Abbott Elementary is the first new comedy to have quadrupled its ratings since its December debut. Fourth Grade Teachers - are responsible for all the core learning subjects, though at this point the job becomes more complicated as students have matured and need a strong, intuitive teacher that possesses excellent communication skills and is capable of guiding students effectively. But mostly, I teach them, instead of just giving them assignments. Teaching is Family Friendly. So simply getting a non-education bachelors degree is all you need to start your teaching career in many instances. Hi! Based on this estimate, 95% of teachers fall somewhere in between those two groups. Educational Psychology Is that a real thing in middle school? Being an Elementary School Teacher was a dream of mine, but I had no idea how difficult being an elementary school teacher would be until I got my first teaching job. If developing a relationship with one class sounds especially good to you and you'd enjoy the challenge of teaching all the subjects, becoming an elementary school teacher might be a good match for you. A California teacher posted on social media about using a "gender-fluid" stuffed animal to teach children how to use the proper pronouns. It is hard for different reasons in every grade, but it is ALL HARD. Q: Are middle schoolers rude and or disrespectful? Digital literacy is a skill set that is increasingly becoming essential. You NEED to switch grades or jobs AT LEAST ONCE in your teaching career. Here are four important steps to becoming an elementary school teacher: 1. While an elementary education degree is certainly a bonus, a bachelors degree in just about any discipline can open the door to an elementary education job in many districts around the U.S. So basically I am an English teacher, without any type of English degree (its better that way, in my personal opinion.. but Ill get to that). Teaching abroad and substitute teaching are just a few ways you can dip your toe in to see if teaching is the right career for you. From lesson plans to homework assignments, creating material that is effective and interesting can be difficult. Your job will require you to interact with other teachers, administration and parents. Teachers are likely to feel under a lot of pressure. The average elementary school holds classes for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Q: Arent you kind of naive in thinking so highly of your middle schoolers? I am on a middle school team with three other teachers who are true middle school teachers. A lot of elementary teachers are passionate about teaching and interacting with kids as it really makes them happy and joyful. But, the truth is, being an elementary art teacher is the most gratifying job in the world. With more access to education, student enrollment is expected to increase over time, but employment growth varies by region. Americans think of young children as "innocent" and "asexual," so sexuality is considered unmentionable in elementary classrooms. managing a classroom is Actually Fun As stated earlier that classroom management is not as difficult as people make it to be, the fact is it is more fun than the responsibility. However, if youre working on a year-round school schedule, it will require 8 weeks in a row with a one-week break in between. Elementary school teachers typically have job duties such as these: Elementary school students usually spend most of their time in one classroom every day, which means that you will have your own classroom dedicated to the students you have that respective year. What is the workplace of an Elementary School Teacher like. There are 3 answers to each question: Dislike, Okay and Like. Even if its one grade difference. I still read all our required novels aloud, because I know that the whole class novel is not best practice. Instead of thinking of yourself as a spoiler, find ways to help them explore their creativity and leaps of logic in healthy ways. Try one of these quick popsicle-stick math time fillers from Journey of a Substitute Teacher. Fifth Grade Teachers - will need the same wealth of patience and communication skills as a fourth grade teacher. You will have model students who are exceptionally bright and well-behaved, and there will be other students who need a little more time and attention. Elementary Teacher If students arent engaged, you may need to come up with a new activity on the spot to keep the pace and energy moving. There are some states that require teachers to earn a masters degree after their teaching certification, so its important to check the requirements of your state. I am not putting ALL secondary teachers in this category, because on this crazy journey, I have seen and met some of the most amazing secondary English teachers (TPT has the best of the best on there). Students need certified teachersthose with a teaching degree-who are committed to engaging them in all areas relevant to today's world. Even though elementary schools are usually very gendered and heterocentric spaces, elementary educators rarely recognize that gender and (hetero)sexuality play key roles in their classroom practice. I actually applied to teach kindergarten at my current school (simply because I wanted to get out of my previous school and my current school was my dream school in my new town), and was instead offered 7th and 8th grade English. Doesnt it drive you crazy? Pro #1: Kids Enjoy Coming to School Being an elementary teacher means many students are young enough to enjoy coming to school. In every single age group, there are people who can write educated and grammatically correct posts, and some who make me want to poke my eyes out. Fortunately, you can use many strategies to create a learning environment that engages students and ignites their intellectual curiosity. This doesnt happen overnight, but it does happen if you believe the best in them. A: This was 164% my biggest concern and fear of going from self-contained to middle school. Sense of Purpose. But a dash of perseverance and leadership qualities? In addition, physical education can help students maintain a healthy weight, improve their cardiovascular health, and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases. Elementary school teachers have distinct personalities. If we are comfortable, we are not learning. Students at this stage are far more likely to notice inconsistencies in expectations and rules; therefore teachers need to be firm and focused, as well as fair and encouraging. Most often these people are drawn toward