worldcom scandal report

WorldComs fraudulent activities gradually took its toll on the entire U.S. telecommunications industry. The Business Journals features local business news from 40-plus cities across the nation. The commission sought court orders that would impose civil monetary penalties, prohibition of officers and employees from destroying altering or hiding relevant documents. They were reported in an attachment to the MonRev known as the Corporate Unallocated schedule. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. WorldCom emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004 with about US$5.7 billion in debts and as at 2007, its creditors, who had waited several years, were yet to be paid. The Enron scandal, in conjunction with the WorldCom (MCI) fiasco, shed light upon the extent to which companies were exploiting loopholes in legislation. Several other procedures implemented to protect investors include the International standard on accounting (IFRS IPSAS and on auditing (ISA) which is largely adopted by the European Union (Paulino da Costa, 2017). Lloyd Craig Blankfein (born September 20, 1954) is an American investment banker who has served as senior chairman of Goldman Sachs since 2019, and chairman and chief executive from 2006 until the end of 2018. Sidak, G. (2003). This meant the continuance of the fast growth acquisition strategy which was detrimental to the companys long term success. Helpful links in machine-readable formats. However, from 1999 to early 2002, CEO of the company, Bernard Ebbers along with other senior management used fraudulent and improper accounting methods to mislead investors and other directors. This also led to his eventual resignation from the company in 2002, and was replaced by John Sedgemor. They classify the event as one of the largest accounting frauds in history. This report is part of the following collection of related materials. Stay in the know! WorldCom reportedly spent nearly $60 billion to acquire many of these companies and took on $41 billion in debt in the process. Khun R. & Sutton S. (2006). The fraud case at WorldCom could have been detected and prevented if the management created a positive work environment, where the focus is goal oriented, and not profit oriented, and there are clearly set procedures for reporting and protection of such employees. The internal auditors failed in their duty to report to the audit committee, the true financial status of the company. Journal of International Business Law, 3(1), 33-52. It is important to remember that WorldComs accounting fraud was perpetrated, and concealed by the top company managers. An educated public is an empowered public. These were done in an attempt to please Wall Street, even if the rules at that time stated that such expenses from line cost should not be included in the Balance sheet (Kuhn and Sutton, 2006). 3. 49 What is Corporate Governance. It grew as a result of more than 60 acquisitions in the past 15 years Its takeover of long-distance provider, MCI, in 1997 became one of the major success stories of the 1990s This rapid growth stopped suddenly when regulators stopped WorldCom's proposed merger with Sprint. Similarly, section 202 of the Act outlines, in details, some of the functions which cannot be performed by public accounting firms or auditing companies. The Zero Theft Movement does not have any interest in partisan politics/competition or attacking/defending one side. Concerning the relationship to the auditing company it includes guidelines stipulating that audit firms cannot provide any additional services that may compromise their independence and auditors can not in any way be involved in management decisions. Main Reasons for High HR Turnover Flawed Hiring (Gleeson, 2017) Excessive Work Load Lack of Training Lack of Growth Opportunities The first reason for higher HR turnover is flawed hiring, which means that companies do not hire the right , The revolutionary heights and landmarks in the field of business are associated with the advent of computer technology. The firm could no longer meet its revenue goals, in 2001. WorldComs expansion came from repeated use of its original growth strategy: acquisition with its own stock. WorldCom embarked in a more aggressive and intense shenanigan which involved shifting the companys general expenses from the Statement of Income, and recording them in the Balance sheet to increase their stock price. The CEO and significant senior officials in forms should be subjected to reviews often to assess their work and decisions that could potentially influence the company. WorldCom also falsely portrayed itself as a profitable business during 2001 and the first quarter of 2002 by reporting earnings, it did not have. A 2017 Forbes article reports, For most of the 20th century, stock buybacks were deemed illegal because they were thought to be a form of stock market manipulation. Money creation is facilitated by commercial banks. The negligence of the audit committee illustrates the weaknesses in WorldComs internal control (Ashraf, 2011). An unsustainable effort to conceal losses. On Dec. 2, 2001, energy behemoth Enron shocked the world with its widely-publicized bankruptcy