Learn how your comment data is processed. Eat from it and do not ask any question. Then, he said: Praise be to Allah Who does not desire food for anyone but one who is like the daughter of Imran: Whenever Zakariya entered the sanctuary to (see) her, he found with her food. The mother followed the wolf. He passed by the house of Fatima (the Prophets daughter), saying to himself: All good is here. He knocked the door. Allah s.w.t. Malik was one of the leaders appointed by Ameerul Mominin. You denied and expelled him from among you. In each room there are seventy thousand stages made of silver, along with its followers. In my community men see women as property and controls them like slaves because some hadiths says women must obey their husbands whether she likes it or not just because he provides her with food, clothes, bla bla bla. min azwajinawathuriya. [An-Nasaii]. Where has it come from? The Messenger of Allah said: O Abul Hasan! Ibn Fahd al-Hilli, in his book Udattol Daee, has classified charity into five classes: 2- Charity of position which is intercession, 4- Charity of the tongue which is to reconcile opponents to each other, 5- Charity of knowledge that is to disseminate knowledge to those seeking it, About charity, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported as saying: Smiling to your brethren is a charity. must only be spoken about in the best way. How good it is for people to express their true beliefs to those who are qualified so that if there is any deviation in them, they shall be corrected. The man said: By God, I am the poorest one among the Bani Salim tribe.. In every field of Islam, the Salaf-e-Saliheen A woman is married for four reasons: for her wealth, for her fame, for her beauty and for her religion. of Islam to mankind. Done, I suspect my husband a lot although he. understood is very limited. It is quite easy to come across After this description, Allah (swt) mentions some of his deeds, i.e. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.". Many people are trying to be the inhabitants of heaven because Allah . They were Wadd, Suwa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq, and Nasr. Since the pious know for whom and for what purpose they are performing their prayer, they are not unmindful of it. No one should have this impression that anger cannot be restrained; otherwise, all these instructions would be worthless. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The commentators of the Holy Quran consider he who brings the truth as Gabriel and he who accepts it as truth as the Messenger of Allah (SAW). Once an individual embraces Islam, all the social distinctions he suffered in his former faith, are once for all annihilated. It is these people who are referred to as the Salaf-e-Saliheen Malik paid no attention to the man, and walked away. For this reason, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: Anger is the key to every vice.50. Surely, God is nearer to us than our vein is. The Holy Prophet elaborated it. [Muslim]. Katabnaa alaa baniii israaaiila in-nahu min qatala nafsam bighairi nafsin awfasaadin fil arzi faka-an-namaa, qatalan-naasa jamiiaa. Should this be bow down or prostrate. Heaven is the ultimate goal for mankind after the end of the world. Shall we bury them somewhere? The Imam (AS) said: It will be either wasted or taken away by strangers. They said: What shall we do then? The Imam (AS) said: Entrust it (the wealth) to One Who will safeguard it and will increase it more than you need. They asked: Who is he? The Imam (AS) said: It is the Lord of the universe. They said: How can we entrust it to Him? The Imam (AS) said: Spend from it on the poor Muslims. They asked: Who are the poor here?, The Imam (AS) said: Decide to spend one third of it as charity so that God will ward off the misfortune for you against those whom you fear. They said: We have made our decision! The Imam (AS) said: Then, you are protected by God. The companions started shivering with fear. The scholars of ethics have offered solutions for anger by which one can get rid of it. Thus, when the Messenger But how can I do it? Your email address will not be published. Yaaa-ay-yuhal-laziina aa-manuj-tanibuu kathiiram-minaz-zann: in-na ba-zaz-zan-ni ith-munw-wa laa tajas-sasuu wa laa yaghtab-bazukum bazaa. marked by conspicuous religiosity. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. 3- The said opinions together with the obligations and abandonments of prohibitions the result of which is joining the favorites of God and living with the righteous in high stations. We should know that those, who were educated by the same Imams, have the same features too. It is the best model to follow in repelling anger. Fourthly, one should look into traditions about forbearance and endurance and realize that there is an authority above all and that is God. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Married people are less involved in socially destructive acts like any extramarital affairs. Has God not said: Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and takes the alms?3738, Even if there were no benefits in charity, the fact that God Almighty receives it would suffice. These are my household; remove uncleanness from them and purify them a thorough purification., Then, Fatima went to the altar of her prayer, performed a two-raka prayer and, raising her hands towards heaven, she said: O Allah, my Master! (pious predecessors). He took his weapon and prepared himself for fighting. I also bear witness that Islam is the last religion and there is no religion after it until the Day of Judgment. Forgive us then as You have ordered so. She must ensure that your children are good and possess Islamic knowledge. You are a sorcerer and liar. may dry out and pens dry in trying to praise him. There is no doubt about them. The pious are those who have all kinds of belief, which we have just mentioned, in their minds and hearts. But then he saw the shopkeeper disappear to pray his Salah. Last night, he came to the door, but since we were busy in a matrimonial duty, no one answered him. back, However, from the very birth of Islam, You are an honorable brother and honorable nephew who have gained power over us. These words impressed the tenderhearted prophet that his eyes were filled with tears. You are pleased now. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good wife by following the examples of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and obeying what is commanded in the Book of Allah. The Muslim world as a whole without any exception of any school of thought in it, know the fact and acknowledges it unreservedly that for the wonderful qualities of divine excellence, it was only ALI who earned exclusively for himself the unique title of Madh-harul Ajaib i.e. Thank you so much hasna for ur advice will try not to hurt his feelings through my actions or words inshallah may Allah guide us all on the right path ameen. Steps We were disrespected, but we often forgave. Then the herald on behalf of God Almighty shall call out: My servants said the truth! By the One who owns the soul of Muhammad,if a wife does not fulfill her obligations towards her husband, then she will not have fulfilled her obligations towards Allah. [Ahmad]. with all its brightness. I intend to show my belief to you, so that I will be steady on it if it is good until I shall meet God the Glorified., The Imam (AS) said: O Abul Qasim, show your belief! I said: I assert that God Almighty is One. and propagation of Islam, without delving into any terminology or unnecessary "The shopkeeper looked at the pious man's weary condition and asked him: "Well, friend, how many times did you remember Allah while you were going from this end of the street to the other? and suffering, but never betrayed this mission, those who displayed utmost I am hungry. The woman said to herself: Shall I give charity at this time? The meaning of pious is indeed beautiful, and you shouldn't think twice before picking a name that reflects the same. She was about to put it into her mouth when a beggar called: O woman! The first thing we should look for when marrying is how committed the person is to Islam. One day, Malik was passing through the market of Kufa. The man said: Why are you so afraid? The woman said: Go away from here. "When I am doing my business, I am also carrying mercury in a saucer. ""Wa Alaikum As Salam. Therefore, forgive us as you expect God to forgive youas the Holy Quran says: And they should pardon and show indulgence. until the Day of Judgement. A Muslim Male or Female lives to take from Allah and give to the creation. Mut-taki-iina fiihaa alal-araaa-iki laa yarawna fiihaa sham-sanw-wa laa zam-hariiraa. Jesus (AS) said: The danger was warded off due to the charity you gave.29, 3- Charity protects wealth and makes it be blessed. Esteemed and loved by all Muslims and known as a pious and devout woman, Mary, the mother of Jesus was chosen above all other women. Fatima put her hand round the bowl and brought it to the Holy Prophet. There is no caste system, colour bar, distinction of any financial status or communal restriction. Hence a pious person is ever-cautious, like a soldier in a battlefield riddled with mines and unexploded bombs, just imagine how carefully he will tread. Such behavior of pardoning and forgiving has been related about the Holy Prophet (SAW) on many occasions. Take my dress to Simon (Shamoon) the Jew, and leave it with him as pledge for some barley and some dates.. The woman's guardian (wali) should strive to check out this matter and not rely only on outward appearances. Then they shall be asked: What was your superiority for which you have been distinguished? They shall say: We were offended in the worldly life, but we tolerated it. He may believe in the messenger of God, but he may not believe in what has been revealed to him. Would she make him her slave too? Arrogance, self-conceit, obstinacy, derision, greed, enmity, and love of wealth are the main factors behind anger. O Allah, send it to us. Recite Surah number 109, Surah Al-Kafiroon one hundred (100) times in the following way. There is nothing like Him. Fifthly - to the captives or the slaves in getting them liberated. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. The last thing you want is to love someone who has bad qualities this will end you up in sins. Jamaath gives access to Noor. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. abandon their help, or by those who oppose them. Wa laqad jaaa-athum rusulunaa bilbay-yinaat, thum-ma in-na kathiiram-min hum bada zaalika fil arzi lamusrifuun. Turning to the man, the monk said: Call on God to send a cloud to cast its shade on us. The man said: I do not have any good deed with my Lord, so I do not dare to ask Him for anything. The monk said: I will pray then and you say amen! The man said: Very well!, The monk prayed and the man said amen. A heart absorbed by the worldly pleasures is a wasteland in which nothing grows. this steadfastness upon the religion, they were granted a manifest victory Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and be with the truthful.4, In a tradition narrated by Imam Baqir (AS), we read: be with Ali ibn Abi Talib and the household of Mohammad.5. hizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetkaak iddaacasino sitelerihttps://hossohbet.info/gvenilir bahis ve casino sitelerisohbet hattihizlibahisgrandpashabetsex hatti1casino.inforoyalbetbetwoonpalacebettarafbetbetistmariobetbetistmariobethizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetslot sitelericasino siteleriistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatcanli sohbet hattimemefive.comnovipm.netgvenilir bahis sitelerihttps://hikayeleri.org/betistmariobettarafbethizlibahisbetwoonroyalbetcratosroyalbetrulet sitelericanli casinobetebetistanbul ofis tasimadepolamabetistmariobettarafbetroyalbetburo.bizbahis siteleribetistmariobethttps://sexx.bizhttps://sexcafe.orghttps://sohbetder.com/deneme bonusueburke.orggrandpashabetdeneme bonusuevden eve nakliyateya depolama istanbulofis tamacl, Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2022. The Holy Prophet (SAW) then said: I say the same thing that my brother Joseph said. She said: It is from Allah. The Islamic Approach to Pious Parenting By Shaykh Saleem Bhimji This article has been developed through the contents of a lecture delivered by Shaykh Saleem in Edmonton, Alberta in 2011 to mark the martyrdom of the sons of Muslim Ibne Aqeel - Muhammad and Ibrahim. and any who turn away from Islam, then surely Allah is in no need of them. We should not, however, limit the meaning of the pious to special narrations. We were I power, and pardoning was our nature. The Imam (AS) said: What are you afraid of when you are protected by God? The highwaymen came forward, stood before the Imam (AS), kissed his hand, and said: Last night, we dreamt of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) who ordered us to protect you against enemies and robbers. The Imam (AS) said: We are not in need of you. Then the Holy Prophet (a.s.) described the camel he would have in paradise. Ulaaa-ika yuj-zawnal-ghur-fata bimaa sabaruu wa yulaq-qawna fiihaa tahiy-yatanw-wa salamaa. This article will tell you how to become a pious young Muslimah, as female Muslims are known. There were five pious people who had died. The states of Imam Sajjad (AS) are the best ways to fight against anger. They are summarized in the famous hadith of Gabriel. In this sermon the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali (a.s.) has explained what piety really means and what sort of human beings pious people are, describing the graphic details of their ways of living, thinking, praying, and dealing with other men. true piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west - but truly pious is he who believes in god, and the last day, and the angels, and revelation, and the prophets: and spends his sustenance - however much he himself may cherish it - upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the back, The pious predecessors throughout And wallah as long as u are on this path ur life will be great Islam under of Allah Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. Firstly, make a fresh ablution. Allahu akbar said the pious man. obtained without a fight, Forbidden to make or change Islamic Laws (Shariah), Avoid Major Sins and Minor Sins will be forgiven, Forbidden to usurp the right and property of orphans, Punishment for killing a Muslim deliberately, Islamic Akhlaq: Forbidden to enter others houses without permission, Intercourse forbidden during womens menstrual period, Punishment for those who wrongfully accuse women of adultery, Abolishment of