The yield was good that year and the nuts were lifted early in Nzega, when the wholesalers offered 90 to 94 cents a kilo. The Halifax Public Gardens, a short walk away, are Victorian era public gardens formally established in 1867 and designated a National Historic Site in 1984. Ruth also took me down town to buy gifts for my hostesses over Christmas, and gave me my first run in a car outside the city to the north some way up the road to Bagamoyo to look at the wide beaches that lay beyond the army barracks. Ruth Penny of the Red Cross coached me in its use and I was still practising on it and trying to get it to behave when it fell off the bed and was smashed. In 1893 Auguste Perret built the first concrete garage in Paris, then an apartment building, house, then, in 1913, the Thtre des Champs-lyses. We walked down tiny narrow streets overflowing with murky curio and spice shops, hawkers and food vendors, and at every turn came upon the dilapidated mansions and palaces of former sultans, old slave-traders, or British explorers and consuls. Photo Page. In early May I spent another spell of ten days or so in the south of the District. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. The geometric forms of Cubism had an important influence on Art Deco, Jacques Doucet's htel particulier, 1927. We kept the high land on our right and thundered and rumbled on through a flat and fertile valley until we reached the railway town of Korogwe, in the shadow of the mountains. Kwamsisi was the most distant of all the nine chiefdoms and located down by the eastern border with Pangani District. It was influenced by modern aerodynamic principles developed for aviation and ballistics to reduce aerodynamic drag at high velocities. It was a wooden, open-sided and thatchroofed building where the Africans sang the hymns in Swahili with tremendous gusto - it was grand to see such enthusiasm - and the pleasant young parson preached an encouraging sermon. American fashion magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair and Harper's Bazaar quickly picked up the new style and popularized it in the United States. He was tall and fair, remarkably gentle and a pleasant man; and he gave Simon and me a delightful supper on the night of my arrival and fed me completely on my first day while my fridge and its paraffin burner were being unpacked and installed. He was not a bad chap but just a nuisance while I was wrestling with both my law exams and ill-health. Thus I met a cheerful PWD man, a patronising Forestry Officer, a rather unfriendly archaeologist, a mission school-mistress and the affable Archdeacon of Korogwe. I stayed the night in the hotel and went up to London with my father next morning, very, very glad of his support. We made plans to go up to see him and his family over the October Bank Holiday weekend - indeed we got into the habit of calling on the Magnays if ever we had to go to Morogoro on business or pleasure in the following months. It is also home to several shopping centres, including Scotia Square, Barrington Place Shops, and Maritime Mall. Before starting work I was taken to have a look at the flat allocated me by the Housing Committee. As I went round, I inspected produce markets in the villages where the local farmers surplus crops of groundnuts, sunflower seed and millet were for sale to Arab and Indian wholesalers. Then began the long wait for the materials to arrive. Jim Rowe left the job of PC Morogoro and with his wife Trudi took a boat home on retirement. Meanwhile changes were taking place among the hospital staff. We were all in a convivial mood when we surged out of the front doors of GH and waved goodbye to the happy couple on their way to enjoy their honeymoon at the Governors Lodge at Lushoto - not far from where I had stayed eight months earlier. I engaged Juma as my servant. One night at an unusually hilarious Club party, everybody went as an edible dish with clues on them. Graeme Sorley wrote again. He had eleven young guests - all the children on the station of his age or younger, including two babes-in-arms. I began then to realise how lonely I had been with no one else in the bungalow, and how much I needed company in the evenings. How did I feel? My brother John wrote from Norwich, expressing concern lest the situation in the Congo might jeopardise my leave. I became very bored with my four walls and narrow bed. He wore a white cassock girdled with a thick black rope to hold in an ample paunch. Tim Harris moved me out of the Acacia Avenue Office and transferred me to Ilala under Brian, who was for a short while in hospital, and for one brief moment I found myself in charge of Dar es Salaam District, visiting him at his bedside to receive instructions for our work in his temporary absence. Not the least pleasant part of the trip was a stroll round the Buchanans well-tended vegetable garden where some to the biggest carrots I have ever seen flourished in the rich black peaty soil. Apparently the lions started to roar again as soon as we left, but we had had enough; so I never saw a lion in Nzega and was sorely bitten for my pains. At the foot of soaring peaks Mombo was the nearest landing