Ghosting someone for not liking them is the easiest way to deal with the problem, but its certainly not ideal. Some may accept like nothing, but others may feel very upset. As humans, we like to try and remove awkwardness and conflict from every situation but it's often inevitable. How are you going to start this conversation to tell this guy you dont like him? Then again, another survey seems to state the figure at 65%. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. "It's only natural to want what's so familiar to you to stay the way it is, with just a few tweaks," emotional health expert and NYC-based psychotherapist Katherine Schafler, tells Bustle. It is flattering when someone likes you. You can follow Adam Dachis, the author of this post, on Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. She reports on all your business related issues and always ready to promote your business through amazing reportage. Then again, you may feel guilty. For that reason, you don't want to make the decision lightly. Whether you're breaking up with a lover, letting go of a friend, or just trying to shake someone annoying, here's how to get the awkward job done. Its not an easy task telling someone you dont like them. Pull off that Band-aid. First, lets talk about what to do before you tell a guy you dont like him. Say thank you for the experiences you shared. You can try not responding at all. If they dont seem to get the hint, you can drop them a message saying sorry but Im not interested. You may opt to delete them from your list of contacts, if possible. It was nice chatting with you but I dont think youre my type. Simply listen and acknowledge that they have every right to their feelings. I wish I did, but I know youre going to make someone very happy someday. 6. It can be even worse than being mean. adsNoBanner: 1, cookieInfo: '', Most people can see through those lies because of various clues from our body language, whether consciously or not. Then, putting a clear closure on a face-to-face conversation is also important. If you want this person out of your life, you have to consider the situation as well. Dont talk about physical traits. Being honest will help you respect the person you choose not to like. Explaining why you feel this way about them is crucial in making the process less hurtful. When you decide to have a face-to-face conversation, it shows that you respect them, but you cant get on board with some aspects of their personality. Of course, they may disagree and thats completely fine. Of course, you can thank them for some great dates but be clear when planning how to tell someone you dont want to date. If you want more ideas, including an example of a nicely written text message then check out this video: How to tell someone you dont like them can be a tough question. Its worth noting that people can get emotional and angry when you tell someone youre not interested after a few dates. You can follow Roger on Twitter and check out his podcast. What works better is a statement like this: This sounds harsh to read, and you can certainly preface the statement with a some softer language to make it easier to swallow (e.g. Even if there have been several dates, at least youve given the relationship a try. Thats why when considering how to tell someone you arent interested can involve talking about your feelings and what you need. Doctoral Clinical Psychology student and intern therapist Brian Newton suggests you first consider your goals: If say a client asked me, "How do I tell X that I don't like them?" (v(48,a+" - exec"),k()):v(48,a+" - noexec")})}function h(a){function b(a){var c=/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;return"function"===typeof a.trim?a.trim():null===a? Thats why practicing with a friend can be a great way to tell someone youre not interested in dating. Simply stating that you don't enjoy spending time with them should be more than enough. Once you realize that its a process then its much easier to focus on the facts. Remember to keep it professional once you have already told the person that you dont like them. What you really want is to be transparent and concise, as per psychologists Roger Schwarz take on giving feedback. The worst thing you can do to anyone is texting them your feelings. How to tell someone youre not interested can involve communicating that you feel youre incompatible. The conversation itself is already unpleasant, so do not add more by being mean-spirited.,,,,,, Spice up Your Day With Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner, The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Family Relationships, 35 Relationship Goals for Couples & Tips to Achieve Them, 25 Common Marriage Problems Faced by Couples & Their Solutions, 50+ Best Funny Marriage Advice: Finding Humor in Commitment, Twin Flame vs Soulmate vs Karmic: Know the Differences, How to Make Someone Think More of You When Youre Not Around: 20 Ways. If he is into you and has put himself on the line for rejection, then you have an obligation to not just text him your feelings. For that, you should put yourself in the shoes of the person you want to reject. Still wondering how to tell someone youre not interested in them? Thats why its always best to do these things in person. [Read: How to let someone down easy over text or even in person The full guide to making no mistakes]. I know its hard for you to have a face-to-face interaction while rejecting someone, but it is way better than having a virtual conversation. Essentially, we all have a deep need to belong. Twitter's the best way to contact him, too. Liked what you just read? Are Capricorn & Aquarius Compatible In A Relationship? Sometimes people use offensive terms when they want to get back at someone. I cant cope with your smoking habit anymore. Thats the start and the end of the story. How do you tell someone you dont want to see them? Of course, when it comes to planning how to tell someone youre not interested in them, it doesnt mean saying things like I think youre wrong. Whoever you're talking to will tell you how they'd want to be told, and should you ever need to tell them you don't like them you'll know