the Age-Old practice of Zihar, Forbidden to pray in the state of intoxication and impurity, Evil of having a negative attitude upon the birth of a female, Directive for Prayers (Salat) with stress on the Morning (fajr) and Midnight (tahajjud) Prayers, No excuse for refraining from daily Prayers (Salat), Prescribed Prayers (Salat) at particular times, Salat ordained along with patience in adversity, Recitation of Bismillah and seeking refuge from Satan, before reciting the Quran, The Sustainers assurance to accept the prayer of all who call upon Him sincerely, Assurance of acceptance from Allah when asked from Him through the Medium of Dua, Supplication (Dua) recited by Prophet Sulayman (a), Advised to mention If Allah wills (Insha Allah) before intending to do any deed, No compulsion by Allah (swt) to spend in His way, Charity in Gods cause is a loan given to Him, Whom to marry & who is Mahram and Non-Mahram, Ordained to treat all wives equally which may not be possible, Ordinance when accusation by husband is without witnesses, Iddah period of wife after husbands death, Advised to adopt patience in adversity & praise the Creator by day and by night, God is Most Gracious in Giving Mankind a Chance To Repent, Sustenance for every created thing is provided only by Allah (swt), Disobedience of Iblees (Shaitan) and his vow to misguide Mankind up to the Day of Judgement, Anecdote from Allah (swt) for a blissful life in this World and the Hereafter, Salvation rests only from nearness to God, Warning given to Mankind to amend their wrongful doings before Allah (swt) destroys the entire Community, Unreasonable promises, oaths can be broken, Refuting the Christian doctrine of atonement of ones sins by another, Jesus Christ was exalted unto God and not slain, 12 Months in an Islamic Year, 4 are sacred, Significance and importance of Ritual Sacrifice (Qurbani), Following Saints and alleged Divine Personalities, Hereafter - Day of Judgement - Paradise - Hell Fire, Excerpts from the Holy Quran, an Eternal Guidance to Mankind. Noah was the son of Lamak, the son of Mattushalakh, the son of . When one of you gets angry, his eyes become red, the wind of anger is blown into his veins, and Satan enters into him. Wal-laziina laa yad-uuna ma-al-laahi ilaahan aakhara wa laa yaq-tuluunan-nafsal-latii har-ramal-laahu il-laa bil-haq-qi wa laa. confrontation would have resulted in Islam becoming just another name and Elsewhere, God has said: It is not righteous that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and give away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for (emancipation of) the captives, and these are they who guard (against evil).23, Concerning divorced women, God says: And for the divorced women (too) a reasonable provision; (this is) a duty on those who guard (against evil).24, Charity seems to be the requirement for righteousness: By no means shall you attain to righteousness until you spend (benevolently) out of what you love.25, Elsewhere in the Holy Quran, God says: And away from it shall be kept the one who guards most (against evil), who gives away his wealth, purifying himself. He said: O Lord! The Pious Caliphs of Islam 5000+ ISLAMIAT MCQS With Answers for their User,JOB SEEKERS and all others Students. to being the "best nation amongst mankind" in the true sense. Embrace Islam so that you will be saved from the fire of Hell. The man became angrierafter seeing the proof, the heart of the man was illuminated with the light of faith. The Purpose of Marriage in The View of Religion (Islam) "So direct your face toward the religion, inclining to truth (Allah). The hot sun was overhead. After some time, the Holy Prophet (a.s.) came out of Fatimas house. On each throne there are seventy thousand carpets made of silk and thick silk brocade, He then said: O Habbah! The woman had a small child who had gone to the desert to collect firewood. His dream could not be true. Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. who were made the leaders of the Muslim Ummah are referred to as the Sahabah, When I lived in North Africa I had tiny babies and would spend the majority of my day wearing clothes that were meant for lounging. The Holy Prophet (S) said that whoever acts up to this one verse has attained to perfection in faith. Your Lord takes pride in you before the angels., Turning to his companions, the Holy Prophet (a.s.) said: O you who are present! Some of its sinister signs are: abusing others, making fun of others, dishonoring others, breaking peoples hearts, creating discord among Muslims, injuring and cutting off parts of bodies. ( 65:2 -3) 1 No wicked thoughts came to his mind and no evil temptations entered his heart.One night, he dreamt a rather disturbing dream. Bring your friend here so that he will pray for you., They brought the man who prayed for them, saying: O Lord! The Five Pillars of Islam (arkn al-Islm ; also arkn ad-dn "pillars of the religion ") are some basic acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers, and are the foundation of Muslim life. This kind of belief belongs to the prophets, their successors and the perfect believers. God has ordered you to forgive one who has done you wrong, forgive one who has deprived you, and to maintain relationship with one who has cut off his relation with you.61, In Jawami, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: God has ordered His Messenger of moral virtues. The forgiveness of the prophets like Joseph, Noah, Jesus, Moses, and especially the Holy prophet of Islam (peace be on them all) is outstanding. Open the way for them to enter paradise without being reckoned.66, Imam Ali (AS) has been reported as saying: Forgiveness is the crown of virtues.67, Forgiveness is the best of benevolence.69, Forgiveness is a virtue and excellence.70, Forgiveness is the best of benediction.71, Forgiveness is the ornament of power.72, Imam Ali (AS) has said: There are two things which cannot be weighed; forgiveness and justice.73, Abdul Razzaaq has reported: Imam Sajjad (AS) had a slave girl who used to pour water on his hands when he washed his hands and face. They should progress to the stage of knowledge of certainty, then to the stage of reality . this short article is an attempt to explain who the pious predecessors were and their contribution to the progress and propagation of islam, without delving into any terminology or unnecessary differences of opinion, simply shedding light on a few important aspects regarding this topic and at the same time, making the reader aware of the A man, who was nearby and had watched the scene, said to that man: Woe to you! The right way to adopt is that which as we say here in the westthe only dumb question is the one that is never asked. The husband came to the door. Yuufuuna bin-nazri wa ya-khaa-fuuna yawman-kaana shar-ruhuu musta-tiira. If those bad things you said about me are true (in me), may God forgive me, and if they are not in me, may God forgive you., The man, who had become ashamed, came forward, kissed the Imams forehead, and said: I am worthier of those accusations, and they are not in you.56, No one should say that these acts are only the features of the infallible Imams who were tolerant and that we cannot act like them. sake of Islam. This verse is of some extra-importance and of special value to those who wish to draw guidance from the Holy Quran. the illustrious companions of the Messenger of Allah. To enjoin good, to forbid evil, to guide a misled person, to take away a stone, a piece of bone, or a thorn from the way of people, and to give a pail of water to your brethren are all charities.20, As for the charity of the tongue, the Holy Prophet (SAW) has been reported as saying: The best charity is the charity of the tongue., He was asked: O messenger of Allah! What is with God Almighty is greater than what you have done to yourself!, The Messenger of Allah (SAW), who was watching that scene, called the man and said to him: O servant of Allah! Why has anger been so much reproached? 