of providing financial information is ultimately borne by: and more. "Pure and Simple Unionism," approach was most identified with the _____ _____ of Labor. T or F, An employee alleging unlawful discharge is NOT under affirmative duty to seek comparable employment to mitigate the respondent employer's potential back-pay liability while awaiting a final determination of the merit of the ULP charge. For example, sales goals include the number of guests per meal. Under ASC Topic 606, which of the following is not a criteria for revenue recognition? With Republicans having the largest number of state lawmakers since 1920, emphasis will be places on __________ "right-to-work" laws. Revenue for goods to be sold under a consignment arrangement of a manufacturer and a retail store should be recognized by the manufacturer when: C) the goods are sold by the retail store. c. Develop alternative courses of action in case an anticipated change does occur. All of the following except one, are subject to VAT? Should be paid by the non-tax exempt purchaser to whom the tax exempt importer sells it. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like D. None of the above, c. Either I and II, a. Financial statement users may be using this information to help predict future. T or F, Professional employees provide a challenge to a union's desire to increase membership due to the issue of compatibility of unionism with professionalism. Kunze Company, an information technology firm, routinely discloses internet traffic to its product line-up site. T or F, Public opinion of institutions in general is low in the United States, with more than one-third of the public expressing confidence in only 5 out of 17 surveyed institutions. During that time, students have access to updates to the text and learning materials. The following are paths that workers may mobilize along to take collective action and support the union except: __________ empowerment. T or F, Unions do not place upper limits on their bargaining ranges because they maintain, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." Union membership in the United States has shown a steady decline as a proportion of the total labor force (i.e., comprising all employed persons 16 years of age or older). The bill that if passed, will make it an unfair labor practice for an employer to recognize or bargain with a union that has not been selected by a majority of employees in a secret ballot election is called the: _____ ballot ______ Act. Which of the following statements is wrong? H.G. A. The cost of food sold divided by food revenue equals the __________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Short-term financing not backed by collateral is called: , Simone has worked as an editorial assistant at a magazine publisher for the last six months. The Civil War encouraged the growth of unions as it refined and ________ mass ______ of ______techniques. Requirement to sign anti-communist affidavits. A company's market value is generally less than its book value., 3. Muenster Company sells its network servers with a warranty than includes preventive maintenance. C) Income tax expense, income from continuing operations, discontinued operations, net income. and more. T or F, "Voluntary" (also called permissive or non-mandatory) issues involve proposals which violate the law, and there is no legal duty to bargain over such an issue. B) A company sells land for cash. The O in SWOT analysis stands for __________. In 2020, a similar building down the street recently sold for $900,000. B) It collects information about a customer such as: name, address and contact information. Consistency in food preparation is achieved by, standardizing recipes and cooking procedures. ~~~\text{Heating Fuel} & \$~~63.75 & ~~~\text{Appliances} & \$~~57.75\\ A lessor of residential units shall be exempt from VAT when: A lessor of commercial units shall be exempt from VAT when: Which of the following is subject to VAT? The _________ Adjustment and _______ Refraining _______Act specifies the conditions under which employers are required to give advance notice of a plant closing or mass layoff. He notices that the Retained Earnings account increased from the beginning of the year. Statement 1: In the case of sale on deferred payment basis not qualifying under the installment plan, the transaction shall be treated as cash sale and the Vat is payable on the month of sale. Meat buyers should use the __________ numbering system for meat items. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements are CORRECT when comparing For AGI deductions to From AGI deductions? This agreement was called a _____ ______ contract. The first known quick-service restaurant dates back to the 1870s, when a New York City foodservice establishment called the __________. b. Costs that are normally unaffected by changes in sales volume are called __________. If a company desires to develop a program of positive human resources management, which of the following practices would the company utilize? This qualitative characteristic of information is called: The fair value of a plant asset is equal to: ) In 1990, Johnson Company purchased a building for $170,000. The Pullman Strike _____the membership and ______ the power of the ________. D) Inventory risk is not an important factor in determining the relationship. A federation or service organization that unions could join and still retain their separate identities and collective bargaining