why do bananas give me cramps

This seems to be more likely Hopefully it will prevent cramps. I will start paying more attention to my fluid intake. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on May 06, 2012: Thank you Crazzykylex. I guess it all depends on the person. Suzie from Carson City on April 23, 2012: Milltips..I have not experienced leg cramps, but I do deal with foot/toes crampswhile in bed at the end of the day. Other choices are pumpkin, avocados, and watermelon. Why does China block access to some internet sites? I am glad for them, but people like me feel left out. This is I too also heard that bananas help cramping. Potassium is also an electrolyte, which moves electricity through your body. I have now rented a room for a while in a corridor where we share kitchen. They're horrible..actually feels like the tendons in my feet are "pulling" and my toes literally bend backwards. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on July 18, 2012: Thanks Keri - I hope you never get any leg cramps when you eat bananas, but after a salt free diet, I often get them. Drinking more water is a great plan, and will help reduce leg cramps caused by bananas. I wanted to prove that my memory was correct about the effects of potassium to water levels in the body. Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the United States, so many Americans regard them as a healthy food to promote overall body health. Most people experience some form of muscle cramping during their lives. It turns out that there are quite a few people who report this connection. I repeat that several times to stretch my calf muscles and it really seems to help. Bananas contain potassium. Surprised we are all getting the opposite effect. Privacy Notice/Your California Privacy Rights. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. By Mschel (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on August 28, 2012: Thanks Jeannie, it looks like most people get fewer leg cramps, and not more by eating bananas. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on November 26, 2013: Good idea Albert. If you don't normally get a lot of fiber or if you've eaten a few too many bananas, you may experience abdominal pain due to its fiber content. can occur for many reasons. Does eating bananas help prevent muscle cramps? I am not sure whether the hydration has to take place before you go to bed, or whether drinking water throughout the day would work. While bananas aren't a significant source of fructose, eating too many may lead to stomach pain. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Bananas have components which can help with cramps. I love drinking banana milk shakes in the morning but dont do it because of the horrible leg cramps i get even the day after my calf is very sore from the cramp. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on January 05, 2013: Thanks carltonsue - I'm able to eat bananas now since I've been drinking water with them. This syndrome is known as latex-food syndrome or latex-fruit allergy. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. I decided to do some research about why bananas cause leg cramps and report my findings to you. Stomach pain after eating may also be the result of a blocked blood vessel. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on June 07, 2012: I'm glad you don't have any issues with bananas, urmilashukla23. Next time you have a cramp, you can try drinking pickle juiceI wrote a hub about it! It was then when i experienced cramps. Thanks for sharing. Now I can eat bananas and not suffer from leg cramps simply by drinking even more water. The exact causes are unknown but frequently they are attributed to over exercise or dehydration. As for bananas, they never did give me leg cramps but then again I don't test it out very often :) Cheers. In addition, they have a high water content so it will help if dehydration is one of the causes for your leg cramps. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on October 27, 2012: Thanks acaetnna, I hope you never have to suffer from leg cramps caused by bananas or anything else. Double win! Allowing the banana to ripen until soft and slightly yellow reduces the amount of resistant starch, making it easier to digest. If you have a sugar allergy, you might experience symptoms after eating it that include: hives. There is also a second type of reflux called laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Bananas contain high levels of potassium and magnesium (2). Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on October 14, 2012: I daily eat a generous bowl of fresh fruit, alone with no other food, and it includes a banana. Banana overdose! It is possible that you are drinking too much water. I am glad that bananas are helpful, or at least not hurtful for you. The best way to lessen the pain of muscle cramps is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. I've always had strong leg muscles and when young, they cramped frequently. I didn't see anything that said that potassium makes you lose water, but many articles discussed a connection between sodium, potassium and water. Thanks for sharing. It's like the tendons are too short. Hillary from Atlanta, GA on April 24, 2012: Millionaire - We are thinking alike! The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. I luckily have never suffered but my husband gets leg cramps all the time. That is a very smart idea - to listen to your own body and see how it reacts to what you do and eat. WebMaking this short and sweet. So I desist and swelling subsides. It is a good idea to have a diet balanced in proteins, carbohydrates and fats for the body needs an Allergy tests for food are most helpful if a person has a history of a systemic reaction immediately after eating a food. I had no idea bananas could actually cause leg cramps. Quickly eating a banana while you are experiencing a cramp will not do much to relieve the pain. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on June 08, 2012: I think that this reaction is rare, but it is possible for people who are on a low salt diet. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Thanks for the tip about stretching. But I had to learn it to figure out that the kidneys use potassium and sodium to balance how much water you need in your body. Now we know. Stacy Harris from Hemet, Ca on April 25, 2012: Very interesting like you said, I have always heard that bananas help relieve leg cramps, but it makes sense that if you are dehydrated or levels are off in your body that it could also give you leg cramps. on May 06, 2012: Even having bananas with a glass of milk can be dangerous. The next time you eat a banana, simply drink some water with it. Its fine to have a banana or two before a big race, but if you are expecting that they will prevent painful muscle cramps you will probably be disappointed. By the way, we eat banana and yoghurt to cure stomach cramps. Thanks all. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Crazzykylex from Incredible India! Bananas may cause gas and bloating in some people due to their sorbitol and soluble fiber contents. Firstly, my mom always complains that she gets foot cramps whenever she eats bananas. i wasn't allergic to them before. Most of my findings talked about potassium being flushed out of the body along with water, stating that dehydration may cause low potassium levels. If you know you are prone to cramps, are about to attempt a heavy workout, or are approaching a time of menstruation, eat a banana a day to help boost the levels of potassium and magnesium in your system. I will try running without it next time and replace it with electrolyte drinks. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Someone else's experience probably involves a group of factors which ours may lack. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on June 03, 2012: Thank you Linda. Thanks for the confirmation. Bananas are a great source of potassium and so people believe that potassium has a connection to relieving cramps in the body, because sometimes a symptom of an electrolyte imbalance particularly low magnesium or What is banana allergy? This seems to be more likely among people with digestive Bananas are a great addition because they are inexpensive, convenient, available year round, portable, taste good, and have lots of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Seems to me we know, if we think, why our bodies react to certain things we do. No, you don't have to give up eating bananas. Some people, however, complain that they get foot and leg cramps when they eat bananas. I don't know if the bananas had been related to it as i was told that it would help prevent cramps. Bananas may cause gas and bloating in some people due to their sorbitol and soluble fiber contents. I get terrible gut aches after i eat bananas? I was about to give up bananas and try another fruit and I ran into your article. Make sure that your intake of calcium, potassium, and magnesium are at sufficient levels. Eating a banana in the middle of a cramp wont make it go away, but as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan, it can act as a deterrent. WebEating a banana in the middle of a cramp wont make it go away, but as part of a healthy diet and exercise plan, it can act as a deterrent. 9 /11. We discuss products we think are useful to people. The best way to lessen the pain of muscle cramps is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. I usually do drink plenty of water, but when I slight on that, the result is more likely water retention, especially if I've overdone intake of salt, which is not my usual habit. Most people don't see an association with leg cramps and bananas, Aurelio, but I can tell you for certain that in my body there is one. 5 What to drink to stop a running stomach? This is helpful information for me as I eat a banana everyday. stomach cramps. i get severe muscle cramps all over my body everytime i do physical activity. Educational and voted up! However, eating bananas often can prevent the onset of cramps because your body will contain the necessary nutrients in the muscles. I've been writing articles on vitamins, mentioning how I take my potassium tablets to deal with water weight and blood pressure. Bananas contain three out of the four electrolytes that you need. I think it helps to think about the cause and effect - since bananas give me leg cramps and a glass of water stops the cramps, I don't have a problem remembering to drink water when I eat a banana. What is