Born However, just as Prann was preparing to pull the trigger on his blaster, her parents, who had been acting as couriers to find out what had happened to Antilles, arrived, along with the other pilots of Twin Suns that they had freed. [75], Too late, the Solos realized that the treaty was a smokescreen for a Ssi-ruuk attempt at seizing Bakura. [8], In 27 ABY, shortly after the birth of Ben Skywalker, Solo was asked to fly the Jade Shadow, assisting Mara Jade Skywalker on a mission to locate Alema and Numa Rar, two Twi'lek Jedi who had been leading an independent resistance on New Plympto. The Falcon was damaged in the ensuing confrontation, but Han and his Wookiee comrade Chewbacca managed to coax it into limping all the way to Onderon, where they landed it in the city of Iziz. Solo continued to stay in charge, sending Zekk and Tenel Ka ahead with the seized Hapan ship. Her parents were immediately disgusted and infuriated that she had chosen not to reveal that to the rest of the Jedi and left just as Fel arrived. She also called Durron to a late night picnic with her and Fel; Durron had been closing himself off emotionally from her, much as she had done before her mother's advice had encouraged her to open up to those who cared for her. [78], Solo, her brother, and uncle battled their way up through layered defenses of Yuuzhan Vong warriors, but none of their opponents could stand before Luke Skywalker's control of the Force and prowess in combat. While Beviin, Gev, and some of the other Mandalorians no longer saw her as a menace and a complete outsider, Fett himself remained as hard-edged and ruthless as always, and Solo overheard a conversation between him and Natasi Daala on Bloodfin about their mutual desire to be rid of both Jedi and Sith. [75], When Cundertol escaped, Solo pursued him, though his augmented droid body proved difficult to subdue. The conversation ended shortly thereafter. The battle saw the Roche asteroids overrun by Remnant forces and, after a brief clash with a group of stormtroopers, Solo was ordered to escape in a Mandalorian Bes'uliik starfighter by Fett, who said that she was prepared to face Caedus. Solo and Zekk escaped onto a waiting news van piloted by two other Jedi, while her parents and the Horn children, still frozen in carbonite, were extracted by another speeder via a hole blasted in the roof of the facility with a thermal detonator. Solo was bored with her assignment, as she had little to do but teach Quee some Force techniques and support her mother. For her part, Solo and the rest of the New Republic forces withdrew from the battle after the worldship was destroyed, bound for Mon Calamari. When she wasn't training, Solo flew on missions such as covering the Battle of Garqi. When Zekk did arrive, the AirStraekers were quickly dealt with and Solo pressed the assault. The marauding ship then tried to bury them under rubble by blasting ruins and a piece of debris grazed her shoulder. This campaign culminated in the Battle of Ebaq. Solo and the team of Jedi battled the dropship and the group of Chiss commandos it disgorged. When the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy, Jaina joined the New Republic military and distinguished herself as a Rogue Squadron pilot. Following the death of Kenth Hamner in a power struggle, Saba Sebatyne took temporary leadership of the Jedi Order and prepared to defend against the retribution that they expected from Daala. 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[8], The strike team pressed on, knowing there was no hope of extraction and that their odds of survival, much less completion, rapidly diminished with every passing hour. [87], Following the battle, Solo returned to Mandalore to continue her training. Luke then ordered an infiltration that would shut down the shield generators protecting the temple while friendly military units under Admiral Nek Bwua'tu attacked the temple from the outside. [59], Solo and her brother, Galfridian, and Luke Skywalker were together on Yavin IV, examining the holocron recovered on Nar Shaddaa, when Galfridian announced that he was leaving to locate his missing father. Not knowing anything about the formal dinner, he inadvertently ate the decoration in front of him. Therefore, he demonstrated how an opponent would use trickery to defeat her. While the Pride of Selonia headed to Esfandia, Solo helped monitor the comatose Veila, who continued to decline. They found the Yuuzhan Vong were growing a worldship and immediately reported back to their flagship, Ralroost, to relay what they had found. Solo and the others were indignant, but when she asked her mother for her opinion, Leia replied that the seven Jedi were making matters worse. As he returned with Ben, Confederation and Hapan fleets pounded the Fifth Fleet until it withdrew, and Solo followed her uncle and the rest of the Jedi in refusing to take sides in the conflict. This deception and betrayal caused a deep rift between her and Kyp Durron, as she told him she would never trust him again. She lost some portion of her individual will to the collective mind of the Killiks, dominated by Raynar Thul, but was eventually un-Joined and regained her full personality. Solo and the others