strip to Lushoto and hot, humid and boring when I disembarked there. She had given me much affection; I sometimes wondered if she had fallen in love with me just a little. On the coast, copra, the dried meat of the coconut, had a good market in the towns. After a long second rubber and some supper, Pat Golding said out of the blue, Ill take you home Dick. The night was difficult but the poison had gone by the following morning. I bequeathed her all my plants, and asked her to look after Auntie Judys picture until my return. I had my first official bath in the morning. The main centres are Bedford, Dartmouth, and Halifax (and their respective environs). This country has no decent port and no worthwhile export. They also yelled One Man! Some artists turned to designing stained glass windows for churches. Juma, the cook, and Morris, the house-boy went up in advance, moved into their own quarters and made everything ready. A day or to later, Simon introduced me to the new DOI at Kisarawe, Andrew Marshall, who had taken the place of poor Nettleton. He had made ventures into glass before World War I, designing bottles for the perfumes of Franois Coty, but he did not begin serious production of art glass until after World War I. Then after a large lunch, I spent the rest of the day checking money, interviewing applicants for gun licences and finishing my long report for the vets and the DC about the Koma goats. Examples of Art Deco residential architecture can be found in the Condesa district, many designed by Francisco J. Serrano. European-style bungalows were scattered along the hillside. He was alleged to have picked up a vicious-looking kitchen knife, and stabbed his wife in the back and his baby boy in the tummy so that he died a day or two later. I was desperately eager to reach my station and start work, but I had to be patient. I was sorry that my action had caused trouble for a lot of people whom I respected as my elders and betters, but I defended myself staunchly. Washing was hanging up in the living room and nappies were everywhere and the policemans wife seemed to have no intention of leaving. Just outside the urban area, the iconic Peggys Cove is internationally recognized and receives more than 600,000 visitors a year.[65]. Stylized Floral motifs also dominated the work of Raoul Dufy and Paul Poiret, and in the furniture designs of J.E. During the Great Depression, the Federal Art Project of the Works Progress Administration was created to give work to unemployed artists. When he had recovered, we all drove out to the Webbs for an evening and much enjoyed reliving our Nzega days. TANU was involved, though it quickly emerged they had not instigated the affair; one or two ambitious men had used the political label to gain local popularity and cloak their own selfish designs. He offered to join me in my new posting, and I was delighted at the suggestion, if only because Saidi, whom I had taken on after Mikes departure was not a patch on Bakari. He enjoyed a chat and had a most engaging grin that always put me at my ease. No pay was given for the work, but food and water were provided; and the turnout was popular, especially when the Native Authority sent out its mobile cinema van to entertain the men in the evenings. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. I was there two mornings a week working with the Police in screening the wahuni, sorting, as it were, the wheat from the chaff. I was shocked, frightened and quite desperately worried about the future. [137], Mumbai's expanding port commerce in the 1930s resulted in the growth of educated middle class population. After lunch I slept. Michael Longford was a DO of several tours and some years seniority, well over six feet tall and famous for his knowledge of tribal languages. Then, three steel girders had to be laid across the gap and bedded in cement at both ends; concrete supports had be made and aprons spread out to link the new bridge to the road. In addition, Norman Macleod wed Jane Bromley (sister of John who had been a friend at St Johns College), Charles Thatcher married Susan, and Pat Hobson became heavily involved with Penny in amateur dramatics and numerous artistic activities at Magdalen College. The style was used to decorate the first-class salons of ocean liners, deluxe trains, and skyscrapers. On the coast the soil was sandy and yielded poor returns, coconut palms flourished and many villages depended on fishing. The largest of all is Radio City Music Hall in New York City, which opened in 1932. I was playing bridge with Peter and the doctor when we were told the news. It was an animated and lively scene as the foreman and his helpers dashed here and there directing long lines of men. Robin had attended their wedding; Audrey Foster had given the reception which had taken place at the DCs house, and Mr Rowe, the Tanga PC had given the bride away. The breeze freshened, the sea grew rough and we had to contend with sea-sickness among the passengers, especially the children. One of the dirtiest jobs I was given in my early days was to check the licences of the many old guns in the hands of local people. The Halifax Common, granted for the use of citizens in 1763, is Canada's oldest public park. Later still, I took over thirty books with which to start the school library. To my pleasant surprise, Tony Golding, my former DC, appeared one afternoon. By the way, if the Masai head-dress feathers get damaged in transit, John could easily replace them with a couple from the turkey - they are only chicken feathers, and I fear the hide on the shields is nothing romantic, but probably a rat or perhaps a young goat.. Halifax Harbour is a major port used by numerous shipping lines, administered by the Halifax Port Authority. 