concerns. a) International treaties, setting up the postal service, and printing money, Inherent powers derive from the fact that the US is a, The 10th Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the states by it, are, c) reserved to the states respectively, or to the people, Powers held jointly by the national and state governments are called, All of the following are true of concurrent powers EXCEPT that they, b) are expressly given to the national government. Set performance targets to direct all company activities. In terms of payroll, __________ items usually refer to employee benefits and include health. C) is often called the language of business. The second step in the HACCP system is to __________. Whose mission is to awaken our thinking about food selection and its relationship to the planet? The seven commandments of customer service include all except __________. Chef Trotter stresses the use of pristine __________. D) predicts future cash flows., Highly liquid short-term Because some restaurants go out of business, used equipment is __________ available from restaurant dealers. \text{ Sales commissions } & 6 \% & 6 \% & 6 \% \\ Grapes for making wine are harvested in the __________, after they have been tested for maturity. The activity whereby union and management officials attempt to resolve conflicts of interest by exchanging commitments in a manner intended to sustain and possibly enrich their continuing relationship is called:_______ _______. The number-one factor in restaurant failure is said to be lack of __________. D) Only U.S. GAAP requires recognition of a contingent liability. Combined, the beverage pouring cost should be __________ of beverage sales. C) is initially measured as the difference between the consideration given in an acquisition and the fair value of the separately identifiable net assets acquired on the acquisition date. A(n) __________ menu offers a complete meal including soup or appetizer, salad and vegetable for a fixed price. Raw bars or restaurants do not serve food. Input vat on purchases of capital assets shall be spread (amortized over 60 months or useful lives of the capital assets if shorter than 60 months) when: Statement 1: The input value-added-tax on purchase of capital goods valued at P1,000,000 shall be spread over 60 months if the life of property is equivalent to 5 years or more. Her boss is impressed wit h her dedication and hard work, and assigns her the additional task of serving as a liaison for freelance writers. C) Payment terms may not include a variable component. Elaine Company estimates that 10% of the sales will be returned by customers. d. Assess the company's strengths and weaknesses. - The operator opens his lunch pail (it is not lunch time), removes an apple, and takes an occasional bite. The equipment was estimated to last for 6 years. A contingent liability that is probable and can be reasonably estimated will immediately result in: B) an increase in liabilities and a decrease in net income. C) lists revenues and expenses. Employment Retirement Income Security Act. Which of the following shall be subject to VAT? Dram Shop laws make it possible for servers to sue intoxicated guests for any accidents. Which team provides the quantitative data for evaluating current store performance levels and user interface designs? Process by which prospective employees are attracted to the restaurant so that a suitable applicant may be selected for employment. d. Cost of goods sold. Is a court order prohibiting certain activities in conjunction with a labor dispute. Training low-skilled employees may be just as important as training highly skilled workers. The nations of Mediterranean Europe all share the following physical characteristic- A. a flat, landlocked terrain. Which of the following statements is correct? B) Relevance and Faithful Representation. A) Firms not using stock options will generally have lower compensation expense and higher net income. Which one of the following contingencies requires financial statement disclosure? Which of the following is not correct with respect to accrual accounting? The _____ and ____ of work. T or F. The agreement which prohibits any union-represented bargaining unit from reaching a final contract settlement until all unions who bargain contracts with the same employer are willing to settle is called a ______- in ______. T or F, The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) clarifies and extends the Veterans' Reemployment Rights Act of 1940 to protect the job rights of individuals called on to perform military duty on behalf of the United States. In addition, the company sells carrying cases ($25), film cartridges ($15), and selfie lenses ($10) made especially for this camera. Donald properly applies the "variable revenue" guidance under ASC 606. What is Bradley's Gross Profit and Costs of Goods Sold? The Haymarket Riot represented a _____ for the ______ hour ______. The following information has been extracted from Show-Off's accounting records: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1) What is the first step in the strategic management process? What should the operator do to ensure that the tax authorities view independent contractors as indeed independent, and not employees? One of the factors limiting the likelihood of achieving those objectives is that: Which of the following is an example of an inherent limitation in a client's internal control system? Fixed costs include all except __________. Statement 1: On a sale of real property on installments by a real estate dealer, the seller shall be subject to VAT on the installment payment received, including interests and penalties for late payment. T or F, Most unions consider gain sharing plans as an adequate substitute for traditional negotiated hourly wage gains in their labor contracts. Mr. Juan Dela Cruz, VAT-exempt, issued VAT invoice to Pedro, VAT registered trader. A __________ is a nonprofit institution that is able to provide restaurant food and supplies at lower cost than the profit-oriented purveyors. When would management officials probably prefer centralized (multi-plant) bargaining? C) It T or F, After a decertification petition is filed with the NLRB, the employer must still bargain with the union until the question of representation is resolved. In order to compare the financial statements of Toyota Corporation to the financial statements of General Motors, it would be preferable to use: ) The International Accounting Standards Board is responsible for establishing: ) Which of the following statements is FALSE? ) Explain how the time value of money concept is incorporated into the valuation of certain leases. If a patron has the Nothing is too good for our anniversary attitude, the server should use (a) __________. T or F, A whipsaw bargaining strategy involves a negotiating team attempting to extract large, similar, concessions from multiple opponents. It is more flexibility with a smaller footprint. T or F, The "one big union" approach to union membership was not believed by the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). The formation of Employee Representation Plans. The area set aside for open kitchens costs about __________ more than in a standard kitchen. b. Explain your reasoning. a. It is most common to find employee meals treated as a(n) __________ for a restaurant operation. In its consolidated balance sheet, Peter Inc. should report the cash. A VAT-registered person is engaged in the sale of VAT taxable goods and at the same time is also engaged in non-VAT business, in the same business establishment. A) performing internal audits B) defining the current business C) translating the mission into strategic goals D) implementing a long-term strategy, 2) During the strategic planning process, environmental scanning worksheets are used for ________. Hickory Furniture Company paid for the following costs during the month of May: Which statement best describes when to record an expense? For the purposes of claiming input tax, as a purchase of service, the value of which shall be determined based on the progress billing. The temperature danger zone-between __________, is the range in which bacteria can thrive and. Depreciation Expense (Equipment) |45,300|| Salaries Payable| 12,600 Which of the following statements regarding the income statement is INCORRECT? Which of the following businesses is allowed a presumptive input vat? A) gain or loss on the sale of equipment as part of continuing operations. The strategy which attempts to use the most recent contracts in the industry as the starting point for achieving further concessions is called:____________. Represent fairly all employees in the bargaining unit. A company's labor relations strategy is NOT determined by ______ supervisors. T or F, The company may actively assist employees who are interested in launching a decertification campaign T or F, If employees choose to decertify their union, there cannot be another representation election for twelve months. Employees in a free and democratic society have a right to independently pursue their employment interests using lawful means. The _______________is simply a tank holding heated water in which hot foods in pots or crocks are placed to keep food warm (above 140F and to avoid further cooking). C. maximizing differentiation of products and/or services. Fridays use? According to the text, restaurant sales generally reach their maximum during __________. B. a cold climate with long winters. Financial statement users should expect to find the related loss reported on the Smidt's multiple-step income statement as part of: Margot reviews the financial statements of a potential investment target. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like b, e, c and more. D) A company borrows money from the bank., ) Which of the following is a business transaction? The negotiation of compensation for and number of intervals for bus drivers reflects which technological component? B) processes data into reports and communicates the data to decision makers. T or F, Opposition to the war and the Soviet revolution in Russia in 1917 led to what was called the Red Scare: A general concern that a communist revolution would happen in the United States. Current U.S. GAAP permits firms to display the components of other comprehensive income in which of the following formats? B. achieving competitive advantage. T or F, The fact that NLRB members are appointed by the President does not create concerns about influences over decisions of the Board. Are involved in 75 percent of the union organizing campaigns. C) the cumulative earnings less dividends since the inception of the corporation. used programs that will not allow employees to clock in more than 10 minutes early and 5 minutes late. The grade __________ of meat comes from older cattle and lacks tenderness. Alice Dexter, a consultant employed to help in the financing decision, stated, "Regardless