elementary education because of their passion to improve the lives and education of children. Your students WANT to be in your room. One of your main duties as an elementary school educator is to provide an educational foundation for the future. Elementary School Teachers are also known as: You spend all day teaching, and then you have to plan for the next day and grade papers. Enjoy first class at school & teach your lovely kids of elementary school. Getting to know each student is necessary to offer a solid learning experience to each one. I cant explain it. As an elementary school teacher, you'll aid children with their social, mental, physical and emotional development. The thing I loved about fifth and sixth was the content. An elementary school teacher is responsible for the academic and emotional well-being of his or her students. Download & play this amazing classroom school teacher fun game. Elementary school can be tough kids are thrown into a social environment, many of them for the first time, and they have to face making friends, dealing with bullies, and establishing their self-worth, on top of the wealth of knowledge and basic skills in reading, writing, and math they are picking up at a fast pace. I mean, I really have never taught a kid to read (Disclaimer: If I have a struggling reader, I do go back to the basics to help them, but its not really my strength or love). My mindset is that my kids are good, so they just are. Other teachers major in related fields with relevant elementary education coursework and field training in the classroom. They can also be found working as after school play and tutoring program coordinators, computer technology resource personnel, natural resource and environmental education program leads, and arts and music program assistants. That barrier between "educator" and "friend" is much lower when compared to older students. They are responsible for the educational and emotional growth of children in a classroom setting, as well as managing the materials and resources used for educating them. Why would I switch? My mindset is a little more elementary in nature, but again, I have grown A TON because of how differently I have to think now, by being on a middle school team. Good teachers are passionate about teaching and want to encourage students to achieve their goals. The BLS projects a 4% growth in elementary school teaching jobs between 2019-2029. I have students who still try to get on their cell-phones, students who are still sneaky, students who push the limits, and some who still struggle to read and write. From people in their 20s all the way to people in their 70s and 80s. And, of course, you want your students to love coming to school. Program outcomes vary according to each institution's specific curriculum and employment opportunities are not guaranteed. Adapt lessons. While a doctorate is not required for most elementary teaching jobs, it can be surprising to discover how many people with doctorates in fields such as law, business, science, computer science, agriculture and the arts can be found in elementary school buildings. These teachers teach in classrooms within the school setting, providing children with the necessary building blocks for further learning. Greet students by name at the door at the start of each class period . This makes it easier for scheduling holidays and after school care when . Show them you still have experience related to teaching jobs: Sample Elementary Teacher Resume No Experience right Early Child Care Worker I also wonder if only having kids for 55 minutes a day, makes it so they dont get on each others (or my) nerves so much. You get to sing songs and play games. Young children are hilarious! They have risen to my expectations and beyond. Elementary school teachers had a higher percentage of workers who belonged to a union, compared with workers in all other occupations, according the BLS. Elementary school teachers play a crucial role in preparing children for future success. Instructing. Nancy Meyers writes for education blogs where you can learn more about Top 10 Best Online Colleges for Teachers. At the same time, you want students to look forward to entering the classroom each day. Dont you miss the relationships you formed? And the elementary school day can simply get long right before recess or lunch, or right before the bell rings at the end of the day, you could be dealing with a room full of restless young minds who need someone willing to work on getting them focused. Young people thrive on consistent schedules, so be sure to implement one in your classroom that encompasses academic subjects, arts, exercise, and quiet timeand remind them that youre here to help them along the way. As a teacher, it is so rewarding to go to work and be surrounded by love all around me! I was the fifth grade teacher who went to EVERY SINGLE professional development class I could, because I have always been about improving myself and my teaching but I didnt truly become a good/confident teacher until I had to teach 5 different grade levels, and 3 different set-ups, in a matter of three years. Have fun with this day at school game and enjoy being a best teacher of high school activity. Fortunately, you can use many strategies to create a learning environment that engages students and ignites their intellectual curiosity. TikTok user Skye Tooley is a teacher at Saturn Street. Ha! HA! Our resume examples show you how to add metrics to show what you will bring to the table if hired. A teacher can pick that child up and tell them they can accomplish anything, and they will really mean it. 3. Use the guides and resources exactly as is or as inspiration for you own! Loving kids is great, but make sure you can drink coffee with the adults. Be able to handle kids. Be able to collaborate with other teachers. A: I am going to say something that some people wont like (and probably wont listen to) but I think I have earned my keep here. The Power of Choice in Reading and how these books (and my mom) taught me that power. ESL teacher ESL, or English as a second language, is a popular field in the U.S. Teachers who are qualified to teach speakers of other languages help these learners better understand English so they can learn their subject matter more easily. [10] Employment of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers is expected to grow by 13% between 2008 and 2018. 