refused, while Cundertol let slip that he had brokered the bargain with the Ssi-ruuk, as he had already transferred his consciousness into a human replica droid. While Tionne and Kam attempted to confront Major Serpa unarmed, Solo and Fel picked off the sniper teams, though not before the snipers nearly killed Kam Solusar and Serpa mutilated Tionne. However, Solo soon found that her new friend, along with Anakin and the wyrwulf, was to be taken away. In the early stages, she was criticized by Jagged Fel for not being "grim" or mature enough to handle war, which rankled with her. She found Caedus in the bio-disposal chamber of the Anakin Solo, attempting to dispose of Isolder's body after having murdered him. Affiliation(s) The party faced a group of Sith led by the Sith Lady Korelei, who had been possessed by Abeloth. [75], Solo then accompanied her parents and Veila down to Bakura's surface, where received word via Fel that Cundertol had escaped captivity and returned to Bakura. Fel was disappointed, but he also promised to see her more often, as he had been appointed a diplomatic liaison to Coruscant by the Chiss government. After Zekk admitted to Solo that he was over her, Solo was relieved. Zekk replied that she couldn't blame Jacen for Anakin's death, nor herself for Jacen's disappearance. After learning of her own sordid family history shortly before her wedding, Gev approached Solo virtually in tears and revealed what she had discovered. They were almost finished wiring their explosives when Diversity Alliance ships arrived. Managing to escape Hantaq, she was able to assist in capturing Hellin after Veila, Fel, and Celchu flushed their quarry. [86], However, Skywalker had faked his death to disable the Anakin Solo and rescue his son from Caedus, who had taken Ben prisoner onboard the Star Destroyer. Jacen managed to help Gallandro confront her spice addiction and persuaded her to accept her father's real fate. [18], During the Dark Nest Crisis and the Swarm War, Solo and Zekk became Joiners, allowing them to share in the Killik hive mind. Solo was placed in charge of tactical planning for the mission based on her experience in Rogue Squadron, though her brother Anakin was in command. However, they were ambushed by Ailyn Vel, disguised as the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett. She commanded her captured Yuuzhan Vong frigate Trickster in this battle, jumping into the system with a New Republic fleet behind her ship as if in pursuit. This action, however, turned the tide of public opinion in the system against the Human League. After raising the alarm with Cilghal, Solo went to the audience chamber where Luke was lying, was greeted by the sight of her brother defending Luke's body with Luke's lightsaber, and rushed to his aid. As they continued to see each other, the two developed a mutual attraction, though neither would admit their true feelings. 3d . [95], During the absence of the Jedi Order from Coruscant on the mission to Upekzar, the Lost Tribe of Sith, governed by Abeloth who had recently possessed Senator Rokari Kem and arranged her own installment as Chief of State, took control of Coruscant and the government of the Galactic Alliance. [43], Later, Lando Calrissian invited the twins and their friends to Cloud City, where he wanted them to be the first to try out the new SkyCenter Galleria amusement park which he had invested in through the use of repurchased interests from the spice mining world of Kessel, and through shares from a mining operation on Varn. [80], Suspicious and resentful of the outsiders, the Killiks imprisoned Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, blaming them for the defenses of Woteba, and the Galactic Alliance implemented a blockade of the Utegetu Nebula where the Killiks lived. During the Recapture of Coruscant, Jaina and her brother Jacen Solo, along with Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, flew to the surface of Coruscant in the Millennium Falcon, dodging dovin basals and coralskippers, and began their assault on Shimrra's Citadel. [81], With the Chiss force pushed back to a small group of islands, Solo found herself confronting an entrenched enemy with superiority in firepower. They received fire from the bounty hunters, but Solo's mother defended them with the quad lasers on the Millennium Falcon. Her parents and Saba Sebatyne did help search for Lowbacca even in the midst of a Chiss search cordon, but the Chiss were able to recover the Wookiee Jedi before the elder Solos could, much to Solo's annoyance. [9], When the Galactic Alliance decided to have peace talks with Corellia in the Kuat system, Solo and Zekk accompanied Solo's family to Toryaz Station. Her choice meant that the twins could escape, but their mother was captured. For her part, Solo bore her own grief for the loss of her wingmate, though Anakin tried to help her through it. However the Solo twins, Galfridian and Lowbacca got into trouble shortly afterward when they encountered a tuk'ata, which wanted to attack them. The defeat of the walkers allowed the remaining refugeeshalf had fallen to the relentless Yuuzhan Vongto board the remaining ships and flee to Agamar, their retreat covered by the Rogues and Kre'fey. They were expressly forbidden from attempting to aid in a search for the location of the Dark Nest. Even as a teenager, Solo was skilled enough to install a hyperdrive in a starfighter. Solo responded that his comments seemed very mature, at which Fel implied she wasn't sufficiently hardened or mature enough to handle battle. She also sent some of the technology she was engineering to Kashyyyk for further improvement. [9][83] With the discovery of an illegal missile factory on Adumar, the Galactic Alliance conducted a punitive military strike at Corellia. Despite having rescued them, Zekk refused to return with them to the Academy, although he had decided to involve himself in the search for Bornan Thul.