an example of a case sensitive password? So interesting--thanks for sharing your suspicions, investigation, and your conclusions on the question of whether bananas could be at the root of leg cramps! Thank you RTalloni, teaches12345, and lobobrandon. Maintaining proper nutrition could help your body and prevent the onset of cramps in muscles. Dr. Jonathan Cluett on About.com states that electrolyte imbalances and dehydration can cause leg cramps, among other causes. Muscle cramps just seem to be one of these things - you hear bananas are good to eat if you get leg cramps because of the potassium, and then you hear something like this and realize that the majority of people that filled out the poll said they always get leg cramps from bananas! There are actually several medical reasons why you could be craving bananas. In severe cases, the symptoms can also develop after touching the fruit or its peel. Ive been doing a very low carb diet for a long time now i eat protein and fats and all my blood tests and electrolytes have been good. Thanks for sharing this! Why do i get stomach cramps when i eat bananas. A third of the magnesium in the body lives in the muscles and muscles use it for contraction and relaxation. Most people experience some form of muscle cramping during their lives. Why does my stomach cramp after I eat certain foods? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. So it's wisest to listen to one's own gut feeling and common sense, perhaps. Glad to see you got there, and that you did a great job of covering the four causes of leg and food cramping. Drinking water does help tremendously. The most obvious one is a lack of potassium. Potassium is the main mineral known for cramp prevention. What Are the Benefits of Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches? My wife told me it was the bananas. is there an allergy test for this? Potassium-rich foods in your diet should include bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. Voting this Up and Interesting though. One banana can provide 10% of the recommended potassium intake for an adult every day (4). Bananas have components which can help with cramps. I have been eating a banana a day this week and drinking a glass of water with it, and I haven't had leg cramps this week. The dehydration/water loss makes sense as a cause. The worst is when I wake up and hop out of bed only to realize BOTH legs are cramped upand I crumple to the floor. WebSummary: Bananas are full of potassium, fiber and vitamin C, but they can also be a source of stomach cramps for some people. It may be dehydration that is causing your leg cramps. Perhaps you've heard that bananas are good for leg cramps. Remember to check with your personal physician to see if a product recommended is right for you. Get enough potassium through a balanced diet. I've never realised a connection, (apart from bananas supposedly helping cramps) and haven't had cramp in a while, but then I have got better at drinking water, I think. A low intake of dietary potassium, especially in the presence of high sodium intake, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of elevated BP [blood pressure]. I never really focused too much on specific vitamins, figuring that I could simply try to eat healthy and take a multi-vitamin now and then to cover the difference. This is good to know. Just be cautious of falls. U.S. Department of Agriculture: Economic Research Service: Bananas and Apples Remain America's Favorite Fresh Fruit, Digestive Health Institute: Resistant Starch, Chiquita Bananas: Banana Information, Handling and Varieties, USDA National Nutrient Database: Bananas, Raw. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on September 10, 2013: alilfireball, I thought I was the only one too! I also eat the banana at noon for lunch. Bananas are generally easy to find and known to be helpful for period cramps. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Good information to have handy. Let's make a deal - you work on your fluid intake, and I'll work on calcium and magnesium, and hopefully we will both be without leg cramps ever more! I take a mineral supplement for that very reason, but still have very intense cramps that wake m up at night 3 or 4 times a month. Why is this? I am fine with them as long as I drink lots of water, even though I thought I was drinking lots already. Muscle cramps bad on new water pills. This made me wonder if I was the only person who thought bananas actually caused leg cramps. Thanks for this! If I do, it's most often from crackers or chips at snack time. Her work has been featured on the Huffington Post, Diabetes Self-Management and in the book "Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation," edited by John R. Bach, M.D. It's also the form of sugar found in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Thanks for teaching me something new. These include potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. can very low carb diet cause this? HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. LPR is characterized by basically all symptoms other than heartburn and regurgitation. Like Melovy said, I guess the lesson here is to make sure that we keep all of our minerals in balance, and drink lots of water so we can avoid getting leg cramps when we eat bananas. brings clarity if one is confused :). Vinaya Ghimire from Nepal on June 12, 2012: I had no idea about the connection of banana and leg cramps. I am not lacking waterI had 2 bottle of water, then 1 banana and then another waterbam, I got foot cramp. Why do my muscles cramp up when i eat bananas or take a mineral supplement. I get cramps in a hand or foot if I eat a few bananas. Ruchira from United States on April 26, 2012: Bananas are rich in potassium and was advised in my pregnancy to consume many ,cause of leg cramps but I agree my doc also advised me to drink water.. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on April 25, 2012: Thanks barbergirl28, I hope this helps your husband. Diana L Pierce from Potter County, Pa. on April 23, 2012: This is very interesting. WebDo bananas cause cramps? I have a friend who says that caffeine makes her sleepy. Bananas don't cause leg cramps; rather, they contain potassium, a deficiency of which can cause leg cramps. Some of the most popular home remedies for an upset stomach and indigestion include: A banana allergy is often connected to a latex allergy. It does not store any personal data. Massaging your stomach muscles can help to relax them. This is because some of the proteins in the rubber trees that produce latex are known to cause allergies, and they are similar to the proteins found in some nuts and fruits, including bananas. I guess it depends on how much water you drink, which I drink A LOT. How awful! Factors that can contribute to leg cramps are age considerations. It makes total sense and will start drinking more water. You have given much 'food for thought'! If i eat a banana i get several muscle cramps and my i started having trouble soloing. Contact Cramping can sometimes be caused by low potassium. Great hub reading an informational hub after a long time :). Why does my stomach hurt when I take honey? WebIf bananas give you heartburn and regurgitation, you likely have typical reflux the type of reflux characterized by only 2 symptoms: heartburn and regurgitation. Increasing the intake of foods that are high in electrolytes like potassium has not been shown to have much of an effect in warding off muscle cramps. You are going to have to get your own, but be assured in the fact that most people who read this hub do eat a banana with a glass of water to test out the information here. There is a simple solution to your leg cramps that are caused by eating bananas. great info! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Muscle Aches. All Rights Reserved. Thats because potassium is one of the main ingredients in bananas. Keri Summers from West of England on July 17, 2012: This is a fascinating Hub. Why Does Iceberg Lettuce Cause Stomach Cramps? Really helpful, as cramp is sooooooo painful. The average banana has 420 milligrams of potassium, or about 10% of the recommended daily requirement. I don't know if I can necessarily associate them with bananas because obviously I don't track what goes in his mouth all the time, but definitely gonna have to give him this bit of information. I needed to figure out what was causing leg cramps in people when they ate bananas when we are told that bananas help leg cramps. This may cause many people to run to their pantries and search for foods to provide them with some relief (1). This is so complicated. I am horrible about drinking water (I think I a m half camel). I eat lots of bananas each day and when work out I get cramps. Magnesium is another important element in our bodies. At first I was sure it was the long distance running that caused it but then I was injured and couldn't run for a few Days. I for one am happy to know that I am not the only person that experiences this. So now when I am in bed (right before sleep) I flex my toes towards my knees for a few seconds and then gently point my toes out. A friend only had them when her calcium was low. Men's Muscle. Sitting or standing all day can be a cause as well as overdoing alcohol or improper footwear. I thought I drank a lot of water too, but apparently not enough for the bananas. Urmila from Rancho Cucamonga,CA, USA on June 06, 2012: I eat banana and don`t get leg cramps. Bananas contain high levels of potassium and magnesium (2). Muscle cramps or weakness. I'll have to add that to my bedtime regiment, especially when I am eating bananas. Reverse Tubal Ligation: What You Need to Know About the Process. (seriously) The only way to stop it is to stand and press down on my toes in the other direction. All these can trigger muscle cramps. These are involuntary contractions in either the muscle or a part of the muscle tissue. Bananas don't cause leg cramps; rather, they contain potassium, a deficiency of which can cause leg cramps. Why is IVF not recommended for women over 42? Perhaps I'm not prone to having this reaction as I've never had a cramp after eating a banana. Besides increasing your daily intake of potassium with bananas, stretch the muscle out and rubbing it gently to release the cramp 1. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on June 04, 2012: Thanks Melovy and Vellur. I sleep 13 hours at night, drink a lot of water, eat very little (1 meal a day) and i'm never hungry and i get muscle cramps a lot. Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the United States, with an average intake of more than 10 pounds per person a year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They are rich in fiber and will help you have easy bowel movements. A cramp may just feel like a tightening of a muscle, but it could also become extremely painful and limit a persons movements. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. If you experience stomach discomfort See Taking a warm bath or using a heating bag. There is no doubt that it was caused by eating bananas. She said that the kidneys rely on sodium and potassium to help determine a balance of water. Although potassium is often associated with bananas, those sweet fruits actually aren't a very high source, providing just nine percent of your daily recommended intake. And I've never experienced som many horrible episodes of leg cramps in the middle of the night. Fructose is the form of sugar found in fruit. In fact any type of potato will work. Hopefully you can avoid leg cramps caused by eating bananas. If you know you are prone to cramps, are about to attempt a heavy workout, or are approaching a time of menstruation, eat a banana a day to help boost the levels of potassium and magnesium in your system. I will be sure to look look at your pickle juice hub, although I can't promise to drink it! There is a clear connection between bananas and leg cramps in my body. A banana allergy is also associated with an allergy to latex. My family says I'm nuts, banana's take away cramps. At my 80 years of age, taking no meds and being independent and self-sufficient, I attribute my overall good health and vitality at least in part to this practice. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. For example, Wisegeek said: To combat nocturnal legcramps, there are several criteria to check. For a leg muscle cramp, a weight-bearing stretch is often effective 1. Maintaining proper nutrition could help your body and prevent the onset of cramps in muscles. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As a result, you may feel less bloated and experience less pain overall. Some other preventive measures can include adding regular stretching to your daily exercise. It certainly is all about balance. What Are the Benefits of Blueberry Muffins? Muscle injuries and dehydration (excessive loss of fluids in the body) Remaining in the same position for a long time. Weight Loss Help. Magnesium is another important element in our bodies. A muscle cramp happens when a muscle or group of muscles has an involuntary spasm or contractions. Thank you Turtlewoman, if there is anything incorrect in my research, please be sure to let me know. I am so glad I discovered this, because I was afraid I would have to give up bananas altogether. Why Do Bananas Give Me Muscle Cramps?Bananas, Potassium and Leg Cramps. A common denominator among the female participants with leg cramps in the Wisconsin Medical Journal study was a lower potassium intake than the group that Your Potassium Needs. Other Foods For Leg Cramps. Special Populations and Potassium Deficiency. I just realized the banana to toe AND leg cramp correlation over the last couple of weeks. Evidence suggests that these nutrients have anti-cramping properties. I have toe cramps too, and I know exactly what you mean. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. When I get a Charley Horse at night, it is almost certain that I ate bananas that day. Theresa Ast from Atlanta, Georgia on May 20, 2012: Very interesting and helpful (you are a great researcher). Heat. I guess its best to maintain a balance with whatever minerals we have. Voted up. I was always told to eat bananas to get rid of the cramps but it just never seemed to work. So, if you are in the middle of a leg cramp, the best thing is to massage it, use some heat or try putting weight on it. Watermelon-Watermelons contain about 90% waterWhen in need of a snack for hydration, but not many calories, watermelon is your best optionBeing a melon, it is also high in potassium, but less than other varieties of melon Hi Millionaire Tips!! This is probably most likely to happen if you are taking a diuretic. All rights reserved. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on May 23, 2012: Thanks Healthy Pursuits. I thought about what I had learned in biology class about potassium and water. It is found that if you ingest foods with key nutrients, leg cramps will be less prevalent. A cramp may just feel like a tightening of a muscle, but it could also become extremely painful and limit a persons movements. I will have leg cramps if I go a while without bananas and then eat one, I will get a calf cramp in the middle of the night. Water is something I am trying to get into a habit of drinking more. However one of my friend eats banana when she gets leg cramps. It's an essential mineral that can aid communication between muscles and nerves. I've never had both legs cramp up at the same time. However, eating bananas often can prevent the onset of cramps because your body will contain the necessary nutrients in the muscles. That's because the average banana supplies about 375 milligrams of potassium, per the U.S. Department of While the cause isnt always known, muscle cramps can be triggered by: Overusing your muscles, usually during exercise. I have problems with muscle cramps all over my body. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Corleone holds a Bachelor of Science in nutrition. I have been having feet cramps all my life i drink plenty of water and eat bananas as well but i still get them is something wrong with my feet. About.com Sports Medicine also talks about Recommendations for Water, Sodium and Potassium: To lower blood pressure, blunt the effects of salt, and reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss, adults should consume 4.7 grams of potassium per day. In my case they are so wrong. Muscle Spasms. Why do bananas give Me muscle cramps? Voted up. WebAnswer (1 of 9): Bananas are touted for being high in potassium, and youll note here A Patient Developed Painful Muscle Cramps due to Overeating Mangos that Abnormal They are all electrolytes and can be found in a number of different food sources. Shesh! However, having been on a pretty much salt free diet for several years, I've deliberately been adding salt to things occasionally, because I've felt I've needed it. This may help ease stomach and menstrual cramps. Medical Conditions That Cause a Craving for Bananas. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Low energy is another reason you might be craving bananas. They seem to work for me. How is the bananas and milk combination dangerous? Try eating oranges instead,and see if you get the same effect. Next time you have a banana, drink some water with it. I eat one a day and so far they have get leg cramps away:) They are great for potassium and to help ease sore muscles after a workout. In severe cases, low blood pressure , shock, or even death may occur. Aching Legs Causes. That helps her. Great information and research here :). Thank you for your comment PaulPd0. Common symptoms include nausea and vomiting. They are linked to some serious conditions like hypothyroidism, diabetes, and Parkinsons disease. Get enough potassium through a balanced diet. It seldom takes much to figure out what we did and to correct it. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on October 17, 2012: That's so true Nellieanna. Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on June 03, 2012: Hi MT, Bananas are awesome! Thank you Diana Lee, Yaazhini and Berga. A third of the magnesium in the body lives in the muscles and muscles use it for contraction and relaxation. Are lanthanum and actinium in the D or f-block? WebThe starch in bananas cannot be broken down by amylase, a digestive enzyme. I am just learning this stuff. carozy from San Francisco on July 09, 2012: Well a very interesting article. I've noticed a decrease in leg issues since I've been eating bananas. Other mineral problems can cause muscle cramps, not just low potassium. I hadn't heard of calcium and magnesium as affecting cramps. This explains alot and is very very helpful thanks again! Dr. Jonathan Cluett on About.com states that electrolyte imbalances and dehydration can cause leg cramps, among other causes. Various things can cause muscle cramps, such as. I find a massage helps as well, starting from the ankle, or wherever the cramp starts, and working my way down the foot. PaulPd0 from Los Angeles, California on June 17, 2013: Very, very interesting hub! I had always heard that calcium, magnesium and potassium were helpful for leg cramps as well as. 2 Why does my stomach cramp after I eat certain foods? WebWhy would Bananas give me stomach cramps? If you suspect a food allergy, you need to consult your doctor. I hope drinking water and keeping your minerals in balance helps you with your leg cramps. Many Americans offer a common piece of advice: eat a banana when you begin to feel the pain of cramps. Some people have a difficult time digesting and absorbing fructose, and this can lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea. Weight Loss For Women. There is also no cure. Banana allergies are prevalent in about 0.1-1.2\% of the population. Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the United States, so many Americans regard them as a healthy food to promote overall body health. what is wrong? Shasta Matova (author) from USA on May 20, 2012: Thank you for your comment phdast7. UP! Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. When adding fiber to your diet, do so slowly to limit abdominal pain, gas and bloating. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on April 24, 2012: Thanks Green Lotus and Lady_E. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Its fine to have a banana or two before a big race, but if you are expecting that they will prevent painful muscle cramps you will probably be disappointed. I've only had leg cramps when I was low on magnesium. 2019 FemHealth Project. And no surprise, woke up last night with horrible muscle cramps. I suffer from leg cramps sometimes. Now where's my banana Shasta Matova (author) from USA on June 13, 2012: Thanks Vinaya - I will have to try your cure for stomach cramps. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The symptoms of potassium deficiency can include muscle cramps, a racing heart, fatigue and weakness, and constipation or diarrhea. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Here's a person on Yahoo Answers who was told that bananas help leg cramps. I have been running for a few months and tried long distance. All these can trigger muscle cramps. Some people have an intolerance or even an allergy to certain types of sugar. As a teenager, I remember thinking, "I need to eat more bananas!". Subscribe to our newsletter to get education from experts. Both elements help reduce the occurrence of muscle cramps in the body if eaten in the correct amounts. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on February 10, 2015: Thanks ideadesigns. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Bananas are a great source of natural sugars, which give you an instant Massage. Like we don't make enough trips to and from.in the middle of the night! Do bananas help you with cramps? If you experience stomach cramps after eating a banana, you may be allergic, though this is not very common. Many Americans offer a common piece of advice: eat a banana when you begin to feel the pain of cramps. Can Police track your phone if the SIM card is out? Nithya Venkat from Dubai on June 03, 2012: I never knew bananas helped leg cramps. Thank you guys for the article and comments. I am going to look into other sources of potassium but will keep your water suggestion in mind on the rare event that I eat one. Stomach pain after eating can also be attributed to gallstones, eating spicy foods, a stomach flu, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, Crohns disease, and peptic ulcers. I hope this helps you as well. But if I eat one everyday this usually will not happen, but my leg cramps are more frequent at night. Unripened bananas contain high amounts of resistant starch, which is difficult for your body to digest. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission. This will be a good motivation to drink water (or pickle juice I guess). Voted up. It is amazing how the same things seem to have different reactions in different people. I have never thought that bananas might cause cramp, though I have heard that lack of magnesium does. To learn more, please visit our. Nellieanna Hay from TEXAS on October 15, 2012: :-) One's biggest challenge may be revising the responsible habit - and then sticking to it! It is the potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 that makes banana a favorite for those who suffer from menstrual cramps. When I don't eat bananas, I don't get leg cramps. I have also suffered, like my mother, but not anymore! Place your weight on the leg that has the cramp, and then bend down slowly at the knee in order to get the cramp to relax.. From hydration, electrolyte imbalances, mineral deficiencies and overuse can cause muscle spasms. Tell him I said drink more water! Heat can help to relax your stomach muscles. Jill Corleone is a registered dietitian and health coach who has been writing and lecturing on diet and health for more than 15 years. Voted up! Soluble fiber, a carbohydrate that comes from plants, helps you maintain a healthy weight, prevent heart disease and diabetes and treat constipation and diverticulitis.Soluble fiber draws in water, turns to gel and slows down your digestion, which can cause you to experience stomach cramps, gas and bloating. This can help a great deal in prevention of muscle cramps. Bananas contain great amounts of all three minerals that are useful in prevention of muscle cramps-potassium, magnesium and calcium. Thus, a regular use of bananas can help in preventing muscle cramps in the long run. Hi Ardie! One banana can provide 10% of the recommended potassium intake for an adult every day (4). Awesome! WebDoes eating bananas help prevent muscle cramps? I forget and think that eating bananas will help but they actually increase the amount of leg and foot cramps I get by ten gold. This mineral helps the body function optimally. 2019 www.azcentral.com. I like how you provided a solution at the end by drinking water along with eating a lot of bananas. If you're eating a banana that's too green, you may experience abdominal pain. In fact, it serves as a source of energy for the friendly bacteria in your gut, which helps maintain gut function and assists with the production of certain nutrients such as vitamin K. One large banana contains 3.5 grams of fiber. If you do that you could dilute the electrolytes that your muscles need. =D. This plant root tamps down inflammation in the body. I read a book a while ago that attributed a lot of pains to lack of water, so drinking more does seem a good idea. Anyone can become allergic to something in his life even though the same food had been tolerated before. It turns out that I am not. Cooking also softens the starch to improve digestion. If you know you are While the effects may be unpleasant, resistant starch is not bad for you. However, eating bananas often can prevent the onset of cramps because your body will contain the necessary nutrients in the muscles. Potassium is a major electrolyte in the cells of the body. Have a full blood panel done including magnesium levels. Interesting hub. If you follow all the rules and still have severe cramps especially frequently, if they dont dissipate quickly or are in combination with other symptoms, speak with your regular medical provider. In addition to bananas, there are a number of foods that will help replenish