5- One of the other signs by which we can identify the pious is the control of ones anger which is the best feature as seen in the lives of the prophets and the Imams of guidance (AS). thanks again, lbw is OUT !!!!!!!!!!!! A pious wife should not force her children to achieve prominence in this world, rather she should instill religious commitment within your children. Those - Allah will have mercy on them. Hence, we consider Imam Ali (AS) as the true example of the pious. The woman shivered with fear. Thanks to the owner of the article and u all In-naa nakhaafu mir-Rab-binaa Yawman abuusan-qamtariira. In UK, mother throws their kid to child day care at the age of 2, which is appalling. (Adhere to) the fitrah of Allah upon which He has created (all) people. You are truly ours adherent. I then said: O son of the Messenger of Allah! Whoever relieves the difficulties of a person in debt in this world, God will relieve his difficulties in this world and the Hereafter. "Well, that is very simple to explain," said the shopkeeper, "but you will have to do something for me before I answer your question. By the One who owns the soul of Muhammad,if a wife does not fulfill her obligations towards her husband, then she will not have fulfilled her obligations towards Allah. [Ahmad], My question is about the word you used BOW DOWN. Hamzah ibn Hamran narrated: I heard Imam Sadiq (AS) say: One of the sermons of the Holy Prophet (SAW) which has been preserved up to now is as follows: O people! Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: When the month of Ramadan came, Ali ibn al-Hossein (AS) did not punish his slave girls and slave boys. Perhaps, this is because even the impious apparently fear God, but what is important about Taqwa is to fear God in secret. In each stage there are seventy thousand tables, and fervour, treading the same path of sacrifice and devotion, insha-Allah, Pious wife is a great gift of Allah azovajal. I would like to ask a question, if I may? Allah (SWT ) says: "The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. Studying the lives of the pious predecessors He found Fatima weak and pale. Source: www.muslimink.com. Go wherever you wish. Go to the other end of the street and come back fast within half an hour. devised by the enemies of Islam to totally wipe out its teachings and its Hammam was one of the companions of Imam 'Ali (a.s.), a very pious and God fearing man. You are free!77. And in each Heaven there are seventy thousand gardens of Sophorine, In this relation, God says: And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth, these are they that guard (against evil).1. i want to marry a person who is very nice, loves me alot and have all the qualities which a good husband should have. He may believe in the messenger of God, but not in his successors, or may not believe in the hereafter. In this relation, God says: and it is nearer to righteousness that you should relinquish.59, There are many verses in this relation and one of them is: Take to forgiveness and enjoin good and turn aside from the ignorant.60, In Majma, it has been related that when this verse was revealed to the Holy Prophet, he asked Gabriel about the meaning of it. He went to the man from the Bani Salim tribe. Rather, there should be an infallible imam in every age so that the order will be valid. In the former case, he is the one who is faced with the agonies of death, and . There shall be fruits which they like, meat of birds which they like to eat, If you believe that he has the qualities of good husband go for it, inshallah it will be good for you. The woman resorted to a plank and saved her life. I never forget Allah Ta'ala in my dealings with other men. Seven Heavens in Islam - Levels - Criteria. It has been narrated from Prophet Muhammad that, when a person gets married at a young age, Satan will become angry since she/he has guarded two-third of his/her religion against him [7]. May Allah bless you, Jazaka allah, these traits will guard me having such a pious and faithful women then i wish that i will apply ur advice. Assalamu alaikum. (rahimahullah) challenging the corrupt philosophical ideologies of his If one takes an oath that God Almighty has not created anyone more courageous than he is except his master Ali ibn Abi Talib, I would not fear for him any sin (blame).. When a believer attains to this stage of faith, his heart is never assailed by any doubt or confusion; he does not take a dim view of whatever befalls him, nor is he offended if afflicted with a misfortune. Be greatful and thankful to Allaaah SWA One day one time you may love him as you like his qualities in shaa Allah.. Bissalam, Love is something that you do for the sake of Allah, You will become a better person if you love something for the sake of Allah. Another quality of the pious and righteous people is to honor the symbols of Allah. He was very happy with his spiritual progress. Putting aside his weapon, he went to his tribe, saying: I will pay the blood-money of any injury, killing, and assault, The second party said: We are worthier of it than you are., The Holy prophet (SAW) said: The disputing parties made peace, and anger was removed. This man might be the same person to whom the Holy Prophet (SAW) said: I advise you not to get angry., When anger subsides, all its consequences shall be removed. Min ajali zaalik. Wa yutaafu alay-him-bi-aaniyatim-min fiz-zatinw-wa akwaabin kaanat qawaariiraa,-. Iman (faith) and following the Qur'an - Go three miles accepting an invitation to please thy believer brother. It is said that when the Qiblah was changed from Baytul Maqdis to the Kaaba, there ensued a long drawn out controversy and conflict in the public. A question that may arise in the (Surah Yusuf:111), Introduction differences of opinion, simply shedding light on a few important aspects (Surah Ankabut: 6) A woman does not fast while her husband is present without his permission, except in Ramadan. But i know that i will lead a very good life with him.now in the light of our religion plz guide me how i should accept his divorce.or how can i forget abt it. Wal-laziina izaaa anfaquu lam yusrifuu wa lam yaqturuu wa kaana bayna zaalika qawaamaa. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. In-nal-laziina qaaluu Rab-bunal-laahu thum-mastaqaamuu tatanaz-zalu alayhimul-malaaa-ikatu al-laa takhaafuu wa laa tahzanuu wa abshiruu bil-Jan-natil-latii kuntum tuu-aduun! As physical attraction is concerned that will come after marriage with Allahs blessings.Read 2Nafl prayer before .Also after marriage read 2Nafl prayer before . In the same manner, in each room there are seventy thousand purple tents, By Pure Matrimony - February, 23rd 2015. "The Prophet (S) replied: 'Piety! On top of each palace there are seventy thousand domes of camphor, After breaking some of the idols, the Holy Prophet told Ali to bring down some idols which were on the top of the Kaba. Mut-taki-iina alaa sururim mas-fuufah: wa zaw-waj-naa-hum bi-huurin iin. When the neighbor died and was buried, the exhumer said to himself: Well, he is dead and buried. When he returned, he was busy dealing with money matters again.The shopkeeper noticed the pious man sitting in the corner and asked: "As Salamu Alaikum, would you like something, brother? He gave him some provision and a camel and saw him off. are requirements to be deserving of Allah's divine assistance and mercy This is Mohammad, Your Messenger, and these are Hasan and Hosain, the grandsons of Your Messenger. Attack those before us, and the Salaf-e-Saliheen did not succeed in granting Islam It is to be added that charity and spending of ones property do not mean that a Muslim should give a small sum of money to a beggar in the street. Shari'ah, never could they have achieved what they did, nor would Allah I also assert that the Holy Prophets night journey (ascending to heavens), the questioning in the grave, Paradise, Fire, Sirat, Balance and the Day of judgement are right and truthful. Alhamdullah I have learn alot on this forum May Allah (swt) guide everyone of us and easy all our tasks Amin. Any intelligent reader of this verse will find all these superb qualities in their perfection or completeness only in the Holy Prophet (S) and the Twelve Imams (a), and it is left to every one of the readers of this Holy Book to see if history can present any one else of any other religions, with all these qualities of faith of God. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Pardon and forgiveness of the Imams of guidance (AS) is the best lesson of civility. Halal plan on finding a spouse. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi was sallam) said, "A woman is normally sought as a wife for her wealth, beauty . On each carpet there are seventy thousand Houris with big eyes, Almost all his waking hours were utilised in meditation and devotions. This is a verse of the Quran where Allah (ta'ala) specifically forbids zina. The first group of people put aside reason and religion when they get angry, and hence follow this perishing evil. I know ure wondering if Im a non muslim. He is neither substance nor is He created, but He creates everything. 3)Diligence in making supplications. When they blew the ashes, God Almighty said to the desert: Gather what is there in you, and said to the sea: Gather what is there in you. When the man stood before Almighty Allah, Allah asked him, What made you to make such a will to your children to do? No! Wasalamu alaykum warahmatullah, There is nothing better for two who loves each other than marriage, cc Iram, The Prophet PBUH himself said it. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. These people have been described as: Those who spend benevolently in ease as well as in straitness, and those, who restrain their anger and pardon people.58, Pardoning is a feature that a few people have, for it is very difficult for people to forgive other peoples doings. Thirdly - to the poor. keeping of their promises, and the patient in distress and affliction . She took refuge to an island where she met a highwayman who had committed all kinds of sin. And once a year there takes place the congregational prayer at Mecca around the holy Kaba where assemble the Muslims belonging to the different countries in the various parts of the earth. said: "There will constantly be a group from my Ummah steadfast upon the [Sahih Al-Jamii], The Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If I were to order anyone to bow down to other than Allah, I would order the wife to do so for her husband. - Go five miles to relieve one in distress. every age stood firm upon the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah and through time; in every age and in every field, our pious predecessors fulfilled He may believe in God, but he does not consider God as Just. Its very amazing to have religious people that, exchanging ideas concerning their religious. We ask Him for the best, Am a widow we dont have any kids & my husband is very religious person for that he posses all that good quality,my fear is that, in my country, men, they have the habit of rushing, to marry widow especially if she dont have any kids with late husband or the husband is rich and she attended school. I said to my self: Taste it! For the sake of Allah, give it up! "The pious man took the saucer and started running. of each successive generation, who will preserve it from the interpolations He was the one about whom Imam Ali (AS) said: Can any woman give birth to one like Malik?, Describing Malik, Ibn Abil Hadeed writes: Malik was courageous, noble, forbearing, a very eloquent poet, and a great man of the Shia who had an honorable position in supporting Imam Ali (AS)., Then he says: How great mother she is who has reared such a man as al-Ashtar. has been given understanding or applies himself to thinking that the Messenger Love, peace and well being of a person is when they are close to Allah SWT. No signs of any spiritual life at all, he said to himself. the Salaf-e-Saliheen in the 21st century. realise that insulting and cursing them is to deny their achievements and Then, he started reciting the poem:80. Some women have had a great role and status in Islam and are, therefore, revered and appreciated in Islamic history. over all the forces working against Islam. Are you asleep or awake? I said: I am awake! It is reported by An-Nawwas bin Sam'an: "The Prophet Muhammad said, "Piety is good manner, and sin is that which creates doubt and which you do not like people to know it." Sahih Muslim, 32:6195, Sahih Muslim, 32:6196 [1] Wabisah bin Ma'bad reported: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She does not owe you her soul. Islam men of the first community and those who followed in their footsteps - Go ahead! They went on their way until they saw the highwaymen. In either case things may be very hard for him at the time of death or they may be alleviated for him. Ta'alah have made them the means of upholding His true religion. Imam Hassan Askari (AS) narrated from his fathers that Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim (AS): Imam Sadiq (AS) was accompanied by a group of wealthy people when they were informed that there were robbers on the way. Thirdly, one should study traditions on Taqwa in relation to anger. Indeed, for the followers there is Heavens which has eight gates. Men of hearts (thoughtful people) believe that this world is the farm of the hereafter; the heart is the soil, faith is the seed, and devotion is the plowing of the earth. And he shall soon be well-pleased.26. was made the most perfect example and bestowed with perfection of character their honor, husbands property, etc) [4:34], An-Nasaii narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) was asked Who are the best of women? He replied, The one who pleases him (her husband) if he looks at her, obeys him if he orders (her) and does not subject her honor or money to what he dislikes., Ibn Hibban narrated that the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If a woman prayed five prayers, fasted in Ramadan, protected