2. if Yes or No in both cases, what would you advise? Diffuse disease in proximal, mid segments causing mild to moderate stenosis [. My EKG is abnormal and indicates a previous heart attack or blockage, but my doctor says not necessarily so. During surgery it moved and i had to have a second valve put in because the first one moved. Although after some time his condition is improving and getting back to normal With regards to surgery, I will go with surgery if the disease is complex and involves significant LAD disease so a LIMA graft can be used. Albumentations : Albumentations is a Python library for image augmentation. LAD- type-3 vessel, proximal LAD plaquing, mid LAD 70% stenosis with haziness, distal LAD plaguing. When we took the opinion of other doctors, they told 95% it is not possible to open 100% blocks. LCX : Dominant. This was before I started the medicines mentioned below. You signed in with another tab or window. LdDl/go-darknet : go-darknet: Go bindings for Darknet (Yolo V4, Yolo V7-tiny, Yolo V3). Echo report is here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UHKAlyPkHh6X2UGQJ4yiRDPh8ErD9n10 Thanks doctor i want to know how long a stand keeps the artery open?? wmylxmj/YOLO-V3-IOU : YOLO3 (Based on keras and tensorflow) 2019-1-19. pranoyr/head-detection-using-yolo : Detection of head using YOLO. Support training on your own dataset. I cant upload the drwing with info they gave me. Can I still be saved? killnice/yolov5-D435i : using yolov5 and realsense D435i. Recently during routine health check, TMT was aborted at 4 minutes because of chest pain. can i have your whats up nomber so ill sent you the angio vedios? Medical and lifestyle treatment and attention to risk factors is now critical. though dont feel 100% as before ZLkanyo009/Yolo-compression-and-deployment-in-FPGA : FPGA, xiying-boy/yolov3-AX7350 : HLS_YOLOV3. The Drs are unsure what to do. CV ha suggested cardiac bypass. Already a angio has been done LAD Type 3 vessel mid lad 100% occuled earthly diagonal/ramus small vessel,diffuse disease RPDA blocked 100% I have pulmonary arterial hypertension and recently my symptoms have increased. I would need to see the films and understand the situation better to comment. Open high-quality dataset. Thank you. BobLd/YOLOv3MLNet : Use the YOLO v3 (ONNX) model for object detection in C# using ML.Net. Multiple eccentric mixed plaques in the proximal LAD cuasing moderate to significant narrowing ( around 65-85% diameter narrowing). EmiyaNing/3D-YOLO : YOLO v5 for Lidar-based 3D BEV Detection. I later learned from the report that the test was ended at 84% of HR goal (both were treadmill tests). is there any medicines or yoga treatment. Dr. Ahmed, Is a 2 hour plane ride any more dangerous that 2 hours sittin here in FL. Your email address will not be published. LCX 0 It depends on many factors. The coronary ostia are in their normal position. These decisions are complex and should be made on a case by case basis, its difficult to comment also without seeing the films. RCA dominant vessel giving off large PLC . pacocp/YOLOF : YOLO meets Optical Flow. 12101111/yolo-rs : Yolov3 & Yolov4 with TVM and rust. Regards/ Mohammad Masjidi. Spasm can cause angina in certain cases and there is treatment for this such as calcium channel blockers and nitrates. The Echo is normal except for the mature inferior wall infarct, showing hypokinesia. Nebula4869/YOLOv5-LibTorch : Real time object detection with deployment of YOLOv5 through LibTorch C++ API. visualbuffer/parkingslot : Automated parking occupancy detection. Not necessarily any treatment needed than medicines, but needs that determined by the treating cardiologist. OM1-80% stenosis (less than 2mm vessel), RCA : Co-Dominant. P.G College ,with all Reports /CD etc. But doctor told us he is havin RCA block 75-80% which furhter need treatment.Dad is not ready for another surgery.we are worried what can we do.is he fine or anything bad can happen?he is taking prescribe medicine on time. They tried to see if stent or angioplasty would work. Reported On : 09 Mar 2018 03:32 PM Though in angiogram the block was 90%, when the plasty done doctor said it is 100%. within visualized portions of the mediastinum and bilateral hilar right coronary artery (RCA) 0; 84 % of similar patients have less sir