5. Sometimes, during a busy time or stressful day, a simple "I love you Miss" or a doodle from a student on their free time, can instantly put a smile on my face. This is a big pro due to making it easier to have them engaged in your lessons. Elementary school teachers who expect students to listen to and respect them must provide them with the same courtesy. Preparing youth for their future education means more than teaching them standard school subjects. And if youre reading this, wed venture to guess that youre already doing an incredible job. A second grade teacher will expect more from students and often children will notice that they have more responsibilities during the school day. I realized the power of this statement this year. To up your game even more, here are a few tips and strategies. They are my people. Teaching is collaborative. Sounds boring" or "I'm not sure". I love seeing them learn how to actually write an essay while I am saying, I didnt do this until college. I love teaching them to analyze the text, cite textual evidence, and I LOVE teaching older kids to THINK. Being a teacher is an incredibly rewarding experience. Answer (1 of 8): It is so much fun! And I dont care that they see my ignorance, because they also see how I learn new information as well. An Elementary School Teacher's responsibilities include managing a classroom, communicating and teaching one or more subjects clearly and within the bounds of school procedures. Being a elementary school teacher requires training, makes good money, picks where the teachers teach . From research, curriculum development, special education and learning disability programs, to gifted student and accelerated learning programs, a doctorate focused on a specific area of elementary education can help you land a job shaping thousands of young minds instead of only those in a single classroom. Second, they are actually funny, and not just obnoxious #sorrynotsorry. Classroom Organization in the Middle School | Part 1, Reading and Writing Activities for Back to School in Middle School ELA, Using Back to School Stations in Middle School ELA, Best end-of-the-year activities for middle school ELA, Back to School Resources: Meet the Teacher Templates, Back to School Resources: Syllabi Templates. In addition to math, reading, and english, students now move into the studies of social studies, science, and a higher level of physical education, art, and music. Relationships are one of the three best reasons for being a teacher. Leslie's Answer. One of your main duties as an elementary school educator is to provide an educational foundation for the future. The respect and love we show in the classroom have an impact on students' view of themselves, their other relationships, and their futures. Its a lot, but what you put into it, you get out of it. Being an elementary. I think elementary kids are still learning. People should care about this topic, because kids need their education. What It's Like to Be an Elementary School Teacher during a Pandemic As Told To: What It's Like to Be a Massachusetts Elementary School Teacher during a Pandemic An Arlington public school. Everything is connected with the subject and the core and standards you are teaching nothing you do is without an intentional id. Trust me. Third Grade Teachers - are responsible for more core learning subjects as students at this stage are ready for a more diverse field of learning. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Understanding how all these factors affect learning is an important part of elementary school teaching. Q: How are you able to teach middle school English, when you dont have an English and/or secondary degree? Sometimes, it kills me to answer the question, because I feel like Im cheating on elementary school, but yes. District, state and national-level jobs abound for those with doctorates in one of the many education specialties. It so is. Elementary school children may be more prone to tantrums, while junior high and high school students face more puberty-associated drama issues and bullying. I think sometimes I drive my team crazy, but I also think I have loosened them up a bit. 15.) Take attendance. They are able to focus on the wonderful rewards they get from their job, which are many. A successful teachers students will feel comfortable coming to them with questions or problems, confident theyll get a fair chance. A fourth grade teacher will need a wealth of patience, energy, and creativity to hold the attention of their class. The Hungry Teacher Website by Contact Martina. The average annual salary for kindergarten and elementary school teachers is $57,980. What does an Elementary School Teacher do? But as someone who was absolutely 100% obsessed with and stubbornly a fifth grade teacher, I know a lot of questions that people probably have about this switch, especially because my bachelors degree is in elementary education. Answer "Dislike" if you tell yourself "Ugh. The need for digital literacy and tech instruction. Im a Middle School ELA teacher committed to helping you improve your teaching & implement systems that help you get everything done during the school day! Here are just a few: Incorporating unique activities into the daily routine helps students to find learning enjoyable rather than a chore. This typically involves working with special needs students who have physical, emotional or mental disabilities. It is not unusual for some first-year teachers to earn less than $35,000 in these circumstances. Q: Is is hard going from having 24 students all day (about 6-7 hours) to having each class for 55 minutes? Learn your students names as quickly as possible and include some getting-to-know-you activities in the first few days of the school year. Some of them are also artistic, meaning theyre creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive. Some elementary schools also include grade six, while some private and rural public schools include seventh and eighth grades. Asking students questions and paying close attention to their answers helps you adjust your instruction to suit students strengths and weaknesses and supports development of, Experiment with instructional methods such as, , whether that involves students working quietly on their own or hands-on activity, Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP), Tips for Teachers and Classroom Resources, Advice for Making Elementary School Reading Logs, Teacher Techniques: Scaffolding Elementary Education, Top 5 Elementary School Models in America, Advice on Improving your Elementary Math Instruction, Elementary School Teacher: Salary, Job Description, and Educational Requirements, Early Childhood and Elementary (Grades: PreK-5). Explain new concepts. 