[42]. Skywalker borrowed Tainer's starfighter and gave chase to Abeloth's meditation sphere. [7], Following the loss of Coruscant, the remnants of the New Republic Advisory Council gathered at Borleias in 27 ABY. For his part, Czethros controlled Gallandro by keeping her addicted to spice. While there, some of the Jedi were bonded with seed-partners to form living ships to defend the planet, but Solo was not chosen for that honor. Since she was a Twi'lek, Tarkona's organization was based on the species' homeworld of Ryloth. It was then that Vergere sacrificed her life to wipe out most of the Yuuzhan Vong forces on the barren moon, though Tsavong Lah survived to ambush them. The quarters in which the Solo family lived were destroyed, but Thrawn's agents once again were foiled and the twins were unharmed. Fel was understanding, though, accepting that she wanted to be with the Jedi and telling her to follow her wisheshe assured her that their relationship would survive. He insisted that she stop, which caused her to pull her lightsaber on him. Solo obeyed the request and relayed the message, though she was exasperated at her mother running her off yet again. The three Solo children met with Durron later, who congratulated Solo on her victory and then departed with his squadron to battle smugglers and pirates in the Outer Rim. In the confusion, Solo and the others were able to assist in dealing with the Ssi-ruuk and rescuing Thanas from Cundertol. She replied that she was merely following his example and doing what was necessary. Chief of State Leia Organa Solo would supervise his thawing and interrogation. Because they had to leave the adults behind, Solo and Jacen assumed the roles of pilot and co-pilot, respectively. Using a multitool that she had hidden from Hethrir's Helpers and Proctors, Solo managed to disable the latch of her cell's door. This nearly proved fatal as a laser cannon blast almost hit her, but Zekk knocked her aside in time. With the freighter's hyperdrive damaged by a pocket patrol boat's fire, they journeyed to the home of Ebrihim's Aunt Marcha on Drall. Solo then helped guard the transponder while the combined scouting party formed an ambush for Yuuzhan Vong who arrived in response to Veila's message. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. They then watched Han Solo and Chewbacca tackle the asteroid field in a two-seat craft. Before she allowed herself to be carried away, she informed Fel of Gev's status. She, Fel, and Durron were able to reach an understanding where Durron served as her mission partner and would fly alongside her, while also acknowledging that she and Fel were romantically involved. Solo also helped defend against a midnight attack by the Yuuzhan Vong that employed two light cruiser analogs as artillery against the central New Republic facility. Solo believed this to be a trap and engaged him relentlessly, no longer caring for her own survival if she was able to end the Sith menace. While there, she obtained additional promises of support from Ta'a Chume, though Tenel Ka warned her about trusting the old woman. Legions of stormtroopers and Dark Jedi attacked the Praxeum. Simply uncheck "Enabled on this site", the text will change to "Disconnected on this site", and the program icon will turn gray. She was then extracted by Jagged Fel, who had arrived with a sizable Jedi team that had boarded the Anakin Solo to capture the Moffs and end the battle. They had rescued Raynar Thul and the other two Dark Jedi who had fled from the mission to Myrkr years earlier. I claim no ownership. The Yuuzhan Vong, their numbers diminished, retreated, and Solo and the others were hailed as heroes on their return. Site rules; Feedback; Improve account; RSS; Your feedback and ideas In order to more fully understand Yuuzhan Vong slave seed technology, Solo took a pirateone of three who had attacked the group of Jedi upon entering Hapan spaceand along with Kyp Durron, Tenel Ka, and Lowbacca, took him to Khal for him to "experiment" on in order to discern the nature of the Yuuzhan Vong biots. Solo chastised Ben for his inattentiveness and treated the wound. However, this did cause the Jedi Temple to be surrounded by military units, preventing any covert StealthX launch. She and the other Rogue Squadron pilots fought with coralskippers that were harassing the camp and also participated in strafing runs on Yuuzhan Vong ground forces. [27] At seven, Solo had one that worked on metal. There are the versions of enemies that are all black and