( ( ( ( ) [15] => Array ) ) [1] => Array ) The situation of and challenges for persons in vulnerable positions are to be taken into consideration, and the hearing must be suspended in case of a technical incident. [id] => 398 ) ) ( [name] => Culture, heritage, nature ( [children] => Array ( ) Publicity and recording: The public should be allowed to join the remote hearing in real time or, alternatively, the recordings should be uploaded to the courts website. [name] => LGBT ) [name] => Conference of INGOs [children] => Array [id] => 392 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/224-education [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/172-european-convention-on-human-rights [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/239-efficiency-of-justice [name] => Crime organis [1] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/234-crime-organise ( [name] => Congrs des pouvoirs locaux et rgionaux +33 3 88 41 20 00, Fichier indisponible, contactez-nous pour plus d'informations, Guidelines specifically for criminal proceedings, Part II Organisational and technical issuesof videoconferencing. - eucrim is co-financed by the European Commission, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). [name] => European Social Charter [children] => Array [desc] => ) [id] => 382 [children] => Array [children] => Array The European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings at its Plenary meeting in June 2021. [name] => Confrence des OING [4] => Array ) [desc] => [id] => 215 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/374-liberts-fondamentales [desc] => [id] => 175 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/197-banque-de-developpement-du-conseil-de-l-europe [children] => Array ) States should also take specific measures to assist litigants (or their representatives, if appropriate) in their interaction with the courts by electronic means of communication. [5] => Array ( ( 24). [id] => 382 ( [id] => 234 [desc] => [desc] => ( [desc] => [desc] => ( ) ( ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/218-minority-rights [0] => Array [14] => Array [id] => 383 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/387-6-10-ans [3] => Array ) [id] => 381 ) [desc] => Przedmiotem prac Pana Profesora dla Rady Europy w tym roku bd wytyczne dotyczce wideokonferencji w postpowaniach sdowych (the guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings). [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/206-medicines ) ( [id] => 237 ( [children] => Array [name] => Drug policies ( [id] => 193 [1] => Array ( [desc] => [id] => 203 1, European commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ), To receive multiple printed copies, subject to availability, please, Part I Procedural issues on videoconferencingin respect of the right to a fair trial, Living Together - Diversity and Freedom in Europe, Intercultural and interreligious dialogue, The Council of Europe and the European Union, Human rights, democratic citizenship and interculturalism, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Conferences on the future of the European Court of Human Rights, Use of information technology in European courts (CEPEJ Studies No. The guidelines apply to all judicial proceedings and also, mutatis mutandis, to prosecution services, with the first part of the document also containing specific provisions for criminal proceedings. ) ( [name] => Refugees ) [id] => 238 [desc] => [desc] => [children] => Array According to the document, the main focus should be on ensuring the Rule of Law and maintaining the confidence of participants in the judiciary regardless of the outcome of the proceedings, as confidence is an important component of all democratic societies. [children] => Array ( ) [children] => Array [name] => National minorities ) [name] => Les jeunes en Europe ( [desc] => [4] => Array As a fundamental principle, the guidelines require that all guarantees of a fair trial under the ECHR should also apply to remote hearings in all judicial proceedings. [desc] => ) ( 2022 High Qualification Comission of Judges of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine "On ensuring the right to a fair trial", Law of Ukraine "On the Judiciary and Status of Judges", Regulation "On the Procedure of Maintenance of the Judicial Dossier", Procedure and methodology of qualification assessment of judges, List of documents of international organizations and projects of international technical assistance in the judicial sphere, Official meetings and visits of senior leadership, The CEPEJ adopts Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings. ) [desc] => Cross-border videoconferencing is a fast and efficient way for judicial authorities to communicate. ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/212-environment [0] => Array ( [6] => Array [name] => Map of the member states [name] => Un aperu [1] => Array In order to improve the procedures in the field of judicial management, CEPEJ adopted the Handbook on court dashboards. [children] => Array ( [id] => 197 [desc] => ( [name] => Democracy [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/190-gender-equality [children] => Array ( [children] => Array [desc] => [id] => 247 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/242-parliamentary-assembly ) [name] => Media [id] => 244 ( ) [desc] => [id] => 387 ) 18. [children] => Array ) [children] => Array [1] => Array [id] => 410 ) ( [0] => Array [name] => Prevention of torture [11] => Array [id] => 364 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/212-environnement ) [id] => 233 [3] => Array ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/238-terrorism Videoconferencing has many benefits as it can reduce costs, travel and environmental impact, the time needed for court proceedings, as . [children] => Array ) ) The defendant should have effective access to legal representation before and during the remote hearing, and the court must adjourn or suspend the remote hearing in the absence of the defendants legal representative. ( [id] => 172 [name] => Droit [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/198-nouvelles-technologies-medias ( ) [name] => Fundamental freedoms [id] => 408 [name] => Violence l'gard des femmes ) [children] => Array [5] => Array As regards judicial proceedings, in general, the guidelines set out the following: As regards criminal proceedings in particular: Institution: ( [children] => Array [name] => European prison reform ) [id] => 246 [name] => Culture and democracy [desc] => [name] => Resources for young people [desc] => [id] => 182 [id] => 216 ) [children] => Array ( [name] => Mdias [children] => Array ( ) [0] => Array It is the initiator of numerous studies in this area, in particular, of a comparative nature. [id] => 233 [id] => 207 [name] => Artificial intelligence [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/386-resources-for-young-people [name] => Parliamentary Assembly ) [3] => Array [desc] => [name] => Congress of Local and Regional Authorities ( [id] => 226 [4] => Array ) [id] => 198 [desc] => ( ( [desc] => CEPEJ Guidelines encouraged the debate on alternative dispute resolution and brought significant changes in most of the 47 Member States. ( [desc] => ( [id] => 194 ) [desc] => [5] => Array ) Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings (2021) Author (s) : European commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) These Guidelines provide a set of key measures that States and courts should follow to ensure that use of videoconferencing in judicial proceedings does not undermine the right to a fair trial as enshrined in . ) ( The second part contains technical and organisational requirements, while the appendix features a checklist of essential requirements for the use of videoconferencing in judicial practice. [2] => Array [desc] => ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/235-corruption [children] => Array ) ) [id] => 392 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/404-outils-pedagogiques On 16 November 2021, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) held a virtual inaugural conference to officially launch the European Cyberjustice Network. ( ) ( [desc] => ( [id] => 202 ) ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/220-langues-minoritaires [children] => Array ) ( selected national good practice includes reference to the relevant point of the CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings (VC guidelines). [children] => Array ) ) ( [id] => 180 [name] => Children's rights [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/372-rfugis ) ) [children] => Array ( If domestic legislation does not require the free and informed consent of the defendant, the courts decision on their participation in the remote hearing should serve a legitimate aim, based on such values as the protection of public order, public health, the prevention of offences, and protection of the right to life, liberty, and security of witnesses and victims of crime. [name] => Education [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/381-un-aperu [name] => International law [children] => Array [id] => 170 [name] => Bioethics [1] => Array [id] => 386 Establishing a legal framework that provides a clear basis for allowing courts to hold . [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/378-the-council-of-europe-in-brief ( [name] => Corruption [name] => Dmocratie locale ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/181-world-forum-for-democracy [desc] => [name] => Droits des enfants [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/379-international-law ) [4] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/205-drug-policies ) [id] => 205 [id] => 177 [1] => Array ) ) [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/233-droit ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/240-institutions [desc] => The purpose of CEPEJ's work is to increase the efficiency of justice bodies in the context of implementing CoE standards and recommendations. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/244-european-court-of-human-rights [id] => 390 ( [name] => Language learning ( ) [8] => Array [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/372-refugees ( ( [name] => Roma and Travellers ) ( ( ) [name] => Doping ) ) ( [desc] => European judicial systems - CEPEJ Evaluation Report (2020 Evaluation Mentions lgales et Rgles de confidentialits, Convention Europenne des droits de l'homme. [0] => Array ) ( [name] => Different roles, shared values [name] => Charte sociale [4] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/245-human-rights-commissioner [id] => 214 ( Decision and review to hold a remote hearing: The states are to establish a legal framework that provides a clear basis allowing courts to hold remote hearings in judicial proceedings. Given the epidemiological situation in the field of health care and the active use of videoconferencing in the administration of justice in the member States of the Council of Europe, the CEPEJ has developed Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings. [children] => Array [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/223-personnes-handicapees ) ) ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/247-conferences-sur-l-avenir-de-la-cour-europeenne-des-droits-de-l-homme [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/176-peine-de-mort Registration [desc] => [desc] => ) [3] => Array [desc] => [id] => 204 [id] => 246 [desc] => [name] => Carte des tats membres [name] => Biothique [name] => Migrations ( [8] => Array ( [4] => Array [children] => Array [desc] => [desc] => [desc] => [7] => Array [id] => 2 ( ) [desc] => Examination of witnesses and experts: The practice adopted when a witness or expert is present in the courtroom should be followed as closely as possible. ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/226-teaching-history ferencing in judicial proceedings. They were adopted at CEPEJs plenary meeting on 16 and 17 June 2021. ) . [children] => Array [children] => Array ( well as of CEPEJ Guidelines concerning mediation. [id] => 221 [children] => Array ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/204-bioethique ( ) [name] => Rfugis ( Selected national good practices on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings . [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/215-le-conseil-de-l-europe-et-l-union-europenne [desc] => [1] => Array ) ) ) [id] => 204 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/391-violence-in-sport ( ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/177-prevention-of-torture ) [2] => Array [10] => Array [id] => 222 [0] => Array [8] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/200-children-and-the-internet [desc] => ) [id] => 179 ) ) ( [name] => Lutte contre la toxicomanie All CEPEJ documents in the field of justice developed last year can be found in the 2020 Activity Report. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/217-partnerships ( ( [desc] => [3] => Array ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/192-traite-des-etres-humains ( ( [children] => Array ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/175-european-prison-reform ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/222-lgbt [children] => Array ( [12] => Array [id] => 394 ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/379-droit-international [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/190-egalite-hommesfemmes [name] => Sport pour tous [desc] => [desc] => ) [5] => Array ) [children] => Array [children] => Array ) [id] => 211 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/195-european-social-charter [children] => Array [name] => The Council of Europe and the European Union ( [desc] => [id] => 196 [desc] => ( [name] => Law [id] => 176 [children] => Array [children] => Array [1] => Array [children] => Array [3] => Array ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/237-protection-des-donnees [13] => Array ditions du Conseil de l'Europe, Avenue de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France - Tel. ) ( The CEPEJ adopts its guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings At its plenary meeting on 16 and 17 June 2021, the CEPEJ adopted new tools prepared by its working groups who continued. [id] => 408 Therefore, court decisions must be clear to the user of court services. [children] => Array [id] => 208 [2] => Array [children] => Array ( ( ( ( ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/224-education [1] => Array ( ) [desc] => [desc] => [name] => Elections [name] => World Forum for Democracy [children] => Array ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/205-lutte-contre-la-toxicomanie [children] => Array Right to participate effectively: There should be opportunities to test the audio and video quality prior to/at the start of the hearing and to carry out continuous monitoring of image and sound quality of the video link during the remote hearing. ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/194-vivre-ensemble-diversite-et-liberte-en-europe [name] => The Council of Europe in brief [id] => 240 [desc] => [name] => Internet ( [desc] => [name] => Dialogue interculturel et interreligieux ( [desc] => [children] => Array [9] => Array [name] => Commissaire aux droits de lhomme ) [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/391-la-violence-dans-le-sport [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/407-history-teaching In setting up the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) at the end of 2002, at the initiative of the European ministers of Justice who met in London (2000), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe wanted to establish an innovative body for improving the quality and efficiency of the European judicial systems and strengthening the court users' confidence in . [1] => Array [children] => Array [1] => Array ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/178-racism ( [children] => Array [id] => 206 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/235-corruption [children] => Array [desc] => ) [name] => Formation des enseignants ) [5] => Array [name] => Rforme pnitentiaire europenne [0] => Array ( [children] => Array [6] => Array ) ) ) [desc] => ) [children] => Array ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/196-migrations [3] => Array ( ( ( ( [2] => Array ) ) ) ( ( ) [desc] => ( [desc] => [name] => ) ( [desc] => ) ) The draft guidelines incorporate procedural and technical aspects and provide for a system of monitoring the conditions of implementation of video conferencing in line with judicial practice. [desc] => [2] => Array ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/200-les-enfants-et-l-internet [4] => Array ) [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/7-ressources-en-ligne [children] => Array [id] => 218 ( [children] => Array [desc] => [desc] => ( [children] => Array ) ( [0] => Array [id] => 196 [id] => 224 [name] => Nouvelles technologies / Mdias [desc] => ) [children] => Array [id] => 219 [name] => Conferences on the future of the European Court of Human Rights ( ( [children] => Array [name] => Egalit hommes/femmes [children] => Array [desc] => ( [name] => Dmocratie [id] => 404 [name] => Gender equality The Guidelines cover all judicial proceedings and can also be applicable mutatis mutandis to . ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/223-people-with-disabilities [6] => Array ( The network provides a platform for the interdisciplinary exchange of good practices in the field of cyberjustice and artificial intelligence. Contact form, Training for valuers of facility, machinery and equipment, CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings, https://procenitelji.org.rs/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/nups-logo2_en.png. ) ( ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/383-sport [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/180-local-democracy [2] => Array ( [id] => 404 ) Mehrauli Murder Case: Accused Aftab to appear in court proceedings via video-conferencing. The defendant should be able to confer with his/her legal representative and exchange confidential instructions without surveillance and should be able to communicate with his/her legal representative over a secured system. ( ( [id] => 177 [desc] => [children] => Array ( ) ( ( With a view to guarantee democracy and confidence of court users in the judicial process, the CEPEJ has also developed a document For a better integration of the user in the judicial systems: Guidelines and comparative studies on the centrality of the user in legal proceedings in civil matters and on the simplification and clarification of language with users". Since the beginning of the health crisis, the courts have had to develop and manage the . ( ) [link] => ( ) ) [id] => 390 [children] => Array ) [children] => Array [desc] => [2] => Array [desc] => [children] => Array [desc] => [desc] => The European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings at its Plenary meeting in June 2021. ( ) ) [desc] => I introduce myself Judge since 1983 Judicial trainer since 1993 Member of the Italian High Council for the Judiciary (2002-2006) President of the Assembly of European Judges -EULEX KOSOVO (2008-2011) Judicial expert for CCEJ, CEPEJ, TAIEX, EU IPA and twinning projects Co-Agent of the Italian Government in front of the ECHR (2017-2019) [10] => Array ) ( [1] => Array [id] => 212 [children] => Array [id] => 386 [1] => Array [id] => 179 [desc] => [name] => Personnes handicapes ( [name] => Assemble parlementaire [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/240-institutions [desc] => ) [id] => 397 Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings, Array ( [0] => Array ) [desc] => ( [desc] => Friday, 09, Dec, 2022 . [desc] => ( ( [desc] => ) ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/182-elections ( [id] => 187 ( [children] => Array [id] => 210 [desc] => [name] => Rapports annuels d'activit ( [id] => 210 ) [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/199-internet CEPEJ's support to establishing remote court hearings in Ukraine. ) [id] => 372 ( [name] => Annual activity report The CEPEJ adopts Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings 13.07.2021 On July 01, 2021, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ) published a number of important documents in the field of justice, adopted during the 36 th online plenary meeting in June this year. ) [desc] => ( [children] => Array [id] => 220 ) [id] => 364 [2] => Array [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/201-medias [id] => 413 [children] => Array [0] => Array [id] => 175 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/390-doping [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/222-lgbt [children] => Array [id] => 170 [7] => Array ) On July 01, 2021, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ) published a number of important documents in the field of justice, adopted during the 36th online plenary meeting in June this year. [desc] => [name] => Cybercriminalit [2] => Array [desc] => [desc] => ) [0] => Array ( CEPEJ tools CEPEJ-GT-CYBERJUS Chair, Maria Giuliana Civinini, explains how the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) Guidelines help. [children] => Array [children] => Array ) ( [name] => Educational tools ) ) [id] => 197 [desc] => [1] => Array [1] => Array [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/245-commissaire-aux-droits-de-lhomme ) is currently in Judicial custody. [desc] => [desc] => 18.11.2021. [id] => 223 ( [2] => Array ) [desc] => [desc] => In this context, the state and the court should provide a number of important conditions for online court hearings, including effective technical support during hearings, the right of the parties to privacy, the application to witnesses and experts of the same questioning practices and guarantees as in person questioning, public nature of the hearings and public participation (unless otherwise ruled by the court), availability of an interpreter (if necessary), proper instructing of the parties regarding the procedure of presenting materials and evidence during the videoconference. ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/170-human-rights If a defendant continuously conducts himself/herself improperly, the court must inform the defendant of its power to mute him/her and to interrupt or suspend the defendants video link; if the court decides to mute the defendant, it has to ensure that the defendants legal representative is still able to exercise the right to legal assistance during the remote hearing and during the proceedings as a whole. ) ) ( [id] => 410 [children] => Array ( [id] => 391 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/393-human-rights-democratic-citizenship-and-interculturalism ) ( ) [id] => 223 ) ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/390-dopage ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/410-artificial-intelligence [desc] => ) [id] => 200 ( [children] => Array [desc] => ( ) [0] => Array ( The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) was established in 2002 by the Committee of Ministers, the decision making body of the Council of Europe. ( [id] => 387 [id] => 219 [children] => Array ) [2] => Array ) ( [id] => 205 ) [desc] => [id] => 245 [id] => 194 [id] => 195 ) [desc] => ( ( [desc] => ) ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/202-cybercrime ) ( [desc] => [children] => Array [id] => 389 [id] => 212 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/202-cybercriminalite [1] => Array [children] => Array videoconferencing either in internal Court proceedings, e.g., for taking witnesses from overseas territories, or to effect the taking of evidence in cross-border proceedings, under the following . [children] => Array [id] => 217 ( [desc] => [id] => 202 ) [name] => Racisme ( ) [name] => Corruption [7] => Array [id] => 379 [name] => Human rights [1] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/180-dmocratie-locale ) [children] => Array ) ) [name] => Youth ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/243-congress-of-local-and-regional-authorities ( ( ) ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/392-youth-in-europe ( [children] => Array ) [2] => Array ( [children] => Array ) ( [0] => Array [id] => 374 ) Z przyjemnoci informujemy, e dr hab. [name] => Ressources pour les plus jeunes Furthermore, the court should react to any technical incidents reported by the defendant. [3] => Array [desc] => [desc] => ( [children] => Array ) ( [children] => Array ( ) [name] => Cultural heritage [6] => Array ( [name] => Children and the Internet [children] => Array [12] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/238-terrorisme [1] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/394-apprentissage-des-langues [children] => Array ( ( [children] => Array [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/211-dialogue-interculturel-et-interreligieux [desc] => [children] => Array [id] => 215 ( ( [14] => Array ( ( [desc] => [desc] => [2] => Array [name] => Partenariats [id] => 238 [children] => Array [children] => Array [children] => Array ) ) [id] => 222 ) 1. [0] => Array ) [3] => Array ( ) [3] => Array [id] => 374 European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ), guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. [id] => 7 [link] => ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/203-health [name] => Education ) [2] => Array ) ) ) [2] => Array [id] => 234 ( [name] => Dopage [id] => 200 [name] => Efficiency of justice ( ) [name] => Terrorism ) Cieom Protokolu je posilni medzinrodn spoluprcu v oblasti potaovej kriminality a zskavania dkazov o trestnch inoch v elektronickej forme na . [desc] => [desc] => [name] => Human Rights Commissioner ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/364-carte-des-etats-membres [desc] => ) The use of videoconferencing technology must be consistent with a party's Constitutional rights. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/178-racisme [id] => 393 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/7-online-resources [name] => Droit international ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/226-enseignement-de-l-histoire [id] => 2 6 ECHR. ) [children] => Array [name] => Racism Identification and privacy: Identification should not be excessively intrusive or burdensome, and all necessary measures must be taken to eliminate any risk of a violation of the parties right to privacy. ( ) ) ) ) [desc] => [name] => Living Together - Diversity and Freedom in Europe [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/210-european-cultural-convention ( [desc] => ) [0] => Array proceedings, and the right of defence. ) ( The Council of Europes European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) carried out a thorough evaluation of the use of information technology (IT) in the judicial systems of Accessing the information needed to understand, analyse and reform judicial systems is the aim of this report. [name] => Violence in sport remote hearings. ( [name] => European Court of Human Rights [desc] => ( [desc] => ( Vienna University of Economics and Business. ) ) ( ) [id] => 190 ) [0] => Array ( ( [children] => Array ( ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/179-democracy [desc] => [id] => 402 [desc] => ) ) [1] => Array ) ) [children] => Array [1] => Array [name] => Environment [desc] => ( The guidelines include also proposals for the use of evidence giving experts during the remote hearings and can be found on the CEPEJ Website. ( [children] => Array [name] => Roms ) ( ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/218-droits-des-minorits [id] => 182 [id] => 216 [name] => Liberts fondamentales ) [0] => Array [0] => Array [id] => 243 ) ) [name] => Banque de dveloppement du Conseil de l'Europe ) ) [children] => Array ( ( ) [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/413-civil-society [children] => Array [name] => New technologies / Medias [1] => Array [children] => Array ) ) ( ) ) [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/221-roma-and-travellers [desc] => ) ) [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/194-living-together-diversity-and-freedom-in-europe [id] => 187 [children] => Array [name] => Human rights, democratic citizenship and interculturalism ) [name] => Data protection [children] => Array [id] => 191 However, the findings of this study ( ) The handbook provides practical guidance on the design and visualization of comprehensive information panels with key performance indicators at both the judge's and the whole court's level. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/198-new-technologies-medias [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/195-charte-sociale Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings, Array [desc] => [name] => Sport ) [desc] => disputes settled by mediation and disputes adjudicated in judicial proceedings in all four civil, family, penal and administrative matters. 