of your choice, you will have to file a registration statement with the SEC." T or F, Illegal discharge of employees who are union advocates usually does not decrease the probability of a successful unionization. Which of the following statements is TRUE for a proprietorship? ) Which of the following statements regarding the income statement is INCORRECT? In addition, the following information is available related to the cost of the units sold: Total purchase cost $ 480,000 Freight charges 10,000 Purchase discounts 25,000 Purchase returns 50,000 Operating expenses 200,000 For what amount would the company report gross profit? Closely related to role playing, which has been around a long time, which is a technique that depicts the right way to handle personnel problems, shows how to interview and evaluate applicants, and demonstrates decision making? A study of the costs of this additional business reveals the following: Direct materials costs are 100% variable. Firms reporting using IFRS may present which of the following as financing cash flows? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A firm's financial statements contain trends that give users insight into the firm's:, Professional analysts need information on a company's future earnings and cash flow to evaluate audit vulnerabilities, to assess debt repayment prospects and to:, The costs of providing financial information is ultimately borne by: and more. A company's financial statements can be used for all of the following purposes except: A) as a scorecard on the company's social responsibility. The negotiation and administration of work rules. Annual operating income without the special order (column 1). In 2017, Borden Construction was contracted to build an apartment complex for its client, Deer Park Realty Management. The matrix of ideas that constitutes what will be perceived as the restaurant's image is the __________. It has the following account balances at the end of the first year of operations: Gerald Company has the following account balances at the end of the first year of operations: Michael Company reports Total Assets of $254,000, Common Stock of $50,000, and Retained Earnings of $94,000. However, which of the following are NOT actions of the AFL-CIO? Her boss is impressed wit h her dedication and hard work, and assigns her the additional task of serving as a liaison for freelance writers. Which of the following disclosures is not required by ASC Topic 606 guidance for revenue recognition? GJ is a contractor. Filing a ______ one year after ______ ______. B) provides information about the cash receipts and cash payments during a period. T or F, In larger companies, at the corporate level, the plant manager and plant labor relations manager play the key roles in certain labor relations activities, such as contract administration, grievance handling, and monitoring labor relations activities. B) processes data into reports and communicates the data to decision makers. Depreciation. T or F, Public opinion, while a potentially powerful influence, pertains only to the first phase of the labor relations process, particularly union organizing drives. Assume that accounts receivable (in millions) were $576,700 at the beginning of Year 1. Customers may separately purchase (a) the app, (b) updates to the app, and (c) coaching support for the exam, or a package that includes the app and free updates coaching support until they pass the exam. \begin{array}{c c} A company's market value is generally less than its book value., 3. Your customers are happy with the product. The points that indicate more food should be ordered are called __________. The main reason the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was declared unconstitutional was that one of its ______ was applied to an _______ which went beyond Congress' _____ to regulate ______ commerce. T or F, A deferred wage increase is a method used to adjust employee base wage rates during the term of a labor agreement. The real accounting issue in net income recognition is the: the matching principle requires that expenses be recognized: B) in the same period in which the revenue generated by these expenses is recognized. Boulanger believed that __________ was the cure to all sorts of illnesses. In 2014, ___ percent of private-sector union members participated in some type of employer- or union-sponsored pension plan compared to 45 percent of nonunion employees. A) Discontinued operations will not generate future cash flows and thus the results of transactions related to operations the firm intends to discontinue, or has already discontinued, must be reported separately from other income items on the income statement. \text{Net sales}&\$5,660,300&\$4,978,900\\ Which of the following statements is correct regarding reporting of "Extraordinary gains and losses" as a separate category on the income statement? \begin{array}{c} Krug's bad debt expense during 20X1 was $20,500. D) Increasing the credit period for a customer with an excellent credit history. These include activities relating authorization, performance reviews, information processing, physical controls and segregation of duties. According to the text, the ___________ determines the equipment. Which of the following statements is not applicable to contract acquisition costs under ASC Topic 606 guidance for revenue recognition? Proposals are made that cannot be accepted, an inflexible attitude on major issues is taken, and no