have red glowing eyes. Gallandro then stole Zekk's ship, the Lightning Rod, and traveled to the ocean world of Mon Calamari, where she hoped to retrieve a hidden stash of andris spice from beneath the planet's frozen ice cap. When Harris attempted to use her lightsaber to inflict wounds on Thanas and Vyram to help make his story sound more plausible, Solo snatched it from him telekinetically. Furthermore, Goure confirmed that Veila's Yuuzhan Vong personality was warring with her Human one. The leader of the Human League broadcast images of the captive children to the rest of the Corellian system to blackmail their mother into getting the New Republic to recognize Corellian independence. Solo volunteered to be the first one to assault the position, knowing that her severely injured state made her most useful as a diversion for the others since she was not likely not to survive. During a confrontation, Luke defeated his former student while Tenel Ka injured Tamith Kai's knee. She was constantly on the front lines of battle during the Yuuzhan Vong War, earning the title of Sword of the Jedi from her uncle, Luke Skywalker, and becoming known as an avatar of the Trickster Goddess Yun-Harla to the Yuuzhan Vong. [70], In the aftermath of the war, Solo continued to serve the Jedi Order, capturing thirty-seven warlords and breaking over one hundred smuggling rings as the Galactic Alliance tried to rebuild itself. Harris then locked them in an equipment closet with the bomb while he prepared to escape. When a squadron of Chiss AirStraeker gunships arrived, Solo called for Zekk and his airborne units to assist her, but Chiss clawcraft held him off even while giant Kolosolok Killiks made their attack on the Chiss perimeter. Still holding her rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Solo and her brother led Rogue Squadron into battle, but she questioned her brother's methods. An escape pod jettisoned from the ship and while Solo and Jade Skywalker could do nothing for the hapless refugees and crew aboard the ship, they were able to recover the ship, which contained Alema Rar and the body of Numa. Solo was displeased with Jacen's actions, regardless of the fact that he had saved Fel's life, though. Both Ship and Rude Awakening took heavy damage during the fight, but the space combat was inconclusive. Solo attempted to defend the ship, but the Yuuzhan Vong succeeded in destroying it. Consequently, the Shadow Academy fled into hyperspace. They would later deduce that the attacker had been merely a Force phantom controlled by Rar. Pack 3d models created with love in Ukraine. Chume gave her assent to take some of the pirates to the bio-engineers on Gallinore for experimentation with Yuuzhan Vong slave implant devices and suggested she take someone with her. I haven't bought it yet because i'm waiting on an answer to this question. Since Sal-Solo claimed that he wasn't a willing participant in Peace Brigade activities, Solo decided to compel his assistance as a guide so they could capture the rest of the Peace Brigade leadership. During the hearing, though, she experienced a sensation of distress in the Force emanating from the Unknown Regions. Solo was with a large group of Jedi on the starship Plain Lady, disguised in order to avoid the Sith inspectors. [30], The next year, during a visit to the planet Munto Codru when she was five years old, Solo and her brothers were kidnapped along with Codru-Ji Chamberlain Iyon's wyrwulf. The Ryn also suggested killing Veila to stop it, an idea which Solo rejected immediately. After running training drills with the pilots, Solo moved the squadron and their fighters to the outpost orbiting Tralus, where they anxiously waited to be called into the battle that was beginning to take place over the planet. His death sent Solo into a dark rage even as the strike team survivors retreated. Leia then changed subjects, asking Solo about her work. Despite this, Solo still refused to pursue Zekk, wishing that her relationship with Jagged Fel had not fallen apart. Pharika fired at Fel's leg, wounding him, but Solo threw the holocron to him and attacked Pharika even as the ship opened fire on her. He agreed to do so, arranging for Bothan lawyer Eramuth Bwua'tu to represent Veila. During the chaos of the attack on New Alderaan, Solo and her brother were nearly kidnapped by Darksiders Xecr Nist and Kvag Gthull, but their efforts were thwarted by the actions of a group of Jedi warriors led by Skywalker. Jedi violence against Mandalorians sent to suppress a slave revolt on Blaudu Sextus did little to defuse hostility between the government and Jedi Order. The Supreme Overlord had threatened to lay waste to Coruscant rather than cede it to his enemies, but Jacen had developed a rapport with the dhuryam during his captivity. [27], As the Proctors drew closer, Leia arrived in her star yacht Alderaan with Chewbacca and a woman named Rillao and rescued them, but Hethrir had already left with Anakin. Though Lowbacca was forced to eject, the Jedi had escaped casualties for the moment, but at the cost of Chiss lives and the escalation of hostilities. Things went poorly for the Jedi when Lowbacca misguidedly joined the Diversity Alliance, under the influence