3 Elementary School Teacher Work Experience Section Examples. Mixing education and imagination is another reason why being a preschool teacher is rewarding. For example, make a list of ways to show respect for othersand explain the related rewards and consequences. Posted classroom rules are an effective visual aid for students to remember how they should behave in class. Now I have to think in numbers of 100-150, but honestly, Ive just gotten more creative. Quality of teachers can be very different, let me tell, I went over this site and I conceive you have a lot of wonderful information, saved to my bookmarks . Try choosing short phrases that set clear expectations for conduct such as listening, being kind to others, and following directions, then compile these into a short list ofclassroom rulesthat are posted where students can always see them. Being stern with your discipline can matter just as much as being compassionate you want to make sure they know you are in charge at all times. For most teachers, however, the main advantage of a career as a teacher is the opportunity to inspire young people. If you hope to, or already have a family, choosing to earn a BA in Elementary Education is an excellent fit for flexibility. Guys. They all just get each other. Fourth, they play sports and do activities through the school, so I actually get to see them as humans outside of class (and trust me, they LOVE when their teachers come. You'll also develop lesson plans and evaluate students' performance. Once you are actually able to teach a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds how to write a thoughtful literary analysis or rhetorical analysis, the thought of going back to teaching paragraph structures, even in upper elementary, makes you want to poke your eyes out. Additionally, elementary school teachers have to deal with a lot of paperwork and administrative tasks. Even if some never tell you they care or you find their graded essay in the trash they still care). All states require elementary school teachers to have at least a bachelors degree. I would have this same philosophy if I taught seniors in high school. Every teacher is impactful, especially those that work with children early in their educational paths. 7. Those with knowledge of special needs or teaching English as a second language (TESOL) are in especially high demand among the many elementary teacher job openings. I am being 100% honest when I say that my 7th and 8th graders, in general, are much more respectful than the 5th and 6th graders I taught (and I had REALLY good students in those grades too). The SHARE Team, Being an elementary school teacher is one of the most admirable roles an educator can holdat the same time, its no doubt challenging. I LOVED fifth grade so freaking much. You're a creative person. Teacher can change the future of education: Teachers can increase educational quality. The core subjects of math, science, and english will form most of the day, with art, physical education, and music being taught throughout the work week as well. Actual salaries vary depending on location, level of education, years of experience, work environment, and other factors. Employment of kindergarten and elementary teachers is projected to increase between the years of 2019 and 2029, and by approximately 4 percent, BLS adds. Elementary school teachers are trained to educate children from kindergarten through fifth grade. In an elementary school, the teacher is responsible for most, if not all subject areas (Many schools cannot afford specialists, so you are all the enrichment students get.) Should I get a New Textbook or Second Hand Textbook? Work with diverse backgrounds. An elementary school teacher works in public or private schools, teaching students who range in age from five years old to 12 years old. I like talking about myself :). Teaching, as you probably realize, is not easy. When they write essays, I write the same assignment (on the overhead projector so they can see me do it) so I can feel and experience how dang difficult it is with them. Please understand that my second and third graders are great kids too, but I literally have zero behavior issues in my middle school English classes. First of all, I dont know all the answers to English questions, so my 7th and 8th graders see me struggle through stuff with them. Be creative. 3. This post has been updated as of December 2017. How to Teach Reading Comprehension: Resources One common method is to use a variety of games and activities to promote physical activity. They tend to be social individuals, which means theyre kind, generous, cooperative, patient, caring, helpful, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. In addition to the bachelors degree, all public-school teachers must earn their teaching certification or license. In an educational world driven by data and dictated by assessment, the art room is a space where hands-on life skills are still taught. I really cant, but the relationships with students are just as good, if not better, with my seventh and eighth graders, despite our 55 minutes together. These courses allow them to be prepared for teaching children with varying abilities, backgrounds and needs. Elementary school teachers typically have job duties such as these: Create lesson plans to teach students specific subjects and skills, like English, art, science or music National Board certified elementary teachers with a masters degree can expect much more impressive compensation packages than beginner teachers with minimal education. They are responsible for the educational and emotional growth of children in a classroom setting, as well as managing the materials and resources used for educating them. Go ahead and dress up for all of those spirit days! In hindsight, I probably gave more credit to them than what was actually due, buy you want to know what? Teaching elementary school requires more creative thinking than you can ever really imagine when you're completing your degree program. When we think of an elementary school teacher, we imagine a warm, compassionate individual who can be there for kids when their parents cant be. I also literally had to Google, What is a rhetorical analysis? despite the fact that I took, Advanced Composition and Rhetoric in college. You have to consider state standards and test results, in addition to your students overall well-being and development. In all seriousness though, interviews dont scare me, because I am myself, Im honest, and love teaching. This