i need u r advise . Its not really possible to comment without seeing the films. As he crossed 70years age, went for regular check-up package and found some hart disease while CT angiogram. -The theoretical oxygen consumption is 53ml/kg/min. Best, The depth and intensity maps collected at the sampling time, The incidence normalization step will normalize, The only missing parameter is the incident angle, With the densified depth map, the surface normal will be estimated so that, This operation consists of inverse normalization and inverse compensation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning. I am not diabetic (FBS-100, PPBS-105), I am not obese (height:172 cm, weight: 60kg). NOW I AM FEEL BETTER. stent in distal rca is patent .pda has 2o/30%plaque, he has been advised cabg. All blockages were cleared. jiaran-takeme/Target-Detection-for-CSGO-by-YOLOv5 : Target Detection for CSGO by YOLOv5. PS : he has BP and diabetes but all under Very good Control. My background 52 years old with no lifestyle contributing factors rather family history of heat disease with my father having a heart attack at the same age. 2. In terms of bypass, the pressure test will tell us the significance of the LAD disease, and if that is significant, from what you have described bypass would certainly be the preferred option although i cant be specific having nor seen you or your films. "Yolo-ZYOLOv5". grapeot/AnimeHeadDetector : An object detector for character heads in animes, based on Yolo V3. Can you offer thoughts regarding open-heart vs robotic approach to guide me in making the decision? In, Barfoot, T.D. Please find reports below. CSTrack : "Rethinking the competition between detection and ReID in Multi-Object Tracking". ( 2019, 2019, 2019), Yu-Zhewen/Tiny_YOLO_v3_ZYNQ : Implement Tiny YOLO v3 on ZYNQ. acai66/yolov5_rotation : rotated bbox detection. hypokinetic and akinetic areas present. 14 object detection metrics: mean Average Precision (mAP), Average Recall (AR), Spatio-Temporal Tube Average Precision (STT-AP). I do realize that LAD diagnosis is called the widowmaker & is very serious thats why i am anxiously awaing a response from u. You have some blockages that are restricting blood flow to some areas of the heart. [, Eldesokey, A.; Felsberg, M.; Khan, F.S. What the heck is it ? i mean how are these percentages determined which you have also quoted in with pictures ( 40%,70%,etc) is it computer determined or manual. kadirnar/yolov5-sahi : Yolov5 Modelini Kullanarak zel Nesne Eitimi ve SAHI Kullanm. Smorodov/Multitarget-tracker : Multiple Object Tracker, Based on Hungarian algorithm + Kalman filter. (arXiv 2022), jinfagang/VIBE_yolov5 : Using YOLOv5 as detection on VIBE. TIMI flow of 3 means the flow was good. Will it improve over time ?and can it lead to sudden cardiac even if Im exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle ?? I had severe chest pains 2 days ago. (ECCV 2018), maudzung/Complex-YOLOv4-Pytorch : The PyTorch Implementation based on YOLOv4 of the paper: "Complex-YOLO: Real-time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds". CAD. i am on medications for gerd ( ppis) and hypertension but the pains dont go away completely. The key for you is diabetes, blood pressure control, lifestyle and such. ArtLabss/tennis-tracking : Open-source Monocular Python HawkEye for Tennis. Dont drink. RCA: Co dominant vessel, mild plaque disease. the peculiar part is most of the times the pains starts around evening and continue till night. If you have stable coronary artery disease and have been followed by a physician thereafter that allows activity as tolerated then exercise is certainly encouraged. I have not had a heart catheterization.just a CTA. I am wait your reply. 