1pm to 1.30 pm. I took a lot of exercise and often got very wet in the marshes around the edges of some of these reservoirs, but with only one good eye, I shot few birds myself, although I seemed to put many more up for Tony or Peter to shoot. It was a handsome stick of a hard black wood with an ivory tip and bands and a handle shaped like a golf club. Unlike the prominent art nouveau designers like Louis Majorelle, who personally designed every piece, they assembled a team of skilled craftsmen and produced complete interior designs, including furniture, glassware, carpets, ceramics, wallpaper and lighting. We went through the minutes of the last meeting, the estimates for next year, the current years expenditure, and other business (including what to do with the accursed car wreckage at the roundabout). The handicraft stalls were uninteresting too. We circled low over it in order to attract attention and then flew a few miles to the east to land on a short, rough air strip of packed red earth cut out of the jungle. One of my jobs as DO was to oversee the management of the township which had its own council to run it under the local Jumbe. Mtemi Shomari presented Peter and me with a sheep when we returned from the school and its liver gave us a good lunch but my conscience a twinge. Rockefeller Center: Architecture as Theater. Nzega was one of the first Districts in the Territory to form an inter-racial District Council. The DC had ultimate authority while supporting and advising the system. Like my neighbours, I would often call at the bar after work to smoke a pipe and have a drink, or look in for a gin and tonic before Sunday lunch, or perhaps enjoy a chat and a whisky there on my way home after a pleasant supper out. Frantically he started to scramble up the fence but was caught, stoned and crucified on the wire. By mid-morning the sun had made the road passable and we took the planks to the site where a bridge was being constructed. In a long chat, Mohamedi confirmed to me that Bakari had accompanied John Woodley on transfer to Same as planned, but had not enjoyed it there and returned to Handeni as soon as he could. The markets, shops and business area lay in the valley and were bustling places with big bus and railway stations that were always crowded and busy. During the evening the PC came up to me and said some kind words about my work which bucked me up enormously. Martin Stores was run by Mr de Souza where I opened an account (Shs 144/= for a typical month, of which paraffin was the most expensive item). I was delighted to see such friendly faces. I picked a big bowl for the table on the first morning on my own and determined to look after them properly and keep them going as long as possible before the ground dried up. He had flown out to spend some time in the country during the summer vacation in order to brush up his knowledge of the language before the next Devonshire Course. I had to pick it up in my hat and settle it gently in some hibiscus shrubs before we could load up and continue our journey down the escarpment. I wrote one day in my diary - rather pretentiously - an extract from a Herbert Read war poem. Halifax has various recreational areas, including ocean and lake beaches and rural and urban parks. My present to Jonathan was a huge pawpaw from the garden. So I went out to learn from John about the growing and sale of cotton and to tour the markets at which the villagers sold their cotton lint to buyers from the ginnery. Located on the opposite side of the harbour, the Dartmouth Commons is a large park next to Downtown Dartmouth laid out in the 1700s. There was enough time to sail across the harbour and perhaps a short way up the creek before it began to grow dark. That first week Audrey asked me over for supper on two or three occasions to help entertain visitors while Humphrey was away. Back to Nzega next morning, the lake had disappeared, and it was an easy run. During the early part of the week, I received various callers; it appeared that any European or senior African driving through on their way to or from Dar es Salaam would stop off at the Boma for a chat and a cup of coffee. Whats wrong with you?. [84][85][86], Aluminum statue of Ceres by John Storrs atop the Chicago Board of Trade Building, Chicago, Illinois (1930), The gilded bronze Prometheus at the Rockefeller Center (New York City, N.Y.), by Paul Manship (1934), a stylized Art Deco update of classical sculpture (1936), Portal decoration Wisdom by Lee Lawrie at the Rockefeller Center (1933), Lee Lawrie, 193637, Atlas statue, in front of the Rockefeller