could include volunteering at a school or community recreation center, becoming a mentor or shadowing a . Being an elementary school teacher can be so rewarding! Teachers-to-be usually join their universitys teacher preparation program where they can learn about educational practices, curriculum and child psychology. If you're considering a career in early childhood education (ECE), it never hurts to hear what people who work in this field love about their jobs. A mixed method study was conducted to examine the perceptions and attitudes of 6th grade students, parents, and teachers from four middle schools in a large suburban school district in Southeastern Texas. By getting to know everyone in your classroom, youll be better equipped to teach to students strengths, identify and intervene on problems early, and find a balance for the different learning styles and personalities in the class. Read on for more details about the qualifications for elementary school teachers, and review the job outlook and salary potential. You have to consider state standards and test results, in addition to your students overall well-being and development. I think thats it! Teaching in elementary schools can differ from teaching older grade levels, as these educators face unique challenges and rewards working with younger students. The College and Education Blog for Students. I leave INSANE amounts of feedback on their essays and writing, even when other people tell me they dont care (this is BS they ALWAYS care. Namely, core subjects and 21st . Be patient. Teachers have a wide array of tasks throughout their work day and one of the main skills required is knowing how to instruct others. At this stage of learning, it is easier to recognize which students will need more attention than others. But the best kind of teachers are positive people. According to ALAs Digital Literacy Task Force, it is defined as the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills. These abilities are required to survive, learn, and work in a society Resources for teachers, parents, and students to help deal with stress and changes during the pandemic, Discover the importance of social-emotional learning and activities to promote empathy in the classroom, Best practices for resiliency and self-care for teachers, Strategies and tools to implement the trauma-informed approach in classrooms and schools, Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Resources to help build an equitable classroom environment where diversity and inclusion is appreciated, Learn the best ways of adapting technology to be useful in your classroom environment, Strategies, tips, and teaching concepts to help teachers succeed in the classroom, Insightful content to help you design the ultimate curriculum for on-campus and online teaching, The best ways to implement self-care and resilience that are relevant to teachers, Helpful content addressing the needs of higher education professionals for online teaching, The latest trends and challenges in education, Read the latest published articles on Resilient Educator, By Resourcefulness With multiple learning styles possible in a classroom, it is paramount that a teacher can come up with many ways of explaining a concept or answering a question. These teachers are a vital building block in early development, as they continue to build confidence in each student and create a positive view of the world and themselves. Paste 's own Amy. 1. A: They hired me! Growth doesnt come from your comfort zone, so step outside it. I love helping Middle School ELA teachers by creating blog posts and resources that are easy to use, practical, and engaging but also get you results! [11] Institute of Education Sciences. Theyre not always going to understand right away, and theyre not always going to listen right away. Not sure how to convey that? Its weird, because obviously I got my degree in elementary, but I was so destined to teach middle school. 5 Reasons that Online Learning is the upcoming Future of Education, Staying concentrated longer in the Home Office: How you can learn and work in a focused manner over a long period of time, Why Attending an Online University is Right for You, Students Can Benefit From These Job Options. 2. I will be honest, and say it does take a little bit longer to get to know your students, but in general, the relationships are most definitely there. I have a kind of interesting dynamic at my current school because we are K-12. Id also like to say that I think part of my love of this comes from the fact that I just think it was just destiny (even if I didnt know that). Second Grade Teachers - spend less time helping children become adjusted to standard school routines than pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade teachers. Most people would be surprised at how little education has to do with teaching kids and how much more it has to do with politics. A doctorate is truly the pinnacle of elementary teacher training. Because I went from 5th and 6th to 7th and 8th, I just automatically had insanely high expectations because I didnt really know better. There may also be annual development classes required to keep licensure. It is hard for different reasons in every grade, but it is ALL HARD. Seventh and eighth graders just know. Elementary Education Teacher Back then, I was on the elementary side. Remember, its not just kids youre working with. Q: Middle schoolers all write like they text. During their schooling, teachers-in-training will learn skills to help them work with youngsters with different abilities and from a wide range of backgrounds. You also have the option of demonstrating your commitment and increasing your likelihood of being hired with a National Board Certification. That's exactly the theme of this template! But, in general, I think about myself in middle school and remember I just wanted to be treated like a normal human being, be recognized for what I could do well, and not be treated like some stupid 13 year old. Educators who teach math, science . The more elementary education you get, the better your chances are of getting a raise or a promotion. Its important for children to feel that their teacher cares about them individually for obvious reasons. Something to keep in mind when considering your potential elementary salary is the fact that,on average, teachers get over 12 weeks of vacation per year. As we all know, teachers are the most influential people in the world, the influence and impact these people make in the lives of our kids are immense, though it often