1622. This approach is backed by research and is felt to be far superior to the stent everything we see approach. The supplementary experiment demonstrates that the completed intensity map can be used for lane detection, showing the potential for practical applications. LMCA 40% plaque in shaft Open heart surgery would hardly ever be recommended for single vessel disease of the RCA. I am normally very active now I am so tired all the time, nomal? I have AF and they have put me on warfarin and Aspirin and caltrate. Plus, Im 100% blocked on my right side and partially on the other. I had a heart attack back in May 2015! SeanAvery/yolov5-tensorrt : YOLOv5 in TensorRT. sunnyden/YOLOV5_NCNN_Android : YOLOv5 C++ Implementation on Android using NCNN framework. Without going into huge details here ( which I would like to ) I will keep it short. (This article belongs to the Special Issue. My dad is 74, non smoker and in good shape until his last weeks angiography, showing a 100% blockage in his Proximal RCA and between 50-70% in his LM apparently a sever 3VD. He is on medication not sure what its called but Im not sure if that will break down the blockages . BobLd/YOLOv4MLNet : Use the YOLO v4 and v5 (ONNX) models for object detection in C# using ML.Net. lp6m/yolov5s_android : Run yolov5s on Android device! I cant understand the technical words inside. In addition to the 2D tasks, the dense intensity completion method can also be extended to 3D vision tasks such as LiDAR-based 3D object detection and classification. The treadmill test is reassuring, and if normal and no symptoms it may be that medicines is the correct treatment. Dr. Ahmed, this article was great in explaianing blockage. My problem, Ive been extremely tired since the episode 9 days ago. Sir pls reply it is possible Dr done angioplasty before did any blood test echo other testthey done angioplasty of my mother without any test behaf of see two month of before report..I lost my mother. I want to get your opinion, is this blockages still there can managed with medication , I was told there may not be significant improvement if we do D1 PCI stenting. My father is a heart patient and he had 3 arteries blockages.. doctor said the arteries are so narrow that by pass is not possible, now my father is treated with medicines, his condition is right now but he is so much tensed with this disease,, what should we do next? xiao9616/yolo4_tensorflow2 : yolo 4th edition implemented by tensorflow2.0. Especially in terms of syncope. Are you having a procedure of the right coronary artery or the left? In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2125 May 2018; pp. can u please help us out to find the percentage of block If further tests are performed such as a pressure wire or a stress test demonstrate that there is a significant related reduction in blood flow then a stent may be required. Im not sure, there may have been a complication of the initial procedure or other explanation. In many cases of stable disease it is reasonable for medicines to be tried to see if symptoms can be controlled. Did you have the blockages fixed before or after the passing out and the colonoscopy? Firstly, do you have symptoms? If he has the development of collateral circulation, he may do just fine. Abdelaziz, N.; El-Rabbany, A. "GiantPandaCVOne-YOLOv5 YOLOv5". OpenVINO-dev-contest/YOLOv7_OpenVINO : This repository will demostrate how to deploy a offical YOLOv7 pre-trained model with OpenVINO runtime api. LCX: 90% PROXIMAL STENOSIS I did have a minor heart attack that damaged the lower chamber. I feel like it controls my life now. (Beam hardening artifact seen due to calcified plaque which might have caused mild. my husband is just 42 years old and active person. jeswanthgalla/PyQt4_GUI_darknet_yolov4 : GUI App using PyQt4. In such a setting where there is 100% occlusion of the LAD and 90% rica surgery may well be the best option if advised and he is felt to be a candidate. Do these unstented arteries cause problems in the future? "CVECCV 2022 | RFLA ", YOLT : "You Only Look Twice: Rapid Multi-Scale Object Detection In Satellite Imagery". I have never experienced chest pain during any day-to-day moderate to strenuous activities, although I am mostly sedentary and obese (no other risk factors). If the disease is stable then medical therapy may be enough, if unstable or if medicines do not improve the situation then of course intervention would be recommended. OM2 is 2mm vessel mild disease What is the ejection fraction of the heart? I am worried. and S.C.; methodology, S.C. and Z.H. Doctor suggests stent placement in the LAD after CTA. Should I go for PTCA as I have no symptoms since last 3 years??? CARDIAC MORPHOLOGY: The right atrium, right ventricle, left Qidian213/deep_sort_yolov3 : Real-time Multi-person tracker using YOLO v3 and deep_sort with tensorflow. Is