after the firm was busted for committing egregious accounting fraud. He is reported to have said that the firms goals were not capturing the market share or expanding globally but to be the top stock on the Wall Street. In the example case, that would be 10 years. On April 2004 WorldCom emerged from Chapter 11 under the name of MCI with Michael Capellas as new CEO and CFO Robert Blakely. An external auditing company is more likely to do a better job of identifying improper accounting and reporting it than internal audits given internal auditing may be run by the CFO or someone with the power to manipulate the results. See what the ZT community has reported on the matter, 1. These events prompted the enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in 2002, to help bridge some of these loopholes and weaknesses which allowed company employees or managers to take advantage of these opportunities to commit fraud. Either they had to consolidate all the previous acquisitions into one efficient business, which they had failed to do so far, as they had only concentrated on the takeovers or to find other creative ways to sustain and increase the share price. The measures taken to prevent future similar problems can be done through outsourcing audits. Due to the. Next, there was the existence of a Corporate Unallocated Revenue Account, which included entries of corporate level adjustments. WorldComs scandal is one of the greatest and well-known fraud scandals to rock the wall street. Moreover, a new auditor rotation system that requires audit partners to change every five years and audit firms every seven years respectively has been imposed. The setting at which the fraud accounts occur is also a result of corporate governance failure given the board of directors did not do anything to stop the death spiral of the company but instead shift all the blame to the CEO citing him as the source of culture and pressure that birthed the fraudulent events. Suspicions of foul play emerged when the Fort Worth Weekly published, in May 2002, the account of Kim Emigh, an, ex-WorldCom employee reportedly fired for questioning the companys accounting methods, Word got around to WorldComs internal audit staff. The same case it true for company top managers, as they are obliged to ensure increased transparency and accountability of the financial statements. Auditors are only exempted from this rule in situations where the revenue paid for these services is less than 5% of the amount paid to the specified auditing firm, to eliminate conflict of interest during auditing (Bergen, 2005). The CEOs intentions of personal gains, lack of expertise and pressure on lower management led the firm into a conspiracy remembered to date. Library of Congress. Iyer Nigel & Samociuk Martin (2016) Ebbers was reported to have never included the legal department in any of the companys functions and how it operated. Make sure to provide us with all the details. The commission concludes that the company falsely portrayed itself as a profitable business through reporting revenue it did not have. Within days, the stock of not so long ago major player in the telecommunication industry fell well under $1. After a confrontation with the controller Meyers, he confessed and then they had their evidence (Iyer & Samociuk, 2016). This department is directly in charge of establishing the check and balances in auditing, which means that they can be directly linked to WorldCom accounting scandal (Pandey and Verma, 2004). The company managers used this to their advantage to provide misleading financial statements. Infectious greed was apparent among the investors and market, expecting and demanding maintained high returns. How Does Enterprise Computing Support BusinessOrganizations? He focused on the internal growth of the organization. However, WorldCom continued to post perfect results (Dennis, Nicholas, Rogers, 2003). And for that, WorldCom (after changing its name to MCI), paid nearly $51 million to settle the class action lawsuit brought by its employees, 67 institutional investors claimed theyd lost around $1.8 billion through WorldCom bonds or stocks theyd purchased. More than nine billion dollars in false and unsupported accounting entries were made at WorldCom to achieve a desired reported financial result. To avoid instances of fraud, it would be imperative for organizations to use budgets and financial targets as benchmarks and therefore work towards achieving these drives. These records include any financial data sent or received by a company in regards to an audit, electronic communication, and work papers (Sox Act, 2002). Special Investigative Committee of the Board of Directors of WorldCom, Inc, U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (2002) However, CFO Scott Sullivan supposedly could not find a feasible way to use the accounting manipulation in 2001. were deemed illegal because they were thought to be a form of stock market manipulation. (.pdf), descriptive and downloadable metadata available in other formats, /ark:/67531/metadc812649/metadata.untl.xml, /oai/?