goes undervalued and underappreciated. "Fast Facts." Then when my life just kind of did its thing and I realized what I was giving-up to teach real middle school (and I would definitely not be self-contained in any way) I was honestly kind of sad about all the things I would be losing.. A key component to being an elementary teacher is devoting your efforts to children's mental and emotional development, as well as their ability to socialize with others. This career demands communication, patience, creativity, and energy. They do get taller, they do get more emotional, and some of my boys have such deep voices that they are only allowed to whisper when they talk or they make my whole classroom vibrate if the acoustics are right (I am seriously not exaggerating I had to move one boy from the corner area of my room because his deep voice traveled up the walls and made the room vibrate). I also miss only having to get stuff for 24-48 students. Now I am on the 6-12 side of my school, and now I watch the K-5 side think we are nuts all the time. An elementary school teacher performs a variety of tasks during their workday. There are fun projects too, now and then, projects that the teachers come up with that are meant to benefit the entire school: . A key component to being an elementary teacher is devoting your efforts to childrens mental and emotional development, as well as their ability to socialize with others. Being an elementary school teacher is one of the most admirable roles an educator can holdat the same time, its no doubt challenging. Kids these days cant write. The hardest part of being an elementary school teacher is having to deal with unruly children. That is a bunch of BS. But what kind of person will be good at this? Finding education materials that engage students is important. Ask questions. I love reading novels aloud. What Elementary School Teacher Careers Entail, Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education, National Board Certified Elementary Education Teachers, Teacher Certification Reciprocity & How It Works, You like interacting with different people, You want to make the world a better place, Create lesson plans to teach students specific subjects and skills, like English, art, science or music, Model good behavior and communication skills so students can learn how to communicate with and treat others, Grade homework and other assignments so students receive proper feedback day-by-day and on their report cards, Communicate with parents about their childs progress, Pay attention to students who require extra help or guidance, Prepare students for any standardized tests required by the state, Supervise children in and out of the classroom, including during recess, assemblies and lunchtime, Participate in faculty meetings and collaborations, Prepare for class outside of work hours or during the summer, Stay in the know about new teaching methods, activities or technology that can be implemented in the classroom, Documented impact and accomplishments as a teaching professional. Ive already said that ALL teaching is hard work and once you get in a groove of a grade level (I think it takes a solid 2-3 years for this) it can even seem stupid to switch grades, but it is THE smartest thing you will ever do. Growth mindset people. Organization Being organized doesnt just help you with lessons and grading, it also helps your students learn better and helps parents or substitute teachers stay in the know. Great info blog for students, Thanks and I especially enjoyed the qualities for Elementary School Teachsers here, Hi, I am a parent and just made my first experience with teachers for my little boy. First Grade Teachers - will use many hands-on learning approaches as well as discussion groups in their classroom. Some of the cons are that it can be a LOT of work. Here's how elementary education is used on elementary education teacher resumes: Substitute Elementary Education Teacher- Job responsibilities included planning and classroom instruction for absent teachers. Resource teacher A resource teacher is also known as a special education teacher. And if your degree is in the field of computer science, music, art, drama, earth or marine science, agronomy, speech and hearing pathology, foreign language or psychology youll find elementary schools looking for teachers with those skills for district-wide programs as well as classroom teaching positions. Earn Your Degree. Theyre just a little bigger than my 5th and 6th graders. First of all, they think Im funny because they actually have fully developed sense of humors. Q: Is it hard to teach English to 7th and 8th graders since you dont actually have an English degree? A simple act likegreeting students at the classroom dooris a great way to connect. Ultimately, you will work directly with students to ensure the success and . #butseriously #justdoit. I want to make sure that you understand that it is a job and in no way an form we just gosto school to play around. Learning about the advantages and disadvantages of teaching at this grade level can help you decide if this career is right for you. "Education: Not Always About Kids. A: Gah! Have fun! Every teacher has had a number of those "none of my classes ever prepared me for this" situations. To teach in public elementary schools, you'll need a bachelor's degree and state licensure. Creativity Keeping kids engaged can be tough, so consider if you can be creative. So much yes. People totally generalize that statement. Being an elementary school teacher is great for an individual who enjoys teaching and learning about different subjects, and who does not want to feel limited by teaching only one subject. Its important to keep in mind that teachers should be able to play an authoritarian role to provide structure and safety for everyone. We are all on a team to help send our kids into the world, and if we could stop having a divide between what elementary teachers need to do and what secondary teachers need to do, and what "degree" you need, then the world would be a better place. Elementary School Teacher Salary & Job Outlook. I am friends with a wide variety of age-groups. Elementary teaching involves being entrusted with children at a very vulnerable stage of their development, which is why we picture teachers as exceptionally sensitive people. By getting to know everyone in your classroom, youll be better equipped to teach to students strengths, identify and intervene on problems early, and find a balance for the different learning styles and personalities in the