alternative proposals are offered. |Particulars|Amount||Particulars|Amount| The SEC: B) has outlined how climate change could affect Regulation S-K disclosures. d. Dissolution of a partnership and the creation of a new partnership. $f(t)=\frac{t^2}{t-1} ;-2 \leq t \leq-\frac{1}{2}$. \text{Monthly Living Expenses} & \text{Monthly Fixed Expenses} \hspace{50pt}\\ The reasonable amount of food to have on hand is known as __________. T or F, Two major deficiencies of the Norris LaGuardia Act were: (1) the act did not establish an administrative agency and to enforce the act's provisions; (2) no specific employer unfair labor practices (ULPs) were identified or prohibited. The Federal Trade Commissions Consumer Fraud and Identity Theft Complaint Data report stated that __________ was the most common form of reported identity theft. Claimed as input tax credit in its entirety during the month or quarter when the sale or transfer was made. Michel Company owns 75% of the outstanding common stock of Aber Corp. On its current consolidated income statement, Michel Company should report: Which of the following may cause fully diluted EPS to differ from basic EPS? Which best describes the hands-in-pocket policy? & \textbf{ Las Vegas } & \textbf{ Reno } & \textbf{ Sacramento } \\ B) Conservatism means we only record that of which we are 100% certain. The current risk treatment is ineffective C. The current risk treatment is effective D. The risk does not need to be treated, Lucas, a risk professional for One of the following shall not be entitled to transitional input tax, a. Accepting the new business would increase administrative expenses by a $5,000 fixed amount. The restaurants are franchised operations. The __________ grade applies to highly specialized produce, a very small percentage of the total crop. Materials purchased during construction valued at P4,000,000 were paid on June 1, 2018 while a construction equipment worth P3,000,000 (net of VAT) was purchased on January 1, 2018 with the following terms; down payment - 500,000, balance payable every January 1 until fully paid starting 2019. T or F. Modern U.S. labor relations law relies on the following factors except ______ regulations. T or F, The Great Depression of the 1930s convinced many employees that hard work and loyalty (not unions) insured continued employment and other good working conditions. On sale of service, the tax base in computing for the VAT is, b. A review of the company's income statement indicates a record year in terms of sales and profits. T or F, Statutory law includes legislation originally written for general population but is applied in specific instances to labor relations. Cash flows from operating activities include: The U.K. Equity account "Share premium" is reported on U.S. GAAP balance sheets as: When adjusting accrual earnings to obtain cash flows from operations, A) an increase in Accounts Payable is added to determine cash flow from operations. In the marketing plan, goals need to be set for the four Ps, which are __________. The phase of the labor relations process which states that employees have a legal right to form and join a union or to refrain from doing so is the _____ of the ______ rights and _____ of Union and ______ representatives. A) A company buys goods on account. & \$~~16.75 & \text{(Divided by 12)} & \underline{\$~~~~~~~~~~~}\\ Deduction For AGI reduce AGI thus reducing the limitations on other tax benefits that are decreased or phased out for higher Under a cliff vesting schedule, an employee is considered fully vested after completing ____ years of service. T or F, The international union representative may be the first person on the job or the most senior employee. All amounts are exclusive of VAT. Accounts Receivable |36,800 ||Rent Expense |27,600 Which type of restaurant is built around an idea, usually emphasizing fun and fantasy, glamorizing or romanticizing an activity? Increased the membership and strengthened the power of the ARU. A company's market value is generally less than its book value., 3. - The company uses a responsibility accounting system. Age, sex, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, and race. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Standards used in an attest engagement that are established or developed by groups composed of experts are referred to as _____ _____, The highest form of assurance that CPAs can offer is provided by a(n) _____ engagement, In the early 20th century which of the following were recognized as good fraud Using a town/city map to plot the location of existing restaurants on the map is an example of a __________. T or F, The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) mediates cases and awards damages or fines where it deems necessary. Which is the most important part of the kitchen layout? ________________ can act as cooking pots; when filled with water, they can be used for quick-cooking vegetables, cooking hams or frankfurters, reheating foods, hard-boiling eggs, cooking macaroni or spaghetti, or holding canned or containerized foods. identify the qualifications and skills needed to perform the job. Sale of books, newspaper, and magazines. The seven commandments of customer service include all except _____. B) the partnership's assets are Bandex has financed past growth from internally generated funds, and since the initial stock offering 15 years ago, it has sold no further shares. Which is the only revenue generating variable in the marketing