exactly how to go about it. 4 Send one text at a time. Everyone has a different take on things being said to them. You seem like a nice person but I just don't see you that way. Most of us want to let people down gently and no one likes to admit theyve led someone on. When telling someone youre not interested in dating, youre essentially negotiating with them. Its not the first or last time theyll have some sort of rejection in their life. Then put your hand on their shoulder, arm, or knee and say, I really like talking to you. then tell them what you like about them: their hair or eyes, body shape, clothes, personality, etc. Ultimately, we cant always explain our emotions. Imagine how you would feel if someone rejected you like that. They may accuse you of leading them on or ask more specific questions. No one likes to reject someone. If you use offensive and derogatory terms, you are making the process more painful for them. So, you really need to sit down with yourself and be honest. Maybe you do subconsciously or consciously like him but the circumstances are such that you cant be with him. It is also quite informal. [3] For instance, you could note, "You seem like a good person, but I don't want to date anyone, so I'm going to say 'no.'" Theres nothing worse than lying when you let someone know youre not interested. Go for an indirect answer. Let them move on, and focus on what matters most. The direct approach can be good because you don't leave them hanging and because you don't leave room for ambivalence, so they can move on to someone else. [1] For example, you could use the line, "I appreciate you asking me, but no thank you." You could also say, "No, I'm not looking to date right now." How to friend zone a guy]. If you tell him your heart isnt free to give away, he wont take it personally or think that it has anything to do with him. People often fall into the trap of thinking they made a mistake or that they werent good enough for you. You need to practice being a full adult and tell them NO. Lets not forget that many people choose to be single and it no longer carries the stigma like the old days. So, you may need to write down your message. If you let him know, in no uncertain terms, you must choose your career path over any relationship in the near future, it lets him down without letting him know you arent into him. You could hurt your admirers feelings or lead them on by saying the wrong thing. Quick Note: Beating around the bush happens when you dont know the exact reason for disliking a person. !1,g=!1,m=null,h=null,l=H(!1);return{isDefine:function(){return b},setDefine:function(e,q){!0===g?d(45,a):!1===b? Not everyone sees things like that. Moreover, the lets be friends phrase can almost feel condescending if someone is head over heels with you. . to feel sad and dejected. Well, telling someone that you don't love them can mean a lot of different things. In that case, starting off with a compliment can help soften the blow of rejection. If you dont like a guy, but lets say he is convenient, then every time you pick up the phone for something, you reinforce you are into him and may give him another chance. That said, I've known people to be insensitive simply because it's easier and I've known myself to be mean unintentionally. Its better if you find out the reasons beforehand. Be kind but honest. Remember that we may meet a few people who are not meant for you before the right one comes along. That way, you take the focus away from them. "Tell them the depth of your feelings, in detail," says Winter. In those cases, the best approach is to focus on the process and not the person. But what if you dont feel the same way about your admirer? [Read: How to make guy friends who want nothing but platonic hangouts]. If you say it in a kind way, and tell him it isnt anything lacking in him, then you cant be responsible for the fallout. Tell him what you actually do like about him, but without implying that you have romantic feelings for him. Besides, the person you are rejecting will not be with you after the conversation. (function(){function d(a,b){C("err",a,b);(function(a,b){var d="amdLoader: errorNumber: "+a;"string"===typeof b&&""!==b&&(d+=": "+b);var l=Error(d);setTimeout(function(){throw l;},0)})(a,b)}function w(a,b){C("warn",a,b)}function v(a,b){C("info",a,b)}function C(a,b,d){a={type:"warn",num:b,caption:d,time:(new Date).getTime()-I};z.push(a)}function t(a,b,g,m,h,l){function e(f){Object.defineProperty(a,b,{get:function(){!0===m&&w(h+"->1",l);return g},set:function(){d(h+"->2",l)},configurable:f})}try{e(!1)}catch(q){try{e(!0)}catch(f){a[b]= Its much better if you have the conversation in person. For the most part, people fell into two camps: either they preferred to hear the bad news quickly and rip the bandage off, or they simply wanted no confrontation whatsoever and wanted to get the tacit message through a lack of contact. Moreover, how to tell someone youre not interested in them doesnt have to be a minefield. 11 Ways to tell someone you dont like them romantically 1. Thats why you are delegating the task to some unknown individual. So, you may need to write down your message. Avail years best deals on our marriage courses! Choose to be kind. You don't want to fall into "it's not you it's me" territory, but you also don't want to leave room for endless questions and argument. That, he will think, is all on you. If you just don't have feelings for someone and probably never will, you need to let them know that especially if they've just declared their love for you. Tell him what you actually do like about him, but without implying that you have romantic feelings for him. } Statements like Im too busy with work right now or I just got out of a long In such cases, sadly, they may not take no for an answer. reasons you dont want to be with them is the most important, The Art of Small Talk: How to Make Conversation With Anyone, How to Make Someone Fall for You: 10 Step Guide. ");if(2!==h.length)throw Error("irregulari contents of the attribute data-run-module: "+g);var n=h[0],l=h[1];a([n],function(a){c(function(){var c;if(q(e)&&!1===b(e).isRun())if(b(e).setAsRun(),a&&"function"===typeof a[l])e.setAttribute(f+"-isrun","1"),c=a[l](e,function(a){b(e).setValue(a)}),"undefined"!