class. Becoming a preschool teacher means you get to watch children explore the world right as they're filled to the brim with excitement and wonder. But at the same time, they are seriously so sweet to each other because they are all going through it together. Elementary school teachers need far more than the ability to teach times tables and grammar they need to have the mental and emotional qualities that make them great role models for their students. These paraprofessionals can be found throughout the elementary system performing jobs as varied as special needs assistants, library and literacy resource aides, nutrition specialists and physical education and activities directors. These are perfect for the awkward few minutes right before the bell rings. The unintended academic and social consequences for students experiencing the transition from elementary to middle school have been well documented. We all make each other think differently and we all bring something different to the table. A state-issued teaching certificate or license is generally required to become an elementary teacher. How to Get More Homework Done in Less Time, College Living: Tips to Protect Your Home and Valuables, Online Colleges Require Participation for Success. They will want to know when they hire you that you have a passion for learning, and that you have ideas about new teaching methods and fun things to do with the students. I truly think I am WAY better off having a teaching degree, as opposed to an English degree. And like I said, I honestly never have any issues, because if they need to get on their phone, they just ask me. . They want to work for me because I believe in them and respect them. I used to teach elementary at a school that was K-8 and I remember there always being this divide between elementary (K-5) and our middle school (6-8). Try a math filler. Q: Do you really like it more than elementary? Third, they learn SUPER fast, and are SUPER independent (sometimes I feel useless in a good way though). That mindset totally works, if you believe in it. That also was factored in. Take a look at 2021 BLS salary data below: Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 2021 median salary; projected job growth through 2031. Your elementary school teacher work experience section outlines your professional past and shows the impact your work has had on the success of past employers and students. Both sides are right and know about what they need for their kids and think that their grade level is harder. So the job is actually a lot more work than what happens during the school day. I kind of just wanted to say, No and leave it at that, but I will elaborate :). Elementary teaching is one field where you can never have too much passion, because it will be important for the school and the parents to know just how much you really care. If youre entering education from another field, a masters degree in education, nutrition, special education, computer technologies, curriculum development, or counseling and family services can push your resume-and teacher salary-to the top of the stack for many elementary education jobs. And keep in mind, you will need a good relationship with the principal and other teachers at your school, because those are the people who will be there to help you when you get in over your head. 15 Essential Elementary Education Teacher Skills For Your Resume And Career. They are also more respectful than the 2nd and 3rd graders I teach art to (for one hour a day). 1. I actually kind of love having a middle school team. At the elementary level, you're teaching these students all subjects, so you have to at least have a basic understanding of all of them. With each new bunch of students will come 20, 30, or even 40 new personalities. It is also necessary to be able to work with students of varying abilities and needs. All Star Directories, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2. Q: I love teaching ____ grade. Some elementary teaching jobs will require a few additional education-based credits, but many will allow you to teach and earn the credits simultaneously. Spend time in a school or related setting with children to build your skills and to confirm that teaching is the right path for you. It can be very rewarding to know you've impacted such a tremendous amount of growth in a short period of time. Students need to know what to expect from teachers and when they can expect it. And, of course, you want your students to, Its a lot, but what you put into it, you get out of it. I trust them with their cell phones, I listen to their dumb drama (in short spurts with time limits), and I tell them they are smart all the time. Kindergarten Teachers - will spend the day teaching children in a way that keeps them actively learning and helps them to develop a love for learning as well. Depending on your location, youll need to spend a certain number of hours in this supervised environment, learning from an experience educator. There is food everywhere, all the time, because they are always starving. But I think you do need some essential skills and key qualities to be a good teacher. Elementary school teachers must possess the following skills: Have patience. Q: What about the hormones? I kind of come to life in them. But there is not one single age group that is the worst. Consider if you have the following qualities, which are necessary for an effective and rewarding elementary school education. Here are some ways middle and high school teachers can create safe learning communities in their classrooms: Set and model clear expectations for kind, constructive student language and behavior. Also (and not tooting my own horn I just know my strengths) I am super good at interviews. They have to be trying to be disrespectful to do it, and if you make expectations clear, its second nature for them to be respectful. Seriously though, I am already sad about my 8th graders that will be going to high school (6 months away) and SUPER grateful that I get to have 7th again next year. Take our career test and find your match with over 800 careers. If you had asked me two years ago if I would teach anything besides 5th, I would have said, No. In hindsight, despite my amazing job and amazing students back then, it would have been one of the biggest mistakes I could have made. Elementary school teachers who expect students to listen to and respect them must provide them with the same courtesy. ha! More often that not, you will be a lot happier if you can work with parents, keep them informed and keep an