of fellow Wookiee Raabakyysh, and traveled to their headquarters on Ryloth to learn more about them. She also befriended her wingman, a female Human named Anni Capstan. At that point, the Skywalkers prepared to jump to hyperspace. After the mission to Myrkr, she spent much of her time working on modifications to her stolen Yuuzhan Vong frigate. Solo attempted to follow but was hit by a weapon fired by Quarren bounty hunter Dhidal Nyz, which ensnared her in an electrified net. In doing so, Solo appealed towards the Yuuzhan Vong tendency towards aggression, which left the flagship vulnerable to attack while the New Republic employed new weapons such as a yammosk jammer to disrupt the Yuuzhan Vong war coordinators. However, while they were searching the refinery, the Tibanna tappers departed and left, while shutting down the repulsorlifts that powered the station. [67], Solo returned to Coruscant with her brothers while Han Solo arranged for Leia's medical treatment. As the ship died from exposure to Onimi's array of toxins, Solo's parents, guided by the turncoat Nom Anor, reached the ship and rescued them. Solo was undeterred and began jumping down the steep slopes that led up to the Sky Temple, then stopping to levitate Fel down from boulder to boulder. During the public ceremony commemorating the union between Luke and Mara, Solo and the other children of the guests were confined to a room designated for the children of the guests under the watchful eye of a friend of Jade Skywalker's, smuggler Booster Terrik. While the Jedi fought the commandos, Fel emerged from the ship and activated the vape charges, destroying the bomb. [7], After that, Solo learned of a mission to Coruscant that Luke Skywalker was masterminding. [81], The Chiss were able to halt the Killik advance after retreating behind their shield generators and launching insecticide into the Killik lines. [53], Following this ordeal, the Solo twins, Anakin, Tenel Ka, Lowbacca, and Zekk were promoted to apprentice Jedi Knights during a ceremony at the Jedi Praxeum. [8] Solo helped defend the frigate from Yuuzhan Vong attacks, even though her own heart felt broken at the loss of her brothers. She then collected her thoughts and focused on Jagged Fel, whom her parents had previously learned was with the nearest Chiss task force. The team managed to track the source of a massive dark side energy to a gated area, located in the center of the city. They both knew that Solo couldn't free her comrade at that instant, as Caedus was still running loose, so Jaina deactivated the restraints, gave Gev a blaster rifle, and continued onward. [8], After they were deep into Yuuzhan Vong space, Anakin triggered the escape plan. Jaina and Jacen at the newly rebuilt Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. While en route, she used that time to heal and begin thinking about a mission to rescue Jacen. [13], Less than a year later, Solo and Zekk returned to active duty as Jedi Knights and were assigned to investigate reports of stolen Tibanna gas on Bespin. Solo calmed him down and informed him that the decision had been made to ensure operational security and that it was the right choice in order to accomplish a larger goal, the liberation of Fondor. While the Sith Lord suffered further injury from a group of Mandalorians, he and Veila were able to escape to regroup and consolidate on Coruscant. He then forced Solo to press a remote detonator that would kill Cundertol, her parents, and the Bakuran Senate so Harris could seize power. [13], Dissuaded and defeated, they turned their StealthXs back to Kr to assist their parents. When the Jedi learned that Daala was planning on a punitive strike on Klatooine using Mandalorians, they decided to depose Daala before the bloodthirsty order could be carried out. Backyard Wrestling: Don't Try This At Home, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered, Generals 2: Revolution Project (C&C: Generals Zero Hour mod), Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Definitive Edition, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records. She constantly tried to bring Zekk to the light side but was initially unable to succeed. She rebuffed him once more, telling him that serving as the Sword of the Jedi was her responsibility. Heart-stricken, they made their way back to their ship and returned to Shedu Maad to inform Luke Skywalker that they had lost his son. [79] However, Solo was not to remain idle in the midst of war. He also revealed that, after their meeting with the Solos, he planned to return to Imperial Space to attend to political matters. He was actually using them for his own purposes and the Chiss were planning no such strike. [76], Once Veila had reunited her disjointed mind, Solo returned to consciousness, with Veila following suit shortly afterward. Animations here --> CLICK 3mb using animations in Blender: 1 - import model 2 - import animation 3 - with the CTRL key held down Select the object you want to animate, then select the object from which you want to copy the animation, then go to Object > Link/Data Transfer > Link Animation Data As a result, she was stripped of her rank and suspended. 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