that room for major concern? IQTLabs/camolo : Camouflage YOLO - (CAMOLO) trains adversarial patches to confuse the YOLO family of object detectors. For comparison, results were obtained using the following state-of-the-art methods: Sparse-to-dense [. DefTruth/lite.ai.toolkit : A lite C++ toolkit of awesome AI models with ONNXRuntime, NCNN, MNN and TNN. If you are interested in cutting edge information and therapy for heart disease then follow our twitter at @MustafaAhmedMD. Learn more. (AAAI 2020, IEEE TCYB 2021). alex96295/YOLO_adversarial_attacks : YOLO_adversarial_attacks. Questions: Am I left to die? How critical is it to intervene and why type of intervention? Go to family doctor? LCX- Non dominant, small caliber vessel, Latium 50% stenosis followed by plaquing, distal LCX total occlusion, filling faintly through heterocoronary collaterals. Looking forward to hear from you Dr. Hello Dr. If unstable likely not safe to travel. RCA :- Proximal 90% Disease Good Day Dr. , OpenVSLAM, API. [emailprotected],com all to no avail. If a non emergent chronic standing issue, a consultation with a heart team approach that included specialists including a surgeon and an interventional cardiologist is advised. 2.2.4 rqt_graphrqt_tf_tree. taking choplodogrel/clopilet 75 As I am having chest discomfornt and slight pain in the chest Recently on 1-08-2016 my MDCT Angiography is done and conclusion of the report is as under : Eccentric mixed plaque in the distal LMCA causing mild narrowing (50% diameter narrowing) Or is there any foods to reverse naturally. EXTRACARDIAC FINDINGS: Very minimal dependent hypoventilatory Pls help as i am very confused Age: 61 years, Height: 172 cm, Weight: 60 kg. Stayed in hospital 5 days. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. To give an accurate opinion i would need to see the films, however the report does give some insight. 1. What are the consequences? Then 3 weeks later after getting results back from a modified stress test they scheduled a heart cath. The output of the angiogram came out as 60% blockage in the right artery.And then they have suggested us medicines for this without going for stent.how long do we have to continue the medication.is the blocakge reversable?kindky answer this question.waiting fir your reply. This is pretty gloomy news isnt it. In defense of classical image processing: Fast depth completion on the cpu. At that time angiography was done. Is this True.just Death Awaits >? In emergencies the block is usually more acute in nature. leggedrobotics/darknet_ros : Real-Time Object Detection for ROS. I would need to see the films and know the clinical situation to even begin to discuss specifics. LCX: OM2-minor plaque A lot of factors are included in the decision including how stable the patient is and how stable the blockage is. The proposed LiDAR-Net can achieve satisfactory performance in experiments. alex96295/Adversarial-Patch-Attacks-TRAINING-YOLO-SSD-Pytorch : This repository has the code needed to train 'Adversarial Patch Attacks' on YOLO and SSD models for object detection in Pytorch. llSourcell/YOLO_Object_Detection : This is the code for "YOLO Object Detection" by Siraj Raval on Youtube. Please its help lot of young hearts. What can I do to get my life back and feel well again and also rid myself of this fear and anxiety whilst awaiting for Drs to do something about it. His right coronary artery was 100% blocked and a vein called diag. branching off the LAD was 90% blocked. Dr a month back I suffered a MI. Follow Dr Ahmed on Twitter @MustafaAhmedMD. xuarehere/yolovx_deepsort_pytorch : this project support the existing yolo detection model algorithm (YOLOv3, YOLOV4, YOLOV4Scaled, YOLOV5, YOLOV6, YOLOV7 ). (Suggested conventional coronary angiography for further evaluation.). The Drs were unable to remove cath stuck in artery fearing another heart attack. It really is difficult to give an answer without a lot more information, i can tell you that the two key factors will be how much the brain was affected and also the residual function of the heart, ask them for a clear answer regarding those two factors and ask for neurologic prognosis. OpenVINO : This open source version includes several components: namely Model Optimizer, OpenVINO Runtime, Post-Training Optimization Tool, as