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=info:ark/67531/metadc812649, /ark:/67531/metadc812649/metadata.mets.xml, /stats/stats.json?ark=ark:/67531/metadc812649, Below is a summary of some of the lessons learned from WorldCom accounting fraud; 1. However, there is a broad consensus that the WorldCom disaster was rather a failure of corporate governance. Washington D.C.. Metcalfe explained the name 3Com was a contraction of "Computer Communication Compatibility", with its focus on Ethernet technology that he had Further investigation into the firms actions revealed capitalization of more than $11 billion of operating expenses. He reported that he had placed $400 million aside to make up for customers who did not pay their bills. conditions where revenue is recognized or accounted for (Spiceland et al. WorldCom had used several accounting shenanigans to inflate its revenues and the operation cash flow. U.S. Department of Justice launched an investigation on the actions of CEO, Bernie Ebbers, CFO, Scott Sullivan and a few other senior managers who were involved in the conspiracy. Several factors in the internal and the external environment which could have contributed to the fraud at WorldCom. The unethical behaviors presented by the leading officials at WorldCom may have been caused by groupthink. The firm survived the Wall Street Crash of 1929 without laying off any employees and by 1933 opened its first branch office in Chicago. report It can also be seen to be unfair and a overburden to the smaller listed companies as the similar priced compliance costs take a greater share off their revenues, leading a lot many institutions delisting and some even listing elsewhere, such as the UK where a lighter hand on governance has been implemented. Scott D. Sullivan, Chief Finance Officer of WorldCom, asked his employees to maintain a 42% expense/revenue ratio which was declared to be impossible considering the position at that time. The press blamed Anderson for his irresponsibility and turning a blind eye to the companys abnormal financial statements (Yallapragada, RamMohan R., C. William Roe, & Alfred G. Toma 187). Entrust your assignment to our professional writers and they will compose a custom paper specially for you. The second, when the company had excess accruals, the company failed to release them in the period stipulated (Iyer & Samociuk, 2016). From Enron, WorldCom and Satyam, it appears that corporate accounting fraud is a major problem that is increasing both in its frequency and severity. By 2000 spring, WorldCom was not only competitive with AT&T, but it had everything in place to surpass the telecom colossus. Lyke, Bob, and Mark Jickling. Here is how everything works at : You fill out an order form. In total, WorldCom made more than $9 billion in erroneous accounting entries to achieve the impression it was making profits. It was orchestrated by a few key members of senior management based in the company headquarters in Mississippi and executed by employees in the financial and accounting departments across various locations. Retrieved from:, Akhigbe, Aigbe, Anna D. Martin, and Ann Marie Whyte. The 2002 WorldCom scandal, one of a few historical collapses during, one of the biggest accounting scandals and bankruptcies ever. When conducting an investigation, forensic analysts have to be at the forefront of the exercise and ensure that what is needed remains unhampered. Bernard John Ebbers (August 27, 1941 February 2, 2020) was a Canadian businessman, the co-founder and CEO of WorldCom and a convicted fraudster. Copyright 2003-2022 | Academic Master is a trading name of HighEnd Technologies LTD. Every essay on this website is copyrighted by Academic Master. Warning Signs for WorldCom Investors. creation happens through the creation of deposits. In this regard, WorldCom understated the company expenses, and inflated its revenues, to impress the investors (Sidak, 2003). The documents needed for conducting interviews include internal records such as accounting audits, price and cost inventories, order reports and marketing information (Iyer, & Samociuk, 2016). The first instance of fraud happened when WorldCom announced that its financial personnel had improperly transferred 3.852 billion dollars from line cost to asset accounts from 2001 to early 2002. The board should take a more managerial post in running the organization rather than giving all the powers to the CEO. Ex-WorldCom CEO Ebbers guilty: Faces long prison sentence after being convicted on all nine counts in accounting fraud. The fraud was also influenced by Ebberss significant efforts to building and protecting his financial empire, without paying attention to the risks that those undertakings had on the welfare of the company. We post free essay examples for college on a regular basis. The leading telecommunications firm WorldCom in the 1990s. We regularly publish educational articles on, just like this one on the WorldCom scandal. If you find papers The case of WorldCom remains the biggest corporate scandals in the globe to date. From Independence to Regulation: A Look into Major Accounting Scandals and the Changes Implemented by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Under the leadership of the CEO, Mr. Bernard Ebbers, the company managed to acquire over sixty telecommunication companies