==typeof c&&(d(50,g),b(e).setValue(c));else throw c='No function "'+l+'" in module : '+n,e.setAttribute(f+"-isrun",c),Error(c);})})})}, So, not to be fond of something means you dont like it very much. 1. [Read: How to stop thinking about someone you like but cant have]. Most people sympathize with someone who is dealing with a broken heart or being in love or even having an unrequited love. 30 Subtle Ways To Let Someone Know That You Dont Like Them By Tyler Vendetti , May 11th 2017 Comment Flag Trinity "!==a&&k.push(a)});c=k.join("/"); " [That is] if you don't feel for them what they feel for you." 3. So, in fact, I'd say the more useful question is, "What do I want from this person?". Tell them that you are sorry and wish them well, then shut down your connection if possible. Once you realize that its a process then its much easier to, How to tell someone youre not interested in them. Instead, please give them the benefit of the doubt by giving them space to move on. You have put out your case in front of the person you are about to reject. Chances are you will be asked to explain why regardless of how you say it, so be prepared to offer an explanation that has more to do with you than it does with them. But, sometimes there is no way to avoid it. Apologize for leading him on. It is kinder to let them know right away that youre not interested. To be fond of means having a liking for or love of something or someone. Another way to reject someone without being rude is by answering indirectly. kropka: { Thats why you should avoid saying things like I love hanging out but. . I would PRACTICE telling them straight out so you can practice your own reaction to their arguments or the guilt trip they try to put you on. How to tell someone you arent interested involves some, For example, its perfectly ok to say that youre just. If you're looking for more information on interpersonal skills, Brian recommends reading the Interpersonal Effectiveness section of the book Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Having a clear and detailed explanation without beating around the bush makes the whole thing less hurtful and rude. Also check: How to Tell Someone You Dont Want to Be in a Serious Relationship 1. A recent. Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? So, I think its best that we move on and talk about something else now.. A big thanks goes out to Roger S. Gil, M.A.M.F.T. Rejection is an unfortunate part of social interaction, as it creates negative feelings in the person who is denied. How do you do it? How to tell someone youre not interested in them shouldnt be about blame. Rejecting someone is never easy, but learning how to tell someone you dont like them is an essential part of life. "+e:f;!0===g&&d(17,b);return}!0===g&&d(18,b)}}function g(b){document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b)}function m(b,a){function d(){!0!==x&&(!0===f&&(c.readyState=void 0),x=!0,a(c))}var f=!1,x=!1,c=document.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.src=b;c.onload=d;c.async=!0;c.defer=!0;!0=== All rights reserved. 15 Reasons to Justify. (m(a,g,e(),c()),!0):!1}function m(a,d,c,e){function k(){setTimeout(function(){v(48,"run timeout "+e);g()},e)}function g(){setTimeout(function(){0< 6 Talk about other people. One of the main things to bear in mind is whether you are saying that you don't love this person and don't believe you ever will or that you're just not ready to say "I love you" yet. dv_path: "LIFESTYLE/RELATIONSHIPS-WEDDINGS", You Are Not Interested As a grown-up, you might don't think exchange Christmas gift interest you anymore. When telling someone youre not interested in dating, youre essentially negotiating with them. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. That doesnt tell them they arent cool or hot enough, it only tells them you fell for someone you cant get over. g&&d(16,b);else{if("https://"===b.substr(0,8)||"http://"===b.substr(0,7)||"//"===b.substr(0,2))return b;for(var f in a)if(0===b.indexOf(f+"/")){f=b.replace(f,a[f]);if(b!==f)return u(e)?f+". [Read: 15 things you do unintentionally thats leading a guy on and using him]. Either way, remember to be open. When you're getting to know a person, you simply bring up a situation where you had to break this bad news to someone in the past. 7 Tell them busy. Those feelings are not your responsibility. I admire your assertiveness, though." On the flip side, theres a new belief that this approach undermines your key message. "@type": "ItemList", If you know you arent into him, then you have a responsibility to break it off as soon as you know. This leaves room for interpretation and additional questions that will be uncomfortable to answer. It tells you how to navigate your words so you dont hurt him. Once you know, he should be the second one to find out. You can learn more about it here. 1. Not only it would be embarrassing for you but it will also hurt the other person as well. Its relatively simple to turn down a guy you dont know, all you have to do is be honest and just reject him. }); Do it with a proper and concise explanation. Some people may be very upset. such as Youre an amazing person but Im not interested in taking things further. Either way, remember to be open. Being overly positive when giving someone tough news can also come across as fake. 3. If you are constantly around or even sending them memes, it will be hard to distance themselves from their feelings for you. Be sure to weigh your options and consider possible outcomes. He took a shot, and you turned him down. Quietly listen when you tell someone youre not interested after a first date. Of course you want to be as kind and gentle as possible, but when you're telling you don't want to be friends it's important to remember two things: be clear and definitive. Many people tend to Just try not to give the name away, since they may want no involvement. The more precise you are, the better it will be for them. }, function (err) { You have every right to listen to your feelings and say no to someone. 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