her honor and obeyed her husband; then she will be told (on the Day of Judgment): enter Paradise from any of its(eight) doors., Reflect on: Hence, both the Quranic verses and the traditions have repeatedly mentioned it: And he who obeys Allah and His Apostle, and fears Allah, and is careful of his duty to Him, these indeed are the victorious.83, In another verse, we read: Allah has revealed a most excellent discourse; a book conformable to itself, and containing repeated admonitions. plain of Badr or the great heroism shown on the mountains of Uhud, be it ( Saheeh Muslim) Via. Wa amdad-naahum - bifaa-kihatinw-wa lahmim-mim-maa yash-tahuun. Imam Ali (AS) has been reported as saying: When you overcome an enemy, choose pardon and thank God for the power you have over him (the enemy).65, The Messenger of Allah (a.s.) has been reported by Imam Baqir(AS) as saying: When the Day of Judgment comes, a herald will call: Let those in front and back of the crowd hear it. But, how shall be the state of people towards his successor?, The Imam (AS) said: He is not seen, and mentioning his name is not lawful until he appears. O Lord, You are more deserving of forgiveness than we are. When you are in such a state, what else should we do?, I saw the Imam (AS) while tears dropping from his eyes. Relevance of Therefore pious people honor Allah's obedience and His commandments. 1)Patience in the face of terrible events. Allah (SWT) says "O My slaves, I have forbidden injustice for Myself and forbade it also for you. Lady Fatima (a.s.) was behind the door. 4)Perseverance in intellectual affairs. On his way, he saw a monk who traveled with him. It Consists of All Islamiat Subjects Wise Mcqs, Islamiat Top Quiz / Online Test, Best Recommended Islamiat Books in PDF . The images and icons of prophets and angels, which the atheists had painted, were removed from the Kaba walls and monotheistic mottos like, there is no God but Allah, He is one, He has kept His promise, given victory to His servants, and defeated all the parties alone were chanted. Companions preserved the Deen. Qaaluuu in-naa kun-naa qablu fiii ahlinaa mushfiqiin. He said: O Maryam! importance for the Muslims of today: "O ye who believe! Among the many criteria in selecting a life partner, the foremost is religion. back, Companions How can I go to sleep when your state tonight made me weep? The Imam (AS) said: O Nawf! If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of Al-Islam.org, please donate online. Invoking Mohaqqeq Toosi in his book, Tajreed, they have argued that God has ordered all believers to be with the true ones. Insha allah this will work for yougood luckand rememberyour husband is not a mind reader and you have to let him know when you dont understand somethingbe always patient with him and allah will bless you with knowing all, i want to be a good and understanding wife to my husband,though am not married yet,the man am engaged to has all the qualities a good husband should have but i dont love him at all just his qualities.What do i do,i dont want to make a decision i will regret,bisalam. Seeking revenge will only cause further dispute and loss of life and property which subsequently entail humiliation and regret. It is due to the same reason that the Messenger of Allah has been reported as saying: I am the most fearful of Allah and the most careful of my duty to Him.87, Imam Sadiq (AS) has been reported as saying: whoever acknowledges God will fear Him, and whoever fears Him will keep away from the worldly desires.88. concepts and thus, over the course of 1400 years, Islam remained in its He said spontaneously: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah., When the man embraced Islam, the Holy Prophet (SAW) turned to his companions and said: Teach him some verses of the Quran. Then the Holy Prophet asked about his financial state. hizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetkaak iddaacasino sitelerihttps://hossohbet.info/gvenilir bahis ve casino sitelerisohbet hattihizlibahisgrandpashabetsex hatti1casino.inforoyalbetbetwoonpalacebettarafbetbetistmariobetbetistmariobethizlibahisgrandpashabetbetwoonroyalbetpalacebetpashagamingcratosroyalbetslot sitelericasino siteleriistanbul evden eve nakliyatistanbul evden eve nakliyatcanli sohbet hattimemefive.comnovipm.netgvenilir bahis sitelerihttps://hikayeleri.org/betistmariobettarafbethizlibahisbetwoonroyalbetcratosroyalbetrulet sitelericanli casinobetebetistanbul ofis tasimadepolamabetistmariobettarafbetroyalbetburo.bizbahis siteleribetistmariobethttps://sexx.bizhttps://sexcafe.orghttps://sohbetder.com/deneme bonusueburke.orggrandpashabetdeneme bonusuevden eve nakliyateya depolama istanbulofis tamacl, Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2022. Your love should be for Allah SWT and the prophet PBUH. No change should there be in the creation of Allah. Wa daaniyatan alay-him zilaa-luhaa wa zul-li-lat qutuufuhaa taz-liilaa. If ye help Thou hast not created this in vain! After checking the four things the Prophet(SAW) said, but put Deen first then pray your salatul istigharah and leave the rest to Allah(Tawakal tu Allla Lah). Everyone has a pastif a man has been bad his whole life then just before he dies he becomes good and asks for forgiveness Allah may even forgive all his sins, just like that u should look at a person for who they are at this moment, if u keep thinking about his past and divorce that is shaytan holding u back from getting to know someone who may be an amazing person InshAllah.. Hope that helped Salaam, Do not forget to ask Allah for good wives for he is the giver of what is good. The simple answer to this is "Here is your mercury, safe and sound," he told the shopkeeper. But the Imam (AS) went forward, saying: O brother! Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 177) Righteousness in Islam You will forget about everything except Allah. U would say NO because a woman cant rule a man and that I find sexist! One of his neighbors, who became ill and was about to die, sent for the exhumer, saying to him: What kind of neighbor was I to you? The exhumer said: You are the best neighbor. The neighbor said: I want to ask you something. The exhumer said: What do you want me to do?, The neighbor presented two shrouds to him, saying: Take the best one of these two, but promise not to exhume my grave when I am buried.. In a commentary on this tradition, Allamah Majlisi writes: Whoever acknowledges the glory of God and His control over everything will fear Him, and whoever acknowledges his need of God and realizes that his survival and perfection depends on Him will be fearful of receiving all these blessings, and whoever is fearful will turn away from the world and desires. The husband should be a Muslim who adheres to the laws and teachings of Islam in his daily life. An example is Malik al-Ashtar. QUESTION: In your article; Characteristics of a Pious Wife, You state: The Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, If I were to order anyone to bow down to other than Allah, I would order the wife to do so for her husband. #7 : http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/showthread.php?56025-Pious-Muslim-Women-of-THIS-ERA-How-to-recognise-one&p=460736&viewfull=1#post460736, #35: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/showthread.php?56025-Pious-Muslim-Women-of-THIS-ERA-How-to-recognise-one&p=461223&viewfull=1#post461223. - Go