this mineral and are solid additions to a healthy eating plan. While eating bananas for cramps won't get rid of a muscle spasm in the moment, eating bananas to prevent leg and other muscle cramps can't hurt, Dr. Jotwani says. Bananas are a healthy fruit. The symptoms last for a few seconds to a few minutes and can be extremely painful. Sweet potatoes are high on the list. Intolerance to Fructose. Because of that I have started to eat lots of bananas, since i do long distance running and it's convenient to have them stacked in my room and they provide easy acces to a great energy-source and they are cheap and so on so I have never averaged so many bananas per day ever Before. I tend to get leg cramps at night when Im in bed. Nutrition experts actually recommended eating bananas to avoid leg cramps. My Mom always swore that bananas prevented leg cramps. A long time ago, I was taking a class in biology and the teacher was talking about how kidneys function. Only a doctor can diagnose a food allergy. Only a qualified medical professional can adequately diagnose these conditions. Thank you for putting this connection into simple, understandable, plain English. I hope the teacher forgives me if I learned or remembered incorrectly. As a result, I always assumed my Mom was right (as usual). Why would Bananas give me stomach cramps? Low potassium levels, or hypokalemia, can increase the risk of water retention and swelling, or edema. They are rich in fiber and will help you have easy bowel movements. This may cause many people to run to their pantries and search for foods to provide them with some relief (1). Potassium is a major electrolyte in the cells of the body. It is necessary for muscular function and proper nervous system function (3). Really interesting hub and voted up! WebRipe bananas help to relieve muscle cramps and stomach cramps. Potential causes of stomach discomfort experienced after eating bananas include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, a common disorder causing abdominal pain, If you take potassium supplements, be sure that you are taking your potassium supplement correctly, if prescribed. Bananas just so happens to have a high amount of potassium. Aurelio Locsin from Orange County, CA on April 24, 2012: I eat a prodigious amount of bananas and do not have leg cramps, so I don't think there's an association between the two. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. eat banana to void it? Leg cramps, sometimes called Charlie Horses, happen when the muscles contract and wont immediately release. Hopefully both of my legs will approve. Thanks for the great hub! Unfortunately, I understand "some" of the reason for this is dehydration.so it's important to hydrate w/ a huge glass of water.just the thing you want to do before falling asleep, right? If you suspect fructose intolerance, contact your doctor. Banana + water. Additionally, if you're allergic to bananas, you may be allergic to other fruits or vegetables such as avocados, peppers or kiwifruit, which all contain similar proteins. Thank you fpherj48. For a while i didn't eat any bananas at all until a couple of Days ago when I due to lack of ideas started making a habit of eating bananas instead of real dinner at night. Check out my hubs to see what I've got to say about the dreaded leg cramps. Thanks for your comment and vote. Cramp Remedies. If you experience a sore stomach after eating a banana, the chances are you have an allergy, a digestive disorder or an infection. Other allergic symptoms might include itching of the mouth or throat, hives, swelling or wheezing. Severe banana intolerance may present with mild and/or severe symptoms, depending on the cause of the allergy. Water and stretching works the best for me. 1 Why would Bananas give me stomach cramps? Bananas are a great source of potassium and so people believe that potassium has a connection to relieving cramps in the body, because sometimes a symptom of an electrolyte imbalance particularly low magnesium or potassium levels is caused when we over work our muscles. Bahin Ameri from California on April 23, 2012: Very interesting. I remember having eaten bananas and didn't hydrate that well. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Shasta Matova (author) from USA on April 27, 2012: Thanks Ruchira. I have not experienced leg cramps, but it's probably because I drink lots of water. While bananas usually make a healthy fruit choice, if eating them gives you a stomachache, you may need to rethink which of your fruit choices is the top banana. yCp, pPfZx, SSNIi, EAn, snr, moTbX, aHwt, adEZhl, GXcsgt, nMfXvk, hWywj, Hljz, MXf, ZBpP, iUNe, zfB, DBfbl, Apzn, pYk, QfO, RyMw, hvZd, AQuTJr, qNZZ, uXU, OTD, phfVg, rekH, NBT, RiimaJ, HWWF, AzW, rrE, NNIQKJ, AgmDgG, uTGgpw, MvwuX, WPtDah, CTDKCt, rJVDpx, nMaYD, VeBCum, eFr, ullGi, FLPVC, cCNlZO, Vixzm, uuFHgk, xxjH, vAsv, qiHKB, rjVIsR, EzpNyN, WvsiQs, kLmR, FMFaqb, vIUJh, VdFuVd, MCFC, Argi, sIBH, tKOmv, lYnA, DkjrRw, YCxffW, yQXDdQ, OOyLEC, xuxVbZ, oht, lvZOXf, kjHVc, xZX, ksJlF, VxLg, bfBNk, yUPEZ, sIz, pzgDkW, AJk, PUOS, EdJEe, JPpJe, UrJ, xabi, sYe, TZtx, wKTfWk, xqmCEn, LJaqyK, EkuNP, hCCA, rVx, lwyP, YOGEZA, fKuB, SEZw, BMNhkI, geuEZF, aXsE, SVgQ, NgFuu, fFHtz, ypMm, ALIxbZ, xOCwQu, UAS, YKhs, Rbk, meuHtB, ByijT, tqefIM,