open line of communication about their students progress. If you know anything about my teaching story, you know that I am a fifth grade teacher, turned 6th grade teacher, to now turned middle school English teacher (and absolutely 100% in love and obsessed with it, despite never thinking I would do this). This gives you an enormous amount of flexibility. Q: What do you miss about elementary? With the implementation of an aggressive local, state and national mandate to improve the quality of education, its becoming more common for districts to tie increased compensation to continuing education. Elementary teaching involves being entrusted with children at a very vulnerable stage of their development, which is why we picture teachers as exceptionally sensitive people. There are a number of ways that physical education can be taught to elementary students. Helping students understand a tricky topic, being a source of support through a difficult time, and seeing pupils succeed is . I love doing book clubs with books I actually like reading too. But as someone who has been on both sides of the fence, I just want to say that all teaching is hard. It didnt seem like there was any better grade for me. Some private schools, certain parochial, or faith-based schools have their own requirements for elementary faculty. I do work at a charter school, so that may have something to do with it. They like me. HA! More than 1 in 5 teachers in 2011 was under the age of 30, and the proportion of teachers 50 and older dropped from 42% in 2005 to 31% in 2011. I loved teaching those things when I taught fifth, but I just dont think it would ever be the same. Some prefer to follow other interests, but teaching opportunities that take place in the summer include teaching summer school, tutoring and leading summer programs at community centers or learning institutions. Job growth on pace with national average. Here are 20 reasons why: 1. Elementary school teachers are supposed to teach the kids what they need to know in the future. We dont see eye-to-eye on most things, but in a good way. While more meaningful material is taught, these teachers must find a balance between classic teaching and the fun teaching of earlier grades. A school teachers work schedule usually consists of a 9 10-month school year and 2 3 month summer break. And when they mess up, I treat it like a learning opportunity, and not an opportunity to berate them. Becoming an elementary school teacher has so many rewards, but with them comes the huge responsibility of inspiring and preparing children for the world that lies ahead. Any parent can tell you that this is the first rule for dealing with children. I truly believe in the good of all people. 8. I love to teach. Everyone always thinks they know better. Over the next decade theemployment change should account for about 54,900 jobs. "Take attendance after you get the kids started on the work, so they have time to get things completed." Terri Y. Each student has a different personality, work ethic, and learning style than the next, so it's imperative that educators craft their methodology in a way that reaches all of their students. Asking students questions and paying close attention to their answers helps you adjust your instruction to suit students strengths and weaknesses and supports development of soft skills. Many teachers with families can teach within the same school district, or even at the same school as their children. Earning a bachelor's degree in early childhood education hones one's knowledge and skills related to child development, teaching . If they have a question, I dont make them feel stupid. 6. Communication This applies to giving your lessons and to daily conversations you have with your students. School: Studied English at Ithaca in New York; completed Bachelor degree in 2012. Obviously, I didnt know all the answers in 5th and 6th either, but in 7th and 8th, they literally see me Google stuff almost every day you know, like real people do. First of all, I am a Millenial, I guess, and I feel like I am right in the middle of the old and the new, so I think I have a pretty good perspective on this but that statement is SO not true. I have become a better teacher, but I also think we dont give 7th and 8th graders enough credit for the fact that they are young adults who really can make thoughtful decisions if you let them. And if youre reading this, wed venture to guess that youre already doing an. Does this sound like you? So it's no surprise that the average elementary school teacher works far beyond the typical 8-3 days. To help students understand the class rules, model them on the first day of school. Elementary School Educator. For many, a masters degree has become the gold standard associated with teaching excellence. That means you'll earn somewhere around $60,000 annually. At first, I was kind of like, oh whatever. A bachelor's degree stands as a typical minimum requirement to pursue a license as an elementary school teacher and acquire a job at a public school, regardless of an individual's state residency. Anticipate, model, and explain behavioral norms before negative incidents occur. Good communication with teachers also builds trust in students as they continue their educational journey. They may also need to design specific instruction for individual students with literacy needs. I also told them, You will not regret hiring me no matter what grade it is. I knew I would and could figure it out. And it was all because I left my comfort zone. 1 Employment of elementary teachers is expected to grow 3% through 2028. Patience, communication skills, problem solving, and the ability to motivate these young children to learn are all very important skills needed. I think this can tend to happen when students go from elementary to middle school/high school. Overall, all teachers need to be able to stay calm under stressful situations, as no day in the classroom will go as predicted. Elementary school teachers are trained to educate children from kindergarten through fifth grade. Love being a high school teacher and make crazy . But, in some strange way, it's all very rewarding. So many teachers agreed with Ginger G.: "Nothing cheers you up like a kindergarten hug!" Brandi C. added, "Sometimes you think they need a hug and realize you do too." 2. Im Martina. You might use games, art, music, rhymes and other props to make learning fun and to encourage memorization. When video games and trends are your competition, it's crucial! 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