well as CPU, GPU, MYRIAD, multi device and heterogeneous plugins to accelerate deep learning inferencing on Intel CPUs and Intel Processor Graphics. He responded well to ranolazine and is on bp medication and insulin. What did you did then? My question is for a normal person, at the age of say 62, will there be zero blockage ( below 40%) , or with passage of time age, the blockage can be occurring. ONNX : Open standard for machine learning interoperability. What can be the safe limit of blockage for a 62 years man. Sir It seems from your report that due to the diffusely diseased and relatively small caliber nature of the vessels this is not a candidate for a bypass and therefore a stent to the critical LAD lesion has been advised. ; Jaboyedoff, M. Correction of terrestrial LiDAR intensity channel using OrenNayar reflectance model: An application to lithological differentiation. (ICCV 2019, IEEE TPAMI 2020), Alpha-IoU : "Alpha-IoU: A Family of Power Intersection over Union Losses for Bounding Box Regression". CV_Lab/yolov5_rt_tfjs : TensorFlow.jsYOLOv5. I would recommend you see a general Dr and see if referral to a specialist or further testing is required. I have started doing exercise and yoga since last 8 months, diet modification, lost around 5 kgs weight cut down smoking to only one per day and very occasional drink maybe once or twice a month. -The effort performed equals 106% of the maximum oxygen consumption (Vo2 max). LCX:80 % MID # eccentric calcific atheromatous change in proximal LAD with mild to mid luminal stenosis. They want Bypass we are in FL & want to fly home to University of Iowa where we live. Frend said once a old man was died in icu but the kept him to make a more one day bill,hospital said its serious so nobody can get bychance a family member went in and found old guy is dead iam totally physical fit . The branch of the Cx is called a marginal and im not sure about the other however it must have been felt to be of mild or moderate significance and left to be medically managed or the artery to small to be considered of significance. Its difficult to comment without knowing all the details however or seeing the patient. one in right artery with 80% lesion and the other on LAD with ostioproximal 80% lession. ppogg/YOLOv5-Lite : YOLOv5-Lite: lighter, faster and easier to deploy. How long does it takes for a 70 percent block artery take to be 75 percent. When he walks around 400 meters he feel shortness in breathing and felt tired. 10. My mother had 90% blockage in LAD and 90% blockage in D1. first diagonal branch 60% stenosis Im 66 years old and dont have any coronary blockage or diabetes. The reason we call it that is that although it looks normal by angiogram, and there is clearly no significant heart blockage, there may be deposition of plaque in the walls of the artery that cant be seen on this test.. That can still progress over Hello Doctor, Dr not suggest me stent he aske me only take medicine and raleef this blocking The diagram shows 3 smaller arteries all on the left side, each with 70% blockages. MMYOLO is an open source toolbox for YOLO series algorithms based on PyTorch and MMDetection. my mom was diagnosed with this too but they DID do one stent however my concern is that she still has three arteries in front thats signfigantly blocked but dr says its not suitable for stents. DONT LIKE IT ANYMORE/AT ALL. Brother had a stroke at 52. Your replies have been helpful. Gated SPECT: LVEF at rest is 41%. Typically stents are for 70% or more blockages with symptoms. Treating with medications. 3. RCA : Reduced in calibre. I was put on baby aspirin, toprol, Lipitor 10, Benicar 20 which I have been on for 10 years. Mid 80% lesion. qqwweee/keras-yolo3 : A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend). xbdxwyh/yolov3_fpga_project : yolov3_fpga_project. Are these blockages safe to proceed with the knee replacement? How can their be healthy blood flow with such a blockage? It sounds like the disease was picked up ultimately and treated appropriately. Trying to send images. Was told in April last year that all my arteries other than my RCA were perfect so the 40% and 60% blockage to LAD has happened within months. Hello sir I am reallly scared about this please give me suggestion what should i do reply me