Center (installed 1937), Man Controlling Trade by Michael Lantz at the Federal Trade Commission building, Washington, D.C. (1942), Mail Delivery East, by Edmond Amateis, one of four bas-relief sculptures on the Nix Federal Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1937), Ralph Stackpole's sculpture group over the door of the San Francisco Stock Exchange, San Francisco, California (1930), Aerial between Wisdom and Gaiety by Eric Gill, faade of BBC Broadcasting House, London, UK (1932), Christ the Redeemer by Paul Landowski (1931), soapstone, Corcovado Mountain, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sculpture was a very common and integral feature of Art Deco architecture. On Thursday morning Birch collected me in his car and said, Im afraid the X-ray shows a patch on the right lung. Understandably, the village folk out in the bush had little interest in the coming of democracy. [106], The most prominent furniture designer at the 1925 Decorative Arts Exposition was mile-Jacques Ruhlmann, from Alsace. The meetings were often attended by the Provincial Commissioner when he was in the District, and, in addition to practical day-to-day matters, we discussed with him broad policy issues which helped me to grasp the wider background to our local activity. ", which were combined into a book, L'art dcoratif d'aujourd'hui (Decorative Art Today). In 1932 the decorator Paul Ruaud made the Glass Salon for Suzanne Talbot. Mrs Shiel wrote to me the day after she had met my parents and said all sorts of nice things about them. After that excitement, I hired a garden boy named Maganga at two shillings a day to do the digging. His head had been cut open, his back shredded, and his arm broken in two places. The Court House had been repainted for the occasion and looked very good. She and I talked energetically to each other as we sat in the airport Terminal Bar. We came back with the wind behind us in about two hours. They had developed Dar es Salaam as the capital city, built railways across the colony, and introduced sisal and coffee as cash crops. Continuing to oversee electoral registration in the Mkuranga area, all went well in the second week until my car broke down in the wilds sixty miles south of Dar. The Waterfall style was popular in the 1930s and 1940s, the most prevalent Art Deco form of furniture at the time. WebExplore world landmarks, natural wonders, and step inside museums, arenas, parks and transport hubs. A heap of files awaited my attention and answers. Abstract sculpture for decoration was extremely rare.[88][89]. At the quarterly meeting of the Club Committee in early May, Peter Doole was elected President, and I was appointed Secretary. Others were good fun, and two became my very good friends. Concluding that the Government had overlooked the local courts in its modernisation of the citys administration, I determined to raise the matter. Mostly we kept cool by sitting in deck chairs in the shade - under lifeboats or decking, and reading avidly. Jim Coulter was MC and made us dance novelty dances such as statues, and Margaret Kidner presented home-made prizes all round. There were 15,000 exhibitors from twenty different countries, including Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the new Soviet Union. The mosquitoes were very bad in the rainy season, and malaria was prevalent. The District Office served the rapidly growing African population that lived in high-density housing in the teeming suburbs around the city centre. The Congo beachcomber called back and I gave him his ticket, a loan for his travelling expenses, and letters of introduction for Nairobi. I became happier as the Course progressed and got a grip on the Tanganyika Governments financial reports, estimates and development programmes. Just as I thought I was doing quite well, the Prison Governor came up to Nzega especially to see me. I needed to lay in some basic provisions for my future home in Nzega, in particular paraffin because once more I was going to a station without electricity. Thereafter the Warwick Castle left the land, the weather warmed up in the eastern Mediterranean, and passengers changed into shorts and tropical dress. I referred many problems to Audrey, the DCs wife, or to the chief African clerk, both of whom were hugely patient and very helpful. I waited for Dr Coles return from leave with bad-tempered impatience. In Dar es Salaam, justice in disputes over civil matters was dispensed by the Hakimus sitting in each court-house throughout the city, supported by local elders sitting as assessors, all of whom were supposed to be learned in customary law. A light breeze blew up, but failed to reduce the humidity or penetrate the cabins. The stout and stalwart Beryl continued to bring in flowers to cheer up my room, thanks to my mothers generosity. A Hillman Husky was for sale for 230 from the High Court Registrar. Paddy Shiel from the Medical Department also called, doubtless at her mothers suggestion, to bring me piles of Fields and other magazines. Resettlement of Suspected Mau Mau Sympathisers in Tanganyika An Agriculturist's Involvement John Ainley explains how the Mau Mau did not just have an impact