mix? B) The income statement shows the flow of earnings and expenses generated by the firm between two dates. Food should be above, Without the use of a germicide the rinse water needs to be. Combined annual operating income from normal business and the new business (column 3). Which statement is correct? The opposing party is allowed to satisfy their interest, while ones own interests are neglected. T or F, Craft union members, higher skilled, higher seniority, and better-educated members are less likely to attend local union meetings. In drawing up a restaurant mission statement, the following features should be explicit: Which is not a reason for entering the restaurant business? The sales of the non VAT business amounted to P200,000 with a separate percentage tax of P6,000 for a total of P206,000. Based on this information, Margot should: A) not assume that the gain will recur regularly. Which opportunity requires the highest original investment? At age __________, teenagers may legally work at any job. \text{Direct labor}\ldots\ldots\ldots & \text{144,000}\\ "Probationary work periods" would be most desired by management when the labor market has a _____ number of ______ _______. T or F, Good faith bargaining essentially means each party must demonstrate a sincere and honest intent to reach a labor agreement and be reasonable in their bargaining positions, tactics and activities. According to the text the best restaurant tables are: tables that can go from a deuce to four with slaps that makes it become a six. ~~~ \underline{\text{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}& \underline{\$~~~~~~~~~~~} & \\[10pt] d. stockholders Proper hand washing includes using water as hot as the hands can comfortably stand, using a brush. Professional analysts need information on a company's future earnings and cash flow to evaluate audit vulnerabilities, to assess debt repayment prospects and to: The costs of providing financial information is ultimately borne by: Companies that have projected operating cash flows that are more than sufficient to meet debt payments are. He may: a. Outbreaks of food-borne or water-borne diseases are usually caused by all but which of the. T or F, Free riders are employees who don't receive benefits from the union, but still have to pay union dues. On the same date, he received the total value of the contract amounting to P5,500,000. A control that reduces the risk that an existing or potential control weakness will result in a failure to meet a control objective is referred to as: When a compensating control exists, a weakness in the system: If no changes have occurred since the controls were last tested, a CPA should, Regardless of the assessed level of control risk, an auditor would perform some. A month after, Pedro purchased the adjacent unit for the same consideration. Is where the company either sells its product or purchases key elements for its manufacture or can make management more vulnerable. D. a hot, tropical climate. C) IFRS provides more detailed guidance than U.S. GAAP. The current risk treatment is ineffective C. The current risk treatment is effective D. The risk does not need to be treated, Lucas, a risk professional for The following information and data (net of VAT) are from the records of Fantastic 4 Corporation, a VAT taxpayer in connection with its construction contracts. |-|-|-|-|-| alcoholic beveragesnamely, beer, wine, and distilled spiritsfor consumption on the. C) To obtain quality measurement, input methods must always be closely related to the transfer of the goods or services to the customer. In the case of goods delivered to a consignee under a consignment arrangement, A) the consignor should not recognize revenue until the goods are transferred to a third party. T or F, It is unlawful for an employer to refuse to comply with a union's request to furnish information, such as basic financial information, which is relevant and necessary for the union to represent bargaining unit members in contract negotiations or grievance handling duties. \text{Selling expenses}\ldots\ldots\ldots & \text{150,000}\\ A test is said to be __________ if essentially the same results are seen on repeated testing. Accumulated other comprehensive income increases or decreases. Was unsuccessfully opposed by organized labor. The __________ is used to determine a sole proprietors or companys worth by listing all the assets and liabilities. Are they personal, fatigue, or delay? What percent of the anticipated bargaining unit is needed to conduct a representation election? c. Services arising from employee-employer relationship, c. Franchise grantees of radio broadcasting whose gross receipt for the preceding year was P9,000,000. According to the text, food-cost percentage should be calculated at least __________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements are CORRECT when comparing For AGI deductions to From AGI deductions? Which of the following is the benefit of a VAT registered taxpayer if he is subject to zero percent (0%) VAT rate? In designing audit procedures, the auditor will include all of the following except: Analytical review procedures include all of the following except: D) comparison of the company's reported financial results to benchmarks established by the SEC. Some of these risks, in the auditor's judgment, require special audit consideration, such as those that involve fraud or complex transactions. 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