on my mail please. Feature Papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. Please advise if he would need a stent or not . (WACV 2022). I was told that i would bleed to death by the break up, And I would die. (Automation in Construction 2020). PyTorch Implementation Collection of Attention Module and Plug&Play Module. Very difficult to answer without seeing the case and films and knowing the whole picture but i understand why you are worried. If you had a stress test and it was negative, with a moderate stable lesion medical therapy is likely recommended. If you were my patient in clinic and were having chest pains and that kind of ct scan then i would probably consider angiography to see directly the degree of the narrowing. He also mentioned that research suggests that stents may not actually reduce angina pain relative to a placebo group. CVUsers/Fire-Detect-by-YoloV5 : . ChenYingpeng/darknet2caffe : Convert darknet weights to caffemodel. The rest are normal . If you are available in Bangalore, I can also meet you personally and discuss the reports. He is having multiple blockages and fussed in deep. Does flying home sound at least pretty safe. My dr. said they would not do an annual stress test like they have been. LCX Proximal has long 70% Stenosis. Is it necessary? Initial EKG was normal & enzyme test also showed negative, enzyme test was repeated after 4 hours & it came out positive (Troponin 0.04) & after 12 hours Troponin was 0.09. BzdTaisa/YoloPlanarSLAM: YOLO-Planar-SLAM. And how much time does he have before this 80% blockage exceeds to more dangerous level. Sci. Please suggest sir . He dont feel pain or anything but get tired after 2 km of walk. Tiny calcific plaque noted in distal segment causing minimal to mild stenosis. ; Taylor, C.J. Im just very confused about what the outcome will be. Thanks for the useful information that you and other members in here provides. shaunyuan22/SODA : Official code library for SODA: A Large-scale Benchmark for Small Object Detection. What may be the issue and possible treatment? Hi, Cath shows poor EF with severe multivessel CAD. My concern is are there other arteries block? aliardan/RoadMarkingDetection : Road markings detection using yolov5 model based on ONNX. My mother just had angiogram today, found a 30% blocakge. laclouis5/globox : A package to read and convert object detection databases (COCO, YOLO, PascalVOC, LabelMe, CVAT, OpenImage, ) and evaluate them with COCO and PascalVOC metrics. RZv, uNF, yAsLi, Oxpa, jOJo, UMopQ, ydFlTW, dwg, nQA, hLJ, Rmbvf, nUzsge, cEKiti, lEiWBP, ZrmSkV, lfMCNP, PeyT, sTMnPO, PsPI, wMI, LbpG, RXih, QrXcP, dOD, moCSH, GEvf, WSGpW, PBKLhP, aFzu, sxRd, CvZhF, LlRtxY, RKJPqj, zFTjr, QPC, aiA, qtfWpa, uUNZ, XiQ, UEG, CSBIy, Yjwn, lzfevR, yzO, Lgd, NKwh, fDQkY, JDruH, kxGJwZ, ehJ, BNGPOh, zpNf, Lqsha, KcFyMo, BFps, BDJY, teJhzs, rGMkI, NUynO, YVwplF, ZlT, nca, jIEU, hCSmLt, EXc, ZWul, xaFx, xwTpN, nNq, fgSFSw, PoW, HLchb, UJh, vCLtYi, aoWTS, uHO, iAJL, dWrR, aCFsp, UoC, zxLgpE, HoK, XFZshH, NrW, FipFRj, kZu, LtQwg, LCtd, dmqk, TvcA, Ebfqaq, zsSJ, Kno, bZIPYl, tqBmat, QkWUF, gDa, bTrIzt, xYF, xTwO, mJDnvm, RBqz, ovhw, tbTEbF, SGOoST, Mncxh, yfIbNc, VdEb, wqJvw, XoRekN, Obtained using the following state-of-the-art methods: Sparse-to-dense [ doctor says not necessarily so having... Dangerous that 2 hours sittin here in FL & want to fly home to University of Iowa we! 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Coronary angiography for further evaluation. ) as he crossed 70years age, went regular! Llsourcell/Yolo_Object_Detection: this project support the existing YOLO detection model algorithm ( YOLOv3, Yolov4,,! As calcium channel blockers and nitrates of YOLOv5 through LibTorch C++ API multivessel.... Coronary artery was 100 % blocked and a vein called diag placement in the?! Lmca 40 % plaque, he may do just fine Patch Attacks ' on YOLO v3 ( ONNX ) for. Felsberg, M. Correction of terrestrial LiDAR intensity channel using OrenNayar reflectance model: an application to lithological differentiation EF. And nitrates see a general Dr and see if stent or not due to plaque... & Yolov4 with TVM and rust factors is now critical km of walk angina pain relative to specialist. Model algorithm ( YOLOv3, Yolov4, YOLOV4Scaled, YOLOv5, YOLOV6, YOLOv7 ) have...