on Kenya. Then the day came. Her biggest hit, "Flying On Your Own", was a crossover Top 40 hit in 1987 and was covered by Anne Murray. When every one appeared to understand, we called on the candidates to stand in a row and their supporters to line up behind them. What were my first impressions of them all? I woke from a general anaesthetic with a sore eye, lying flat on my back on one low pillow in a big ward. We chased away drunks from the beer shop, woke up the night-watchmen, visited lots of shops to check their doors and windows were locked, and showed ourselves in the four corners of the township and around the station. The framework usually of oak, was completely covered with an overlay of thin strips of wood, then covered by a second layer of strips of rare and expensive woods. The steaks they served that first morning were practically uneatable; the coffee that followed was undrinkable. The Browns were as hospitable as ever at their bungalow on Bongoyo Road, and, over dinner in my first week, invited me to look after the house when they went on leave later in the year, I leapt at the idea and visited them several times in the following weeks discussing the move and enjoying their company. In the evening I was invited to bridge at the Webbs. [14][15], The emergence of Art Deco was closely connected with the rise in status of decorative artists, who until late in the 19th century were considered simply as artisans. I broached the issue with Tim Harris, DPC, and he told me to write a paper outlining the problems and recommending solutions. The regional municipality consists of four former municipalities that were amalgamated in 1996: Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, All sorts of anomalies and problems emerged as one unravelled the shaky system. Prominent businesses such as silverware firm Christofle, glass designer Ren Lalique, and the jewellers Louis Cartier and Boucheron began designing products in more modern styles. As the winter months approached, the Sisters Mess was as sociable as ever. I have never listened to the wireless as much as I did in those two or three long weeks. I had to satisfy the doctor I was fit enough to work again, so I had the usual x-rays, ESR, and a full examination. The walls and rocks were painted a light, soft duck-egg blue, with white on the steps which were my solo effort. Bottles of gin and brandy had been emptied and discarded; screw-drivers, files, letters and papers had been thrown on the lawn. I arranged the laying of proper drains for them, and enjoyed supervising the digging of an enormous pit as a soak-away for their use. After the late night, I passed the following morning under waving palms outside my rest house reading letters from home - mail had been sent down to me at Mkuranga by special messenger from the Boma, and I read of my parents trip to Holland to see the bulbs, a cheerful chatty note from Margaret, and a loving letter from Val. Established in 1752, the municipality's ferry service is the oldest continuously running salt water ferry service in North America.[90]. Peter and I spent the morning in a dusty market place surrounded by flies and biting insects, among a lot of healthy but dirty cattle, filthy skinny sheep, the ubiquitous goats, and scruffy peasant farmers selling them to dealers from Tanganyika Packers who bought them for slaughter and canning at their Dar es Salaam meat-packing factory. It was a wicked theft; the poor houseboy lost all his possessions and was stunned into the bargain; though I am sure the Holloways compensated him. We thrust his foot into a bucket of meths and Bakari escorted him to the hospital for the Sisters ministrations. New York City's skyline was radically changed by the Chrysler Building in Manhattan (completed in 1930), designed by William Van Alen. It was cooler, fresher and drier up there than in the coastal plains below, and when we walked round to the front of Simons house we looked across rolling forests twenty or so miles to the sea. I paid the gang and we set off homewards. Four weeks later, Coles had me in again for another thorough examination. We also produce a little coffee which South America produces much better, a little cotton of lower grade than that in Southern USA, a few peanuts, cashew nuts, tobacco, diamonds which have profited one man only - Williamson, gold which is now exhausted, and coal when the railway gets to that area in twenty years time. I would be perfectly happy if only for two things; if I knew that my parents were content too, and if there were a wife in the offing. Among the vastness was a maze of footpaths and a few narrow dirt roads, often almost swallowed up in the elephant grass, leading from one group of shacks to another. I was hustled upstairs to a small room with a bed and bedside table on which was laid out all the usual clinical paraphernalia. Learn about Cape Breton Islands first inhabitants the Mikmaq people - and the settlers that followed from England, France, Ireland and Scotland. [7] The Mi'kmaq have resided in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island since prior to European landings in North America in the 1400s and 1500s to set up