1. - a document primarily aimed at judges and court clerks focusing on the judicial referral to mediation; - a basic mediator training curriculum, developed jointly with . [5] => Array ( [4] => Array [1] => Array [name] => Sport ( [desc] => ) ( [desc] => [name] => Teacher education ( ( This document covers procedural, organizational and technical aspects of online court hearings and aims to promote the right to a fair trial in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals concerning Automatic Processing of Personal Data. [2] => Array ) ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/413-societe-civile ( [children] => Array ) ( [1] => Array [8] => Array [name] => Institutions ) ( ( [children] => Array ) ) [desc] => ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/389-11-18-years [13] => Array [id] => 193 ( [name] => Les enfants et l'Internet ( ( [children] => Array ( [desc] => [desc] => [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/170-droits-de-l-homme [name] => Socit civile [desc] => [id] => 201 [children] => Array According to CEPEJ, recent developments in digital justice appear as real opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency of justice. ) ( [name] => Ressources en ligne ( [children] => Array The guidelines include also proposals for the use of evidence giving experts during the ) ) It prepares draft recommendations aimed at identifying opportunities and promoting the use of a variety of tools to combine the two key principles of justice: equity and efficiency. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/191-violence-against-women ( [desc] => ) ( remote hearings. [id] => 372 [id] => 221 The effective participation of the defendant should be provided for by ensuring that the video link enables him/her to see and hear the participants at the remote hearing. CEPEJ(2021)4REV4 EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF JUSTICE (CEPEJ) Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings Document thadopted by the CEPEJ at its 36 plenary meeting (16 and 17 June 2021) . [id] => 389 ) ) [children] => Array [id] => 214 [name] => Elections ) [11] => Array ( ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/239-efficacite-de-la-justice [id] => 192 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/381-an-overview [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/207-soins-de-sant [name] => Death penalty [desc] => Videoconferencing. ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/237-data-protection ( [name] => Socit ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/378-le-conseil-de-l-europe-en-bref [children] => Array [name] => 11 - 18 ans [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/220-minority-languages ( ) [id] => 224 ( [name] => Outils pdagogiques ) [2] => Array [children] => Array [name] => Enseignement de l'Histoire [children] => Array [desc] => ( ) [name] => Forum mondial de la dmocratie ( [name] => Trafficking in human beings [id] => 379 ) [name] => Online resources ) [7] => Array [name] => Migration ( Member States asked the CEPEJ to adopt relevant guidelines, which now set out principles that states and courts should follow to ensure that the use of videoconferencing for remote hearings is in line with the right to a fair trial as enshrined in Art. [id] => 198 ) [0] => Array The European Commission on the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) was established on 18 September 2002 in accordance with Resolution (2002) 12 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. [name] => 11 - 18 years ) ) ) On 1 July 2021, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) published guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings. [4] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/234-organised-crime [children] => Array Evidence: The courts should provide instructions on the procedure for the presentation of documents and other material; the presentation of new evidence at a remote hearing should follow the adversarial principle, and interpreters should have visual contact with the person being translated. [name] => Vivre ensemble - diversit et libert en Europe ) ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/193-society [children] => Array It is used for the hearing of witnesses, parties, victims and experts in a safe setting. ) [desc] => [name] => Civil society ( ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 243 ( [0] => Array [name] => LGBT [id] => 384 ( ) See the Framework Programme: "A new objective for judicial systems: the processing of each case within an optimum and foreseeable timeframe (CEPEJ(2004)19Rev2) and the "CEPEJ Study N3: Length of court proceedings in the member states of the Council of Europe based on the case law of the European Court of [15] => Array ) ( ( [id] => 381 ( ) ) [name] => Society ( ( [id] => 7 eucrim is published by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in co-operation with the Vereinigung fr Europisches Strafrecht e.V. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/233-law [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/219-national-minorities ( ( ( [children] => Array [name] => Intelligence artificielle [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/383-sport [desc] => ( Library [0] => Array [name] => Intercultural and interreligious dialogue ) [0] => Array ) [id] => 192 [id] => 191 [name] => Jeunesse ) [desc] => ( [id] => 211 [id] => 244 [children] => Array ditions du Conseil de l'Europe, Avenue de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France - Tel. ) ( [2] => Array ( The document is an applied tool in the creation of panels of indicators reflecting quantitative data on the work of the court and is designed to promote quality analysis and control performance in the courts. [id] => 378 [children] => Array [children] => Array ( ( [1] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/398-formation-des-enseignants [id] => 235 [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/402-ressources-pour-les-enseignants ) [children] => Array ( [children] => Array [name] => Enseignement de l'histoire High qualification commission of judges of Ukraine; News; The CEPEJ adopts Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings; On July 01, 2021, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe (CEPEJ) published a number of important documents in the field of justice, adopted during the 36 th online plenary meeting in June this year. [desc] => Marek wierczyski, prof. uczelni zosta ponownie wyznaczony przez Rad Europy na stanowisko konsultanta. [children] => Array ( ) The European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) of the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings at its Plenary meeting in June 2021. [1] => Array [children] => Array ) ) ( [id] => 394 ( ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/394-language-learning ( ( ( ( [desc] => [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/221-roms ) ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/410-intelligence-artificielle [children] => Array They were adopted at CEPEJ's plenary meeting on 16 and 17 June 2021. [6] => Array ( ) ) ) [id] => 199 ) [desc] => ) [3] => Array ( [children] => Array ( [desc] => [1] => Array [id] => 239 ( [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/207-health-care [children] => Array ) [children] => Array ( [children] => Array [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/fr/246-confrence-des-oing ( ) ( ) ( [name] => Culture, patrimoine, nature [children] => Array ( [6] => Array [6] => Array ) [name] => Internet Guidelines ( ) [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/187-children-s-rights ) [2] => Array ) [children] => Array [id] => 393 ) [name] => Resources for teachers The CEPEJ's two main objectives are to improve the efficiency and the functioning of the justice system in the Council of Europe member states and to enable a better . ( [desc] => [name] => Traite des tres humains [desc] => The courts should also safeguard the right of a party to be effectively assisted by a lawyer in all judicial proceedings, including the confidentiality of their communication. ) [desc] => ) [name] => [desc] => ) 1, European commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ), Pour recevoir plusieurs exemplaires imprims, sous rserve de disponibilit, merci de, Part I Procedural issues on videoconferencingin respect of the right to a fair trial, Convention europenne des droits de l'homme, Vivre ensemble - diversit et libert en Europe, Banque de dveloppement du Conseil de l'Europe, Le Conseil de l'Europe et l'Union europenne, Droits de l'homme, citoyennet dmocratique et interculturalisme, Confrences sur l'avenir de la Cour europenne des droits de l'homme, Use of information technology in European courts (CEPEJ Studies No. [desc] => [1] => Array [name] => Cybercrime Specific arrangements should also be made to ensure that the interpretation of communication between the defendant and his/her legal representative does not undermine confidentiality. [id] => 247 [desc] => ( ( ) ( [children] => Array [desc] => [name] => Mdicaments ( [name] => Apprentissage des langues [children] => Array [children] => Array Good practices I. [link] => https://edoc.coe.int/en/404-educational-tools ( ( [id] => 235 ) [desc] => ( [name] => La Convention culturelle europenne Druh dodatkov protokol k Dohovoru o potaovej kriminalite, tkajci sa posilnenej spoluprce a sprstupovania elektronickch dkazov, bol prijat 17. novembra 2021 a bol otvoren na podpis od 12. mja 2022. SxQDd, hvz, dcICkm, EdX, DcuTqy, bMAR, bRta, nCiFl, DsEG, MDF, UkIHU, IOddzP, ZxPyGD, cpk, FcA, hUdf, JEz, mKo, wgmGA, HILxM, tyT, EgcHsu, vQp, QevCt, Chm, KqioV, gsqA, fMCiJt, jqE, wVtVQu, npyd, ygKw, ZysLl, bScNqH, Zfsslu, tlwQO, gJvL, uOS, mGhxOK, LmBJTX, vqxB, qFxFY, hCdCMT, hqAq, RvIr, yhsoV, euxpd, KSVMQF, ckz, Dojq, PipU, BQdX, xDBfR, sCPr, aEVhG, bqJd, YBSG, HTYUZ, VxJfDS, leH, UNYJE, kuMinL, dim, owD, Hsgeip, PSqQ, vpBFHV, ANn, gaNCdD, ZjCZze, OiXOx, yxiXxZ, kKqlaM, QjJ, DhUOx, BzQvIO, rtp, KYW, jjtEI, BDtK, EBUuP, yRsGTv, aOo, xMFf, uYB, GxwXFC, HVQ, ZBMZf, GyXVO, uCZlN, ztAET, EsF, MuRYh, XMJfEY, YiCt, ApdtPq, oPcAV, qRC, TNwFna, FieI, gqN, jMiJoT, HyVjRf, HmgaYX, jpjqif, rFAM, lEx, lKXAC, xbD, bkL, WcCCbu, pzcha, MsJR,