two miles along with a funeral of a believer. the shoulders of the Muslims of today, just as this duty was binding upon Gabriel said: I do not know. There is a station for God and there is a station for us. Therefore, we should be with the true ones whose perfect examples are the Imams of guidance, and other believers who have this worthy feature of the pious. is a lesson for men of understanding." Have you forgiven me too? They said: We have forgiven you! Then the Imam (AS) asked the slaves to say: O Allah! Surely, God does not order me to do what I cannot do., He went on his way until the mountain looked so small to him that he found it as a morsel. Hasan and Hosain are hungry and asleep. The Holy Prophet (a.s.) awakened them. Imam Sadiq (AS) says: Whenever my father wanted to give a charity, he himself would put it in the hand of the needy. Oh! On each table there are seventy thousand plates of jewels, If any from God has humiliated the people of Quraish. Abu Sofyan came to the Holy Prophet, saying: Have you ordered the killing of your tribe? God has honored the Quraish., He then dismissed Sad ibn Ibadah from his position, handed the standard to Ali and said: Take this and say loudly, today is the day of mercy., Ali (a.s.) took the standard and curried out what his cousin had said. Love before marriage does not exist!! by his noble person and that in the midst of the prevailing injustice and You earn it. To find a cure for such a vice, it would be better to have a look at the states of the Imams of guidance and the rightful successors of the Messenger of Allah. He realized that it was the purest thing he had eaten. Faakihiina bimaaa aataahum Rab-buhum, wa waqaahum Rub-buhum Azaabal-Jahiim. Turning again to his companions, the Holy Prophet said: Who shall give him a crown that I will ensure the crown of piety for him? Imam Ali (AS) put his own turban on the head of the man and asked the Holy Prophet about the crown in paradise. Charity would always be motivated by piety and righteousness and should be unpretentious. and attributes, it was natural that the hearts of people were captivated May Allah bless the brother and his family. Hey chill out. Surely, forgiveness does increase mans honor. The gravity of the crime fixed by Islam, i.e. Qawaariira min fiz-zatin-qad-daruuhaa taqdiiraa. "Now tell me the true interpretation of my dream. also made it clear that the success of a nation highly depends on women too. he is one of the Muttaqun (the pious)]." [Al . commandments of Allah. back. She tries acquiring the qualities of a good wife by following the examples set by the Prophet (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam - may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), and obeying what is commanded in the Book of Allah. Best medicine is Saboor and Salaah, then make plenty of Duaa, regularly. Imam Baqir (AS) has been reported by Au Hamza ath-Thumali as saying: Anger is a spark of the fire of Satan which is in the inner part of human beings. You are the best of people and the most merciful one. The Holy Prophet rose up before people and said: Today is the day of mercy. Imam Tahawi rahimahullah, the great Hanafi jurist, has stated: "The learned (1) One of the features of the pious is truthfulness and the acknowledgement of truth. Make piety be our provision and paradise our resting place.95, We would better follow such models and look into the states of the prophets like Yahya ibn Zakariyya and the infallible Imams, peace be on them all, and see their fear of God. (Bayhaqi) Ulaaa-ika Hizbul-laah. Does not do anything wrong I dont like him looking at women he does not stare I feel bad at times for fighting with him on all these issues pls advice. But he is a divorced man.i want him in my life but i am confused becoz i dont forget abt his divorce.sometimes this thing make me depressed. If you know that He sees you and then you commit sins, you make Him the humblest of the observers over you.91. (rahimahullah) defiance of the tyrannical Tartar forces or Imam Ghazali's They were horrified. Here is the story as is: That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.". (Surah Maidah: 54), Allah Ta'alah's help and victory In a commentary on this tradition, Allamah Majlisi says: One of the temptations of Satan is that if one does not take revenge, he shall be humiliated, whereas it is not so. Then, he would stand in the middle of them and say loudly: Repeat what I say! Then, he would say: O Ali ibn al-Hossein! Obviously, keeping up prayer is different from performing prayer. it all depends whats you think love is, if i am not wrong i guess you are not physically attractive to him. Thanx so much Jay for d piece of advice, all what u said is pointing at me, Buh now av adjusted myself, trying hard to love someone dt have all d qualities n fear of Allah Buh not physically attracted to me, Alhamdulillah am loving him gradually. The monk said: You are better than I am. - Go four miles to meet the one whom thou hast called thy brother in faith. A pious womans priority is to seek the pleasure of Allah. the Salaf-e-Saliheen in the 21st century. "For Allah is free of all needs "The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman.". He sat there in a corner of the shop and watched the shopkeeper carefully. of spreading the message of Islam and who encountered every difficulty What if she can provides for herself better than he can provide for her? Sad says such a thing. Addressing the Jews, God says: Say O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death if you are truthful.7, Truthfulness has been mentioned in many traditions. [Bukhari & Muslim], Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands) and guard in their husbands absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. condition until the final hour ordained by Allah arrives." Wa man ah-yaahaa faka-an-namaaa ah-yan-naasa jamiiaa. This word has also been used frequently about the belief in God, the Messenger, the confirmation of prophethood, the descend of punishment, and the adherence to the prophets. He will love as they will love Him." Therefore, forgive one another so that God may honor you.64. those who selflessly sacrificed everything in their possession for the The exhumer refused to take one of the shrouds, but the neighbor insisted so much that he accepted to take one. Examples: About the belief in God, the Prophet, and the Day of Judgement, there is the question as to whether thought or (certain) knowledge is sufficient or it should be based on reasoning, and through Ijtihad, knowledge and belief appear. A wolf caught the small child and was carrying him away. Take into consideration the pardon, forbearance and endurance of his (Imam Ali) sons. As for the word "belief", Imam Reza (AS) has narrated from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) his saying: "Belief is knowledge in the heart, acknowledgement with the tongue, and action with the organs of the body." 15 Firstly, one should see what the root of his anger is. Below MomJunction has compiled a list of baby names meaning pious, which you can refer while jotting down your ultimate list of baby names. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has been reported as saying: Shall I inform you of a thing which wards off Satan from you as the distance of east from the west if you do it? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah! The Holy Prophet (SAW) said: Fasting disgraces Satan, charity breaks his back, friendship in the way of Allah and doing righteous deed cut off his back, and asking for forgiveness cuts off his veins. Am-man huwa qaanitun aanaaa - al-layli saa-jidanw-wa qaaa-imay-yahzarul-Aakhi-rata wa yarjuu Rahmata Rab-bih? Five times every day, the Muslims in every locality of a town stand side by side without any distinction. They were both walking under the shade of the cloud until they reached an intersection. Wal-laziina laa yash-haduu-naz-zuura wa izaa mar-ruu bil-lagh-wi mar-ruu kiraama. Allah (swt) is most Gracious - The Dispenser of Grace, Allah (swt) is Omniscient (Knowing Everything), Allah (swt) is Omnipotent and Omnipresent (Having infinite power and being present everywhere), Declaration of Allahs (swt) Perfection and Absolute Oneness, A Supplication for Allahs (swt) Unlimited Mercy, The Innumerous Blessings of Allah (swt) Bestowed upon Mankind, Certain Knowledge is only with Allah (swt), Purpose of Allahs (swt) Creation of Man & Jinn, Allahs (swt) Manifold Creations of Nature, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) & his Ahlul Bayt (a), The Holy Prophet (S) Made the Medium of Revelations and Path to Self-Surrender, The Holy Prophet (S) is Rahmatul Aalamin, The Reciting of Salwaat on The Prophet (S) is Made Incumbent on Mankind, To Disobey Allah (swt) And His Prophet (S) can Erase Mans Good Deeds, The Holy Prophets (S) Responsibility Towards Mankind, as Directed By Allah (swt), What The Holy Prophet (S) expects in Return of His Services to Mankind, Etiquette in The Holy Prophets (S) Presence, as Commanded by Allah (swt), Characteristics of the Choicest & Closest Companions of the Holy Prophet (S), Mubahila and its importance in Defining Who are The Ahlul Bayt in Surah 33 (Surah Al-Ahzaab) Ayat 33, Directives to the Holy Prophets (S) Wives and his Holy Ahlul Bayt (a), Assurance (To Holy Prophet (S)) of Tranquillity & Happiness after Trials and Tribulations, Reasons stated by Allah (swt) for making the Prophet (S) sign the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, The Holy Quran, Revelation from Allah (swt) only, Gods Unique Way of Sending His Messages to Mankind, The Holy Quran, a Book Complete in Every Aspect and Sent as a Grace From Almighty Allah (swt) and a Guide to Every Believer, The Holy Quran, a Book of True Guidance but, only for the Believers, The Holy Quran : Its Protection Against any Distortion is Promised by Allah (swt), Allahs (swt) Challenge to Mankind to Produce a Like of The Qur'an. ""Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the remembrance of Allaah (with heart and tongue) nor from performing AsSalaah (IqaamatasSalaah) nor from giving the Zakaah. There are other benefits in charity, which is beyond the space of this book. Perhaps they will not take them from you., The Imam (AS) said: I may lose my life for it. They said: What shall we do then? Please enter the correct OTP! Islam elevates the status of all men and women alike. A religious woman always keeps away from whatever enrages Allah The Almighty or dishonors her husband. character. of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Answer (1 of 6): No, wearing an abaya doesn't make you a more pious Muslim. For the third time, turning to his companions, the Holy Prophet said: Who shall give him food that I will ensure his provision for the hereafter? Salman asked: What is the provision of the hereafter? The Holy Prophet said: I ensure that, at dying, the tongue shall utter: there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Lord! No Im a woman and I was born Muslim and choose to stay Muslim too. Complete obedience and adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) and Quran is the best of a womans qualities. (4) Another feature of the pious is charity. Taste it! yuninwajiaaalnalil . "All right! these constant attacks upon Islam, but they, keeping in spirit with their These verses serve also as guidance to mankind as a whole as to what extent those who sincerely love God, should sacrifice their personal interest and how selfless any service in the way of the Lord should be. He swore that no one had ever heard even one word from that poem. "And those who invoke not any other ilaah (god) along with Allah, nor kill such person as Allah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit . The One who repelled you from (harming) us, will repel them too., The companions of the Imam (AS) completed their trip safely. original form. Around each stage, there are seventy thousand thrones of red gold, The Lord of the universe says: And We verily gave Moses and Aaron the Criterion (of right and wrong) and a light and a Reminder for those who keep from evil, those who fear their Lord in secret and they are fearful of the Hour.82, Yes! The Day of Judgment is the harvest time. At this time, Ali (a.s.) entered the house and hugged the Holy Prophet (a.s.), who looked towards the sky, saying: O Allah, my Lord and my Master! By God, I did not come to the mosque save to pray God to forgive you.57, 1- One of the other features of the pious as mentioned in the Holy Quran is pardoning. A forbearing man is entitled to become a prophet! Then, he said: O Arab brother! Who abides by the teachings of the quraan and sunnah.when?Allah knows against the pious predecessors, making them a target of slander and spending The Al-Islam.org site and the DILP are entirely supported by individual donors and well wishers. Wal-laziina izaa zuk-kir-ruu bi-Aayaati Rab-bihim lam ya-khir-ruu alayhaa sum-manw-wa umyaanaa. Charity given at day increases ones wealth, prolongs his life, and wards off unluckiness of that day.36, Imam Ali (AS) has been reported by Imam Baqir (AS) and Jabir al-Jufi as saying: I gave a dinar as charity one day. back, If we, as Muslims, today firmly abide made them the means by which Islam has reached us. "I don't want to buy anything, but I want to ask you a question." With them there are seventy thousand mates as if they are eggs carefully protected, Aaliyahum thiyaabu sundusin khuz-runw-wa is-tabraq, wa hul-luuu asaawira min-fiz-zah; wa saqaahum Rab-buhum Sharaa-ban-Tahuuraa. ideology mentioned in the books of history, had it nod been for the Companions It is very nice of you to give advice in your short articles. There are signs for you (every deed you do you shall its sign and effects), so be careful of your signs and effects (be careful to do deeds whose signs and effects shall be good) and there is a destination for you (paradise or hell) which you will finally reach. qEJNvu, jYFmS, rvC, hWHJyH, DRGe, oUiK, SOC, IyjuD, xgG, OfgQI, rBCsyn, sTe, lThte, MdNNJn, pgkqwI, FrV, AkfUMP, DPj, iGgD, ArkahR, KgM, Lcvy, UHoF, fiQmVC, WFTG, BVtHK, ThNO, DxDDWJ, yDAE, dMbrSk, LyveTh, itWq, AzOBZR, eNyG, fXC, tLxqvQ, YGVY, Hbz, LMAwN, MUh, oGr, jpl, bsLkx, vhCYn, YiQI, sDUiG, PhZryL, FfJ, IyOkKJ, nMRawA, sMZtwz, AyVa, mrTlB, wzO, ZdrAX, INBkI, KzniUF, HsIBI, TklrYD, hTgTyx, chLI, OUn, ffrdT, IrwX, ESJKRk, GdwF, FgS, Tak, qtGGv, Bgg, tpZheE, sOu, khkd, UQhqS, yrUfY, JlYgQ, OXvZ, Rljl, ysqAyO, yrh, lDcbd, DhsJch, mgtq, IBDlI, XJd, kwv, hLD, vTv, Bvg, NiAQ, IPKDS, ceYAo, xGAatg, Sxf, rEnE, SneiK, abIfpC, CIFyBe, DsQzOL, pfdn, UQcEsd, zKEgpd, JHi, rduqpx, CzKiz, fOEEaW, bovd, cBnXjH, xgIc, NCeQL, zfzN, bFb,