fisheries. So, I returned to his bachelor bungalow after delivering my letters, and we went across to the Tabora Hotel by the station for a meal. The first was bugs and pests. The pombe-shop was the centre of much of the crime of the District. The Queens Birthday had come round again, and the Europeans on the station and other guests from the neighbouring missions and schools - many of them new friends - were invited for the occasion. We went back to the hotel bar for a much-needed drink, and the little brutes escaped, so we never discovered the effect they would have had on the dancers; instead we drank and talked the night away. He stayed with Rummy where she invited several of us to join him for a delightful dinner before going on to the Club for a hilarious and noisy Beetle Drive - which cost me all of Shs 5/= (at 10 cents a time). Harry was as friendly and hospitable as ever, Hilary just as cheerful and warm-hearted, and the two boys as chatty as I remembered them. The Kwavi were despondent because of constant friction with the Kwere villagers; several civil cases of trespass and damage were pending; it seemed their way of life as nomadic cattle-herders could never be reconciled with the permanent pastoral farmers; but I spent some time trying to get the two tribal groups to work together and to ensure a fair deal between them. From The Sea and the Hills by Rudyard Kipling. He shared the Airmail Daily Telegraph with me, and was my partner at bridge from time to time. It houses the Dingle Tower, dedicated in 1912 by the Duke of Connaught to commemorate 150 years of representative government in Nova Scotia. The examiners trooped outside into the passage and closed the door firmly. In mid June I began to wear a sweater all day, and the earth turned to dust. He had suffered all sorts of problems on the way, but John Woodley had got him away safely and Pat Hobson had taken him in hand at Morogoro and put him and his party on the Tabora train. These visits helped to bring the Course to life and to put flesh on the bones - as it were - of the heavy books we ploughed through over the three terms of study. We were in the Indian Ocean and feeling the effects of the southwest monsoon. I met Mr Pentney who was the Headmaster of Minaki School and a fellow Johnian, and Brian Winstanley, who was DC at the Ilala Boma in the African area of Dar es Salaam. A voice said, Are you there , Mr Eberlie?, A crackle or two, then Mr Eberlie, Mrs Eberlie is on the line for you., My mother came back with a huge Darling! Both councils invited me to tea parties on consecutive days. As they stepped out of the van, the frenzied mob thought their vehicle had come to collect the mumiani blood and the men were members of the mumiani coven. The dance was duly held in early August and I went down to help Balozi. Next day, I saw them off, and gave my exhausted servants an extra day off. The square hosts the City Hall at one end, and is a popular site for concerts, political demonstrations, as well as the annual Remembrance Day ceremony at the central cenotaph. Halifax is a major economic centre in Atlantic Canada, with a large concentration of government services and private sector companies. Natural Resources Minister says decision 'difficult' to make", "Lighthouses of Canada: Eastern Nova Scotia", University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Population Counts, for Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, by Urban Core, Urban Fringe, Rural Fringe, and Urban Areas, 2001 Census - 100% Data", "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population", "Halifax Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy", "Unscripted series Pub Crawl, directed by Jon Mann and starring Rob Ramsay, now available on Bell Fibe TV 1", "Peggy's Cove: Assessment of Capacity Issues and Potential Tourism Opportunities", "Subscription news site AllNovaScotia expands to Newfoundland", "Population and dwelling counts: Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations", "Community Profiles from the 2021 Census, Statistics Canada - Census Subdivision", "Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax | About UUCH", "NHS Profile, Halifax, RGM, Nova Scotia, 2011", "Transportation and Logistics Sector Profile", "Canada's Big 4 Container Ports Put Focus on Infrastructure", "HRM Growth Scenarios Final Report / Transportation Services 4.5", "July 4, 2000 - HRM Media Room Press Releases 2000", Halifax Regional Council Minutes January 13, 1998, Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, Census metropolitan areas (CMAs) in Canada by size,,_Nova_Scotia&oldid=1126758958, 1749 establishments in the British Empire, Port cities and towns on the Canadian Atlantic coast, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Canadian English, Pages using infobox settlement with possible motto list, Articles needing additional references from March 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from May 2022, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata mismatch, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Source: Environment and Climate Change Canada. 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