between 1985 to 1995, which saw its name being shortened to WorldCom (Petterson and Maracic, 2012). The audit was led by the companys division vice president of Internal Audit, Cynthia Cooper and her counterpart Eugene Morse, WorldComs senior associate (Pandey and Verma, 2004). The SECs charges against Bernard Ebbers look very similar to those leveled against Sullivan. This new method of accounting manipulated revenues and profits, showing them way more than the true values. For example, some researchers have noted that continuous assurance model would have provided the necessary analytical and monitoring tool for early detection of fraud cases at WorldCom (Kuhn and Sutton, 2006). Evidently this takeover was agreed and the merger between the two brought MCI WorldCom into second position behind that of AT&T in the telecommunications market. The pressure to perform and meets the Wall streets expectations could have also motivated the company managers to commit the fraud. The emphasize on revenues pushed WorldComs employees to do anything necessary for more revenues, even if it included long-term costs of a project outweighing the short-term gains. WorldComs growth during this period is largely attributed to acquisitions, with one of the largest acquisition taking place 1998, where it acquired MCI communications at $40 billion which saw the name changed to MCI WorldCom (Schilit & Perler, 2010). In mid-2002, a team of internal auditors set to review the companys financial statement after a whistleblower auditor noted a suspicious entry in the balance sheet during a mini-departmental audit of the routine capital expenditure (Pandey and Verma, 2004). $12 billion MFS Communications acquisition, , which included UUNet (a major supplier of Internet services to businesses), $37 billion merger between MCI Communications and WorldCom, turned the conglomerate into one of the largest providers of business and consumer telephone service, Follow the Money: A Framework for Investors to Evaluate Management as Capital Allocators, , authors Philip McCauley and Brett Neubert comment on the reputation of the company before the scandal. Her commitment to quality surprises both the students and fellow team members. In 2001, WorldCom began to fraudulently inflate the earnings reported on its profit and loss statements. 29. report, As a result, some of the information from the investigation was incomplete (Dennis, Nicholas, Rogers, 2003). Another policy weakness is the implications of the attempt to deregulate telecommunications in the United States. Essentially, the doors to the telecom market had burst open. This action was accomplished through improperly releasing accruals to pay anticipated bills. To gather accurate and first-hand data, an investigator, can obtain information from individuals. (4), 491-506. It is also important to understand what was happening to other telecommunication companies around the same period, WorldCom fraud scandal occurred. According to a report published by this committee on March 31, 2003, WorldCom committed an enormous fraud in a very mundane way (Iyer & Samociuk, 2016). This resulted in manipulation of the reserves, reducing them when needed to increase earnings. The 1990s was a period of rapid growth in the telecommunication industry. Also, the approval of Ebberss loan was also not in the best interest of the company, because it gave Ebbers an unlimited power to control the Board. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Scott Sullivan manipulated the capital expenditures and expenses and misguided the investors. The process of developing fraud begins with a dysfunctional leadership and ineffective corporate governance and trickles down to risky strategic decisions and lax execution (Heracleous & Werres, 2016). These three factors include opportunity (the circumstances that allow fraud to occur), incentive (the motive or pressure such as financial pressure) and rationalization (the justification for committing a crime (Abdullahi, 2015). |. It has gone down as one of the biggest accounting scandals and bankruptcies ever. Anderson could easily identify the accrual reversals and capitalization of expenses from the general ledgers, however, WorldCom ignored his requests and kept important information from him. states, The complaint filed today alleges that Ebbers, along with other WorldCom senior officers, caused numerous fraudulent adjustments and entries in WorldComs books and records, often in the hundreds of millions of dollars, in furtherance of a scheme to make the Companys publicly reported financial results appear to meet Wall Streets expectations. Thus, a new US federal law, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) emerged in 2002. , [The] Commission charged [him] with engaging in a fraudulent scheme to conceal WorldComs poor financial performance. Mandating public companies establish strong internal controls, Limiting the number of Board members who are certified public accountants to a maximum of two, Increasing criminal penalties for securities fraud, Enforcing a change in a companys audit partners every five years, The Undeserving Losers of the WorldCom Scandal, The SEC investigation linked above reports that most of, WorldComs people did not know it was occurring. That makes the firing of, Think about the billions in retirement savings lost. In my opinion, internal investigations are better initiated by the board of directors or the shareholders given they govern how the company runs. Senior managers of WorldCom including, David Meyers, Yates, Vinson, and Normand, pleaded guilty to felony charges of security fraud and making false files. Alteration of the statement of duties of directors also took place together with the Operating & Financial Review being introduced for large firms. Latest news, expert advice and information on money. Bergen, L. (2005). Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 3, 61-80. Were any regulatory changes made after the WorldCom scandal? As arcane as they now sound, there was a time when long-distance carriers ruled the telecommunications industry. The eventual failure of WorldCom was caused by the disruption of the cycle, as discussed before, when the planned acquisition of Sprint Corporation in 1999-2000 was stopped by pressures from the US Department of Justice and the European Union over concerns of it creating a monopoly. WorldCom, one of the biggest telecommunication companies, attempted to increase the income on its profit and lost about $4 billion in 2001. The large acquisition of MCI gave WorldCom another opportunity to fiddle its books as it could now apply its dubious methods to all the new assets and expenses of MCI. 4. Fraud and Corruption It is the relationship between their main expenses; line costs (the rental of telephone lines) to its revenues and the lower figures consequently produced more recommendations by analysts increasing stock prices. the stability of an economy and maintenance of social Introduction Retrieved from: The 2002 WorldCom scandal, one of a few historical collapses during the 2000 recession, cost an estimated $107 billion in lost assets. Being a major contributor to the economy and one of the biggest telecom employer, WorldComs decline affected many stakeholders. The company CEO, Mr. Ebbers, intended to borrow some cash against his stock holdings, to support his other business undertakings and his extravagant lifestyle (Schilit and Perler, 2010). The company was facing both the internal pressure of declining stock price and the external pressure from Wall Street for WorldCom to perform by either maintaining or increasing its numbers (Schilit and Perler, 2010). Until its demise in mid-2002, WorldCom was regarded as the second-largest long-distance US telecommunications company. Because the tech business had slowed considerably, the very acquisitions that had brought astronomic growth essentially doomed WorldCom. WorldComs then larger rival, the telecommunication company AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph) had been laying off tens of thousands in the late 90s as it was trying to match WorldComs phantom profits which eventually led to its acquisition by Baby Bell SBC Communications in December 2005. Therefore they started reducing the book value of some MCI assets whilst also increasing the value of goodwill by the same balancing amount. For successful interviewing of individuals, it is understood that an investigator needs to gather all and necessary information before the exercise. He later became embroiled in controversies and lawsuits about his allegedly excessive pay package and $188.5 million golden parachute. In addition, the Commission alleged that Sullivan made numerous false and misleading public statements about WorldComs financial condition and performance, and signed a number of SEC filings that contained false and misleading material information., five years for committing financial fraud, The SECs charges against Bernard Ebbers look very similar to those leveled against Sullivan. After April 2002, the board had a reason to believe that Ebbers could not repay these loans, which resulted in the consolidation of his assets to secure the loans amounting to $ 408 million (Petterson and Maracic, 2012). See how much the rigged economy is ripping off from you, Serve your fellow citizens as a citizen investigator, We regularly publish educational articles on. In the course of these events, there were several warning signs for the investors which could have hinted them about possible fraud. Serving as both a federal and a state depository library, the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department maintains millions of items in a variety of formats. was provided by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department Albrecht, S. and Albrecht, S. (2003). While the debtors of WorldCom were The fraud was orchestrated by a few of the senior executives at the headquarters in Clinton, Mississippi, together with a few personnel from the accounting department (Heracleous & Katrin, 2016). It also exaggerated profits by around three billion dollars. This would have allowed the company to spread these expenses to make profits appear greater than they actually were. It means that the